[3.19] Donkster5' LS Champ - Still great! Leaguestart to endgame SC and HC. Updated 8/18

Asag wrote:
I managed to craft something like this with 1 recombinator:

It's worth to try craft on it +2 to strikes skills? It's true that I need Orb of Conflict for the +2 version?

Nice! In general, +2 strike feels great for clear speed. It does nothing for single target. I love it, but the build doesn't need it, if that makes sense. Yeah, you have to Conflict it to get it to the tier 5 version of the searing implicit I think.
Marthuk wrote:
I just reached maps with my LS Champ.
Following your HC PoB so far and bought items according to the budget version, except omnis. I feel the gear should be pretty ok, but i struggle hard even in white maps... am i missing something crucial?
I know im not that high of a level, but i feel i shouldnt struggle that much in white maps.

Any help would be appreciated!


Okay, here are some pretty massive changes: https://pobb.in/Hq5f0IpAMGM7

You were really hurting yourself by still using precise technique. You may not have enough regrets to make all the changes immediately, but take a look. I suggest not using Grace until you have perseverance and more mana. You should be tanky enough without it in the meantime. After making these changes, go get that cruel lab immediately for the free banner and extra aura juice.
Donkster5 wrote:
Marthuk wrote:
I just reached maps with my LS Champ.
Following your HC PoB so far and bought items according to the budget version, except omnis. I feel the gear should be pretty ok, but i struggle hard even in white maps... am i missing something crucial?
I know im not that high of a level, but i feel i shouldnt struggle that much in white maps.

Any help would be appreciated!


Okay, here are some pretty massive changes: https://pobb.in/Hq5f0IpAMGM7

You were really hurting yourself by still using precise technique. You may not have enough regrets to make all the changes immediately, but take a look. I suggest not using Grace until you have perseverance and more mana. You should be tanky enough without it in the meantime. After making these changes, go get that cruel lab immediately for the free banner and extra aura juice.

Ty for the response. i feel like a dumbass now...seems so obvious to cut out precise technique...in the meantime i got all ascendancy points ^^
Hi can someone check out my toon? I feel like im missing something obvious, feels like I should be doing more damage than I am.

Hello, I've been playing this and it's been pretty smooth, had some gear from my previous tornado shot character so i "ported" most of it plus secrets of suffering. Been having some issues with survivability in t16's but I saw in the comments the trick with the small armor cluster for endurance charges and that beefed me up considerably. I still sometimes die to random sentinel juiced excavation/extra content monsters and dots but it is what it is.

My boss dps is also very weird, sometimes I delete them with vls other times it's zdps land. I did a legion 5-way and it was taking me ages to kill the bosses. I checked my accuracy and it seemed fine but IDK, maybe I'm just not applying enough brittle, it's usually around 6-8 for most map bosses.

This is my current set-up https://pobb.in/Jqbbqjfb5O-o looking for stuff to improve, currently looking at a new claw and replacing the rings.
Last edited by KingRaker on Jun 3, 2022, 12:52:10 AM
Clearing 16 with sentinels at easy, tanking face on almost any hit.
But endgame bosses takes eternity to kill. Is there any shortcut in the tree or items, what can improve outcome dmg for a cheap?
Thanks in advance!
Build my LS Champion today, was wondering if someone could take a look and check if everything looks right... Needed to respec because I wanted to try the new HH. Sold my old crafted gear for some nice moneys :) Now back to LS!


Feeling squishy... Doing mostly Sentinel / Glacier farming.
Last edited by Protax010 on Jun 3, 2022, 10:13:12 AM
SuBw00FeR wrote:
Hi can someone check out my toon? I feel like im missing something obvious, feels like I should be doing more damage than I am.

The two biggest things i see are:

1. You're using perseverance belt, but anger and grace as your auras. Perseverance is BiS only if you are using Determination and Grace, which keeps your armor and evasion rating much more equal. Otherwise, youre better off with a well rolled stygian vise and abyss jewel. You get more DPS out of the Anger/Grace setup, so if you're already concerned, I'd say get a new belt.

2. It looks like you have the interrogation? If yes, you can probably get rid of claws of the hawk and move those four to better DPS passives. You're at the point where pursuing a full cluster setup is something to look at. Depends on what you're trying to farm first.
Donkster5 wrote:
SuBw00FeR wrote:
Hi can someone check out my toon? I feel like im missing something obvious, feels like I should be doing more damage than I am.

The two biggest things i see are:

1. You're using perseverance belt, but anger and grace as your auras. Perseverance is BiS only if you are using Determination and Grace, which keeps your armor and evasion rating much more equal. Otherwise, youre better off with a well rolled stygian vise and abyss jewel. You get more DPS out of the Anger/Grace setup, so if you're already concerned, I'd say get a new belt.

2. It looks like you have the interrogation? If yes, you can probably get rid of claws of the hawk and move those four to better DPS passives. You're at the point where pursuing a full cluster setup is something to look at. Depends on what you're trying to farm first.

Hey thanks for the reply,

1. what type of jewel should I get in the stygian? Would it be roughly the same dps just to switch to determination/grace auras? I have enough money for a Enlighten 3, but don't think I could fit in Anger and Determination.

2. As yes true, I can move those points to something else. feels like I need a lot of penetration with all these new archnemesis mods and tankier mobs. Where would be the best way to get pen? Could I change a gem to ele/lightning pen?
I'm leveling this build right now, i'm just getting to maps.. i got a few ex worth of currency to sink into this build, but there's no way i m going to be able to afford the omniscience, would yoke of suffering be a good amulet to use? or i would be better off with just a rare ammy? also i'm playing SC but i was thinking of going with grace+ determination and using the perserevance belt, will i be losing a lot of DPS?

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