[3.19] Donkster5' LS Champ - Still great! Leaguestart to endgame SC and HC. Updated 8/18

Yeah i used all portals vs shaper last week. I had maven in there and she kept healing him lol. I made some mistakes as well though, i died like 3 times to his little projectiles by being too close.

Edit: Did Maven deathless :D
Last edited by agm_ultimatex on Sep 10, 2021, 9:19:14 AM
What would you guys change to be able to fit in the interogation?
tenchu12 wrote:
What would you guys change to be able to fit in the interogation?

Depends on what tree you're playing, but assuming softcore I'd say drop Elemental Focus up at the top to gain two passives and a couple life passives from the constitution wheel.

First time i ever completed 36 challenges.
Very fun build but its time to take some time off. I'm really glad i played this build thank you Donkster5 and others. Good luck and see you guys in next league good bye!
Nice! I might go for 24, but cant be bothered to do all the conditional boss ones. I always find those tedious lol
So been reading through the 3 parts of changes PoE plan to bring into the next league.

What are your thoughts on them so far and what you think about the changes to fortify. Shouldn't impact us too much considering we hit so often we will basically have it fully up but just not at say the start of a run.

Excited and nervous to se what the patch notes will bring, hopefully we go untouched.
Hope you will make the buold usable in 3.16. It's my planned leaguestarter so far ;)
Threw parts of this together quickly on a Standard character just to test it out, and I'm also on board for league starting 3.16 with it if it doesn't get hit too hard. Thanks for putting it up! :)
daiur wrote:
Hope you will make the buold usable in 3.16. It's my planned leaguestarter so far ;)

Threw parts of this together quickly on a Standard character just to test it out, and I'm also on board for league starting 3.16 with it if it doesn't get hit too hard. Thanks for putting it up! :)

PhantomZA wrote:
So been reading through the 3 parts of changes PoE plan to bring into the next league.

What are your thoughts on them so far and what you think about the changes to fortify. Shouldn't impact us too much considering we hit so often we will basically have it fully up but just not at say the start of a run.

Excited and nervous to se what the patch notes will bring, hopefully we go untouched.

Hey all, I'll definitely be attempting to update this build for 3.16, but as you point out, a lot is changing with defenses. After reading everything, I'm thinking we'll be okay. Fortify should be fine, as we are both a Champion and hit with melee. However, the evasion/dodge/winddancer/spell supression/other changes are going to have an impact. How much and in what direction, I cannot say yet. We may get buffed or nerfed, but we won't know that until after patch notes.

If I think the build is still solid, I'll be updating the guide. If I think the build is somewhat defunct, I'll be giving you guys an updated PoB that you can play with and try to make work.
Thoughts on this for 3.16?

Made this in 3.15 and really enjoyed it. Quit because my farrul's fur never 6linked lol. Looking forward to rerolling this again! :D

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