[3.19] Donkster5' LS Champ - Still great! Leaguestart to endgame SC and HC. Updated 8/18

DukeMax wrote:
hi , i wanna thank you for the build iam leveling right now and enjoy the build since i have no much exp playing from month and i wanted a tanky build for heist and can do blight and some logbook can you tell me what stuff i shouldn't roll like on heist and logbook that can get me killed cause i dont even know what ele this build use i see the skill light and there fire aura and cold :P so what roll i need to avoid thank you!

For heist, can treat it the same as map mods really. No ele reflect. Mindful of curses, etc.

For logbooks, avoid: immune to lightning, no leech, hits against enemies cannot crit. I find enemy block chance can also be a pain, but it's doable.
agm_ultimatex wrote:
DukeMax wrote:
hi , i wanna thank you for the build iam leveling right now and enjoy the build since i have no much exp playing from month and i wanted a tanky build for heist and can do blight and some logbook can you tell me what stuff i shouldn't roll like on heist and logbook that can get me killed cause i dont even know what ele this build use i see the skill light and there fire aura and cold :P so what roll i need to avoid thank you!

For heist, can treat it the same as map mods really. No ele reflect. Mindful of curses, etc.

For logbooks, avoid: immune to lightning, no leech, hits against enemies cannot crit. I find enemy block chance can also be a pain, but it's doable.

so the main ele is light for this build cause i was kinda lost i see cold aura and fire stuff on gear guess i know now will keep my eyes on those roll . thank you for info O/
If anyone wants to boost damage to the stratosphere, try slotting in the interrogation.
Last edited by AsceticPOE on Sep 6, 2021, 9:02:11 PM
enlighten is extremely expensive this league
what to Do aura wise? :((
Hey all, I got busy with real life stuff and have been away from the computer for a few days. Just taking a look and am loving some of the stuff I'm seeing. That eternity shroud idea is really cool, not something I'm going to throw in the build guide as it's so specific and not SSF friendly at all, but still cool. Threads of hope are great, and I like seeing people play with that. I could definitely throw some of those ideas in the PoB for next league. I'm thrilled y'all are enjoying it and making it your own.

There's a solid chance I'll be trying to run this in the Gauntlet. I'd planned on trying to make a witch work, but life kinda put a halt on doing any real planning or practice into it. Might just run this again as I know it like the back of my hand. If anybody else is trying it out for the Gauntlet, enjoy, stay safe, and don't be too depressed if you never make it past Act 1. I'm not even sure I'll be able to get past brutus this go around.

eldest-bike4 wrote:

Khrozis wrote:
Last edited by Donkster5 on Sep 8, 2021, 10:33:56 PM
agm_ultimatex wrote:
With changing the rings up and now that weapon, my resistences needed some work. So im dropping an amulet i was using for chaos res to get more elemental. I wonder if i should check for a shield for chaos res over using dodge? Hard to find one that covers all the bases (life, dodge, ailments, chaos/ele res)

Hey, great claw for multimodding. Crit chance and ele pen on that will make it really quite amazing.

Regarding shields, go with whatever you need most. Dodge, especially spell dodge, is generally significantly harder to maximize than other defensive pieces like resistance. Hence, why I recommend a spell dodge shield. I have no issues if you go Archon or anything else, so long as it is the best for you based off your other gear. I played with a movement speed shield in SSFHC for a good long time as it had the stats I needed and the added MS was really nice.
Daydreaming7 wrote:
enlighten is extremely expensive this league
what to Do aura wise? :((

Run Anger and HoI. Level precision as high as you can while still keeping ~90+ mana. That is the mana level I felt no issues with. The cutoff may be higher or lower based off your overall setup and gear. Without enlighten, I think this allows you to get up to around lvl 10 precision with character level 95, but I could be totally wrong on that.
AsceticPOE wrote:
If anyone wants to boost damage to the stratosphere, try slotting in the interrogation.

I wondered about that with the changes to ailments, but never got around to testing it out. Cool tip.
FoX_Shot wrote:
This is the second one of your builds I'm going to make, I was sold SO COMPLETELY on the Champion Choas Tank I made in Expedition. Broke many boundaries to what I thought was possible in a build. For guys like me, this literally opened my eyes to what a truly well-rounded character feels like, there may be no going back. I wanted to get on here and voice just how super freaking happy I am that I took the time to actually try the last build before just assuming there wasn't a way it would work or I wouldn't like it. Truly impressed. This one is next.

This is awesome. Thank you.
Baldrick wrote:
I assume I just really suck but I just failed on my first Shaper attempt of this league. Only got past his first phase. The dps was just so bad that I could not get him down fast enough. Maybe it was The Maven? Does she significantly buff him? I have never noticed much of a difference with regular bosses. I lost to Minotaur about 30 minutes prior too.
I think I need to turn off Maven.

Maven involvement makes endgame bosses like shaper really tough, even for very experienced players. Basically, only involve the maven if you are trying to farm the feared. Then, make sure you shut off the maven for Uber Elder, as you can get it much easier with just shaper and just Elder.
Last edited by Donkster5 on Sep 8, 2021, 10:38:40 PM

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