Brute force leveling to 100 - invincible aura stacker golemancer

Pob is probably not allocating the cluster jewels that give some mana reservation reduction for purity of ice. It has to be a pob problem.
Mine does 1/20th of the damage.
1- You are level 88 and your gems are like level 16 without quality. You need to work on that.

2- You need to not use small cluster jewels and pick up "Leadership".

3- You need to put haste in your shield, not purity of lightning. Haste is huge for dps.

good luck!
plaguefear wrote:
Mine does 1/20th of the damage.

Yeah, I encountered same thing with most builds. At the end basically you learn that there's always that * about the dps/tankiness and you will have to get something expensive or something along those lines.

Yeah, I encountered same thing with most builds. At the end basically you learn that there's always that * about the dps/tankiness and you will have to get something expensive or something along those lines.

This build has been done in SSF HC without trading... Also, I answered this person with what he is doing wrong.
Quite interested since I did necro version last league. How does it handle end game like invitations and bosses? It's probably very tanky but is the DPS ok?
OP said 7 m dps from 4 golems so it will be a little slow on end game bosses but to make up for that, it's really tanky.
will try this out look nice.
Can somone take a look at my charr and see if the talent tree is ok or should i change any ?
Last edited by Bobrage on May 2, 2021, 9:19:12 AM
Build seems okay for crushing maps but I'm getting absolutely wrecked in the league mechanic. Nothing can survive the mass amount of mobs. Only on yellow maps right now (level 78) so got some gem levels to go but my gear is decent I think. Slower than other golem builds but that was to be expected. I enjoy just left clicking through the map. Will probably upgrade into awakened gems as well.
Last edited by Noctuaturpe on May 3, 2021, 12:01:51 PM
plaguefear wrote:
Mine does 1/20th of the damage.

Yeah, I encountered same thing with most builds. At the end basically you learn that there's always that * about the dps/tankiness and you will have to get something expensive or something along those lines.

I learned that you should be a bit skeptical about paper dps number when the build does not have a single video showcasing end game boss fight.

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