Remote Mine


a lot of people says remote mine and shockwave totem is op which i completely disagree.

i believe the reason that ggg throws in totems and mines into the game is to help those inferior players who have specs their passive skill tree wrongly and can't kill the mobs.

i have played up to merciless and chaos and have the great fortune/opportunity to party up with some of the top players who run merciless fellshrine and chaos.

what i see is that the superior players who have specs their passive skill tree and awesome 5L/6L gear to deliver 10k++ dps and ohko (one-hit-knock-out) mobs do not bother to use totems and remote mines at all.

using mine is time consuming. u probably need to assign hot "q" to set mine and hotkey "w" to detonate mine. that is 2 clicks for each mine that is being delivered. and u need to do it multiple times of q and w just to kill mobs.

what does this mean? it only means u level slower and farm items slower.

the superior players are able to specs their skill tree and gear to one-hit any mob. they lvl faster and farm loots faster.

when a top player sees a boss coming towards them, what they do is charge towards the boss, deliver the first hit, stun-lock it, then dish out another 1 or 2 hits to kill it. the superior players don't even bother to use any totem or remote mines or whatever. to them, it's just a bloody waste of time.

why would anyone want to waste their time laying mines and springing up totems, if they can just ohko mobs with their 1-button press/1-rightclick mechanism???

the bottom line is that if a player is using totems or mines...... it only means one thing... their built suxs, they are specing their characters wrongly and they screw up their built.

that only means they are doing it wrong.

Last edited by stkmro#2432 on May 27, 2012, 3:45:26 AM
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Sounds like an opinion from a softcore perspective.

Bring your 'ohko' glasscannon to hardcore and try doing maelstrom without decoy.

And what leads you to believe any 'superior player' would play in default hahaha.
Definitely agree with guvdog. Those superior players with 10k dps and 0 defense get 1 hitted quite often, even by the weakest monsters on chaos, not even talking about bosses (or charging albino rhoas). Superior players dont play default league at all. :)
Congrats, you have managed to observe that someones default glass cannon doesnt use a specific skill. Guess we might as well delete all skills they dont use, because they're superior in every way.

Since the new patch 0.9.10,

there seems little use to this skill.
Cant find many useful skills to link up with it.
Other then the Raise Skeleton gem.

Am i the only one?
or i to few gems?

Perm. Retired from this unforgiving land of the Exiles.
Self-impost EXILED.
Try my favorite boss killer combo:

5x stack with elemental weakness usually oneshots ANYTHING.

Setting this up is easy in ~3 seconds with some skeleton spam.
I confirmed that I am still in HC league. Then I died.
Last edited by Targuil#7640 on Jun 13, 2012, 1:42:58 PM
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Targuil wrote:
Try my favorite boss killer combo:

5x stack with elemental weakness usually oneshots ANYTHING.

Setting this up is easy in ~3 seconds with some skeleton spam.

yah i made a mistake and jump to conclusion while testing the remote mine in this patch-0.9.10, apparantly i have the totem skill linked too.

actually there is quite a number skills that work with it, but some of them link up and give a weird output.

Like the link with frost wall, it would only cast in a fixed-direction.
And fireball dont auto-aim like the ice spear (according to an online friend).
Perm. Retired from this unforgiving land of the Exiles.
Self-impost EXILED.
Last edited by starsg#0408 on Jun 14, 2012, 5:07:27 AM
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starsg wrote:
Like the link with frost wall, it would only cast in a fixed-direction.
And fireball dont auto-aim like the ice spear (according to an online friend).
Mines will auto-target, but only on things within the trap trigger radius - they can't see monsters beyond that. So both fireball and Ice Spear mines will auto-target at close monsters, but won't be able to target further-away monsters.
Mark_GGG wrote:
starsg wrote:
Like the link with frost wall, it would only cast in a fixed-direction.
And fireball dont auto-aim like the ice spear (according to an online friend).
Mines will auto-target, but only on things within the trap trigger radius - they can't see monsters beyond that. So both fireball and Ice Spear mines will auto-target at close monsters, but won't be able to target further-away monsters.

I assume you mean :-
So both fireball and Ice Spear mines will auto-target at closest monsters?
If that is the case, then it might be the reason why we see it as not auto-aimming, since it fires only 1 shot.
BTW what does latency do with this case?
Perm. Retired from this unforgiving land of the Exiles.
Self-impost EXILED.
Latency shouldn't do anything because the mine's are server-side and their targeting is unrelated to yours; if it was then it could easily be exploited.

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