Remote Mine

Erm. Skeleton spam.

Also Sparks. That would had been even more abusive, if I had used pierce gem.

A bug I've found, when I tried Totem combined with Summon Skeletons gem: Totem summons minions directly in place of a monster, and if monster dies at the same time when skeletons appear, there probably will be no drop.

Also using elemental spells combined with totem support is not associated with any risk of elemental damage reflection. Methinks at least Totem should be affected.
Last edited by SpiritOfChristmas#4946 on May 14, 2012, 7:07:58 PM
SpiritOfChristmas wrote:
A bug I've found, when I tried Totem combined with Summon Skeletons gem: Totem summons minions directly in place of a monster, and if monster dies at the same time when skeletons appear, there probably will be no drop.
Sorry, I'm not quite understanding what you think the bug is? Are you saying the monsters weren't dropping items?

SpiritOfChristmas wrote:
Also using elemental spells combined with totem support is not associated with any risk of elemental damage reflection. Methinks at least Totem should be affected.
If a totem hits a reflection monster with the appropriate kind of damage, it should take the reflected damage. Are you not seeing this behaviour occurring correctly?
Mark_GGG wrote:
If a totem hits a reflection monster with the appropriate kind of damage, it should take the reflected damage. Are you not seeing this behaviour occurring correctly?

When I was attacking phys dmg reflection monsters using shockwave totem, that totem was punished as it was intended. But totems made by my own hands [Totem lvl 8 + Firestorm lvl 11 + added lightning damage lvl 13] appeared to be completely immune to effects of elemental reflection.

I've caught that event on following screenshot:

Mark_GGG wrote:
Sorry, I'm not quite understanding what you think the bug is? Are you saying the monsters weren't dropping items?

I'm sorry if my statement was unclear, English is not my mother tongue.

Indeed, in some cases there was no drop from slain monsters. I've tried to recreate that event using Hillock for guaranteed items drop and 11 summon skeletons totems for constant spawning:

There was nothing to loot at all.

Last edited by SpiritOfChristmas#4946 on May 15, 2012, 12:54:09 PM
Hahaha, this definitely should be nerfed. xD
ive got one question regarding this gem. i used it on a shockwave totem gem with a conentraded effect gem.

the dps number didnt went up for the totem (and in real time testing neither as i believe) while the radius got reduced (similiiar to attaching concentraded effect on auras).

is this intended?

first i used this gem with ice nova - but the way you have to place and detonate every single nova it was just too much effort for too little gain (at least in a pve scenario).

Try remote mine + totem + ice spear.

Perm. Retired from this unforgiving land of the Exiles.
Self-impost EXILED.
Last edited by starsg#0408 on May 21, 2012, 12:03:46 PM
It would be nice to have some passive skills to support mines. Not that I'd use them, but still.
Mines are also traps; trap passives affect them even though it isn't very clear.
although strong, the mines dont kill very fast compared with other methods of dps due to the amount of time needed to lay the mines and detonate.

Other current dps methods such as anyskill+catalyse kill far faster.

Also it adds another hotkey, making it slightly more difficult to use.

In light of this, i still believe it is way op and mine limit should be hardcapped at 6-10.

Guv, 73 hc mine witch

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