Freeze Mine

nothing happens / doesn't work
What passives/gems affect this skill?

Increased Freeze Duration?
Increased Skill Effect Duration?
Increased Buff/Debuff Duration?

Increased Duration?

Possibly confirmed works:
Gems: Increased Area of Effect, Elemental Proliferation.

The gem is affected by the increased duration gem, however I cannot determine if the duration affects only the duration for which the mine remains on the ground or the duration of the Freeze as well.

I still would like clarification on whether the above passives synergize with this skill.

I'm sure I can eyeball it and see if duration changes, but I'm not confident in my eyeballing ability, and furthermore there might be other factors at play which might skew my observations such as mob resists etc.
Gyeff // Greff // Gyaff
Last edited by geffreyy on Mar 26, 2013, 9:49:18 PM
This spell sounds really helpful but the fact that I have to stand there for a long while just to trigger the mine make it almost useless. I really like the spell but I think I'm dropping it. The "as if" cold damage is not that helpful either in terms of deciding whether to level it or not. If detonate was instant it would be much better; the fact that it deals no damage and can not be thrown like a trap will keep it balanced.
useless skill.. waste skill slot. Should do some improvement...

disable mobility = bear trap win
aoe damage = fire trap win

somemore the aoe is small and need trigger it by ourselves... i rather directly kill them instead of wasting time for 'come you monster! I gonna freeze u with my mine! come here now!'

Lol... make it something like bomb and
1. fire 8 ice spear to 8 directions
2. fire few homing iceshot
3. bigger aoe get freeze on hit, and chill enemy on ground as the freeze mine leaves icy ground for few seconds (like icy shield(?) does) - recommend... :p sounds really not bad?
4. bigger aoe get freeze on hit by chance, else get chilled. Enemy affected will receive extra damage from cold damage
5. bigger aoe get freezed on hit by chance, else get chilled. Enemy affected will have chance to shattered by hit
IGN - LameMeMeMe (ci elemental bow-shadow) / LameMeMeMeMe (two-handed sword duelist)
pm me in forum if I offline in-game. Cannot online often due to laptop overheat issue.
Last edited by lameranger on Apr 11, 2013, 12:25:42 AM
a customized ground ice for freezing instead of chilling, sounds fine. duration will have to be small still though. 0.8 seconds long at somewhere between lv 15 and lv 18.
The skills is broken for me.

When slotted it says "detonate all mines" in the skill description and does not say anything about actually deploying them.

When the hokey skill button (Q, W, E, R, T) is pressed no deployment animation is played, the exile just raises his hand like trying to detonate a non-existing mines or something. No Mana is consumed either. I'm using a bow but as its a spell that should have no bearing!?

Pressing "D" (I have not changed default key bindings) does nothing.

Am I doing something wrong?

I was using the detonate hot key option and didn't see the mine option /facepalm
SSF since ~OB
Last edited by stonespeak on Apr 15, 2013, 1:58:43 AM
I think this skill would be pretty damn great if it was a trap, and could scale with cold damage and penetration.

An even bigger plus if it dealt damage.
I'd like it a lot if this skill could stack, making it possible to use against bosses. Currently a boss only gets frozen for a fraction of a second even if you lay down 5 mines. I know a lot of people would prefer it if the skill could be used faster or if it were a trap, but honestly stacking is all I'd want.

The skill has its uses against normal mobs but without stacking there's not only no reason to lay more than 1 mine, but the skill is useless against bosses, not good design imo.
IGN: Asser, AssDelver, Assphobic, AnointedAss, BetrayedByMyAss, CrackedAss, FracturedAss, FulcrumedUpMyAss, ImpaledAss, IncursionOfTheAss, WarForTheAss, UnleashTheAss, ScreamingAsshole, SwampAssKing, Yui
Been toying with this gem a bit lately. Can't find a good reason to use it consistently, but mostly due to the detonate portion, like anything I've experimented with via the remote mine support.

Point is, laying mines, positioning, and allowing enemies to reach the location, then detonating all make for an entirely too clunky process that just isn't worth the pay-off in the case of this skill, and most any I've toyed with via remote mine. I might could see myself using more regularly if detonate were instant, or much faster at least, especially if mines could be "tossed" similarly to traps.
"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it."
George Bernard Shaw
I know it doesnt do direct cold damage but does the implicit "as if doing x cold damage" trigger elemental equilibrium?
IGN: Arstan___(3 underscore)Whitebeard
Last edited by joeg215 on May 19, 2013, 3:18:59 PM

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