Whirling Blades

Zarondd wrote:
1) Modify max range based on %move speed (+20% move, +20% max range). Slow/Snared targets won't be able to panic out, while fast ones maintain relatively higher mobility.
The range of this skill is not static. Clicking at the edge of the screen will not cause you to dash to your cursor, but it will cause you to travel significantly farther than if you clicked closer to the center of the screen.
Please make this skill works with dw weapons like cleave.
An observation on WB.

Perhaps it's intentional, perhaps it isn't, but when the animation gets stopped at a wall, the end delay is cut and you are ready to recast immediately.

The consequence of this is that you can get in a narrow corridor and start "wall-bouncing" with it, dealing nice damage and moving swiftly.
I really wish the attack speed on this worked like it does with other skills. Especially annoying when the tooltip tells me that the attacks per second is the same as my default attack.
ykyshaeq wrote:
Please make this skill works with dw weapons like cleave.

it already does work with duel wielding O.o
It appears as though being stunned allows you to use this skill faster. Maybe a bug, or the source of desync errors?
ptt_frmr wrote:
We all thought this was going to be whirlwind. We all want it to be whirlwind. Why can't it be whirlwind?

We have enough movement skills. Phase run, flicker strike, leap slam, lightning warp, shield charge... they all work similar to this. Give us whirlwind!

Completely agree. The low damage and fixed movement with delays makes this skill painful to use.

Whirlwind provided precise movement control and better area damage.
I like this skill a lot for movement. For damage, it's not really a killer move :)

I don't find the delays really bothering, but then, my character has quite high Attack Speed. I haven't tried it with a slow weapon.
Rename this skill to *Uncanny Dodge* or whatever
Make it work for all weapon types
Remove the damage component
Double Evasion during it's active time
Add a small CD (1-10 sec)

Reason is all videos I been watching people use it as a *roll out of combat* or *GTFO move*.
Plus it would be useful on a ranger
If you're leaving PoE, chances are I'll rezz you as my minion! MWHAHAHAH
Mark_GGG wrote:
A bug has been discovered with this skill - it was alternating weapons even in cases when you weren't dual wielding - so if you were using a shield, or just had nothing in your off hand, you'd deal no damage on half the hits. This is fixed for an upcoming patch.

I'm still working on tracking down some other weirdness with it's target selection.

Is this fix in? My character uses Claw+Shield and got 90% hit chance but he misses way too often with this skill. Sometimes I would pass through a whole group and not hit anyone.
With these problems this skill is way too unreliable to be used for anything but getting away from the crowd

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