Show buyers and sellers name on trade board


You don’t speak for 99% of the community.

I’m not a pricefixer I just don’t want to deal with (most) people when I try to sell stuff.

I put an endgame item on market for lets say 20ex. First offer is 10ex wich I deny, second offer is 15ex wich I deny and the third offer is an insult. Usually it’s from a rich guy pretending to be poor. Anyway we can’t have nice things because people can’t behave.


Your post is just completely irrelevant to anything mentioned, I don't get why people like you even post on people's posts. It's a quality of life addition to the trade board, stopping people from price fixing with such a low player base it's extremely easy for guilds to abuse it.
JoeUtopia wrote:
Well, there are so many other things wrong with console trade ( e.g., no buyout for listed price) which would do a better job IMO of stoppping the shenanigans of some players that I would prefer to be done first by GGG. Also, if names are posted then what’s next - ‘cause you know people will start the name shaming on the boards, in the game chat, etc. which would be worse. And some of that would be from the same scammers to intimidate sellers.

But I would totally support being able to block users, even if I don’t know their name.

Name & Shame is one of the few things that is not only against the rules, but GGG actually takes action against.

Any name & shame post on the forums gets edited to remove the name, or deleted entirely, quite quickly. Often within minutes.

Chat posts basically can't be deleted, since they're ephemeral, but GGG does take action on reports of those. At least, I'm told that they do. I've never either committed or reported a Name & Shame in chat.

I'll note that PC has NO anonymity anywhere in the game.

I don't think there's any good reason for console to have it anywhere either.
QQPQ wrote:
JoeUtopia wrote:
Well, there are so many other things wrong with console trade ( e.g., no buyout for listed price) which would do a better job IMO of stoppping the shenanigans of some players that I would prefer to be done first by GGG. Also, if names are posted then what’s next - ‘cause you know people will start the name shaming on the boards, in the game chat, etc. which would be worse. And some of that would be from the same scammers to intimidate sellers.

But I would totally support being able to block users, even if I don’t know their name.

Name & Shame is one of the few things that is not only against the rules, but GGG actually takes action against.

Any name & shame post on the forums gets edited to remove the name, or deleted entirely, quite quickly. Often within minutes.

Chat posts basically can't be deleted, since they're ephemeral, but GGG does take action on reports of those. At least, I'm told that they do. I've never either committed or reported a Name & Shame in chat.

I'll note that PC has NO anonymity anywhere in the game.

I don't think there's any good reason for console to have it anywhere either.

And right now there are probably dozens of threads here and Reddit doing just that for the PC community. So, no, I have no faith in this game to regulate the a$$es that are out there. But, I don’t really care, but it is way down on the list of things that need fixing in console trade. When I see the chat and such, I just turn it off - but if I could just block ever seeing that person’s post, sales, items, etc. I would be happy.
PC use trade websites and Poe website, all buyer and seller names are visible to anybody and everybody. Console should have exactly the same, blocking/ignoring somebody in-game or on Xbox still allows you to buy from the player you blocked, but again this is steering away from the original point of this post, buyer and seller names are needed, it's not a huge request. This post will go like most do with out a trace of a GGG post acknowledging the fact it's an issue or its in the works. We are just left in the dark as always.
Also GGG don't take any action against people naming and shaming etc in global. Xbox is full of it daily with people calling out price fixers trying to snag cheat doctor cards or driving the ancient orbs into the floor. There was up roar for over 5 hours yesterday because of a guild price fixing legion scarabs, it's a daily thing. GGG don't do a thing about it.
QQPQ wrote:
Auradinho wrote:

You don’t speak for 99% of the community.

I’m not a pricefixer I just don’t want to deal with (most) people when I try to sell stuff.

I put an endgame item on market for lets say 20ex. First offer is 10ex wich I deny, second offer is 15ex wich I deny and the third offer is an insult. Usually it’s from a rich guy pretending to be poor. Anyway we can’t have nice things because people can’t behave.

I honestly can't tell... are you opposed to the OP's suggestion of showing buyer/seller names on the trade boards?

If so, can you explain in what way you think it would be harmful?

Also, just so we're clear on terminology, when we say "price fixing", we are not talking about setting a high price. We are talking about controlling the market by having a large number of copies an item (especially divination cards) listed for a very low price, but never actually selling them at that price. Then, when someone else lists for your "price" (or below, if they think they need to undercut the fake low price), you buy it.

This tactic is bad enough on PC, but on console, the number of items on the market is so low that even a very small guild (3 or 4 players) can conceivably control the market on a particular divination card. (example: doctor cards)

Showing seller names would help combat this, because if you see that the 20 copies of The Doctor that are listed for 5ex are all listed by 2 or 3 people, then you know they're price-fixed. Larger guilds, or those willing to do shenanigans with multiple accounts can potentially get around this, but it adds work for them. Anything that makes market manipulation harder to do is a good idea in my book.

Harassment via PSN message
Harassment on Global Chat

We just need option of buyout (buy now like ebay) it would solve 99% of problems
[Removed by Support]
Auradinho wrote:

Harassment via PSN message
Harassment on Global Chat

We just need option of buyout (buy now like ebay) it would solve 99% of problems

I'd love to have instant buyout.

But I disagree about the harassment thing.

For one, I'd *love* if one of these aholes started harassing me on PSN. I'd be able to report their messages to Sony. And Sony takes action. And they wouldn't just be risking their PoE account, they'd be risking their PSN account. I can Report & Block, and not only will I never have to deal with them again, they'll face consequences.

Honestly, unless you're committing some kind of (perceived) bad behavior on the trade market, I'm not sure why you think you'd be harassed?

I've only ever had one person harass me on the trade market, and I honestly think they were like 12 years old.

I ended up having to email customer service about it.

Do you get harassed on the trade market?
I agree. Maybe add guild name as well.
Plenty of people viewing post, not enough people posting there thoughts on the matter, we need more console players voicing there opinions rather then ranting in global.
Unfortunately if you had peoples names beside price fixed items, they would just make alt accounts and price fix on those. I do like the idea of seeing buyers name though, as those irritating ducks who like to spam for no other reason than not liking your price would get ignored fast.

Honestly just banning the people price fixing would be fine, it’s not like GgG couldn’t see who is rejecting exact offers constantly. But getting the scumbags out of the game would cost mtx $$$ and they would respectively have to go through Microsoft and playstation to do it. I highly doubt this will ever be fixed so the people RMTing will keep on being scumbags to get that ex to sell

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