Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting
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You did it, you killed harvest. Good job GGG, oh wait the 1% will still make god items and now the poor get shafted even harder.
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Yeah this doesn't feel right.
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" That's... not something 99.9% of players has or will ever do. Does the game have to be balanced for the absolute top of the top of the top of the top of players? I am a wealthy player. I have maybe done this once in 4000 hours of playtime. This experience described here simply does NOT exist. Yes, it feels good to gamble items. No, it does not feel good when the only way to make comptetitive powerful stuff is gambling. If the tradoff for "crafting to be slightly more fun and engaging" completely breaks" crafting endgame gear "for 99,9% of the player base, it's NOT a good tradeoff. Vaaling is currently filling this niche. Original fossils, awakener's orbs and maven orbs are going in the right direction. This is running backwards. Do you see players vaaling mirror worthy items on a regular basis? No. Gating crafting behind rng simply means only the most wealthy will engage in it because they can invest enough to average things out. Balancing this experience isn't something that should be done at the cost of the experience of the overwhelming majority of the rest of players. Harvest crafting needs to drasticly change, and some of the nerfs here are completely adequate. But the reasoning behind these decisions seems random and based on very out of touch information. Crafting has become the only way to make powerful gear since the conqueror's expantion. If this isn't completely removed (it won't), there NEEDS to be a way to obtain powerful gear that isn't gated behind something only the absolute top of players can do. Before nerfing harvest, remove the freaking split beast from the game that's been breaking the endgame economy every single league since it came out. This post HAS to be accompanied with "How we are going to implement other crafting paths to make endgame items". Last edited by Darkxellmc#0807 on Mar 11, 2021, 11:03:51 AM
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Are you guys kidding, is it April 1st? Did I miss something?
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Let us store harvest crafts like beasts, so we can prevent players yoinking your item when u give it for a harvest craft service!!!.
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With all of these changes you nerfing it to the ground, Why not just remove it and save the headache.
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Wow - you took about the worst approach. Removing the whole reason people want to even use and encounter Harvest in the first place, and yet still incentivizing the TFT Discord to flourish for unverifiable, 3rd-party trading. Unbelievable.
(2-3-2019) Buff underused skills (3.23?!)+ selfcast, stop nerfing defense, build in threshold jewels (3.23?!), implement D3-style looting, add death log + MTX preview, actually rework flasks, stop balancing around the .01%, unnerf Harvest, ADD NEW WAYS TO LEVEL, finally implement Loot 2.0
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