PoE freezing/locking entire computer since last patch

Hello, This was helpful..
As I said even if its lacking in some of the requirements ive been able to play almost with no issue in the past leagues. Haven't tested Updating or checking if its the integrated card the one beign used. Will look up for all those things and comeback.

Thank you very much.
Nichelle_GGG wrote:
MrVamp wrote:
As title says. Path of Exile freezes my computer until it reboots completely after 5-10 seconds without me being able to do anything about it.

The game has been working flawlessly until I noticed this yesterday. (haven't played much this week though, so problem might have appeared earlier)

Tried reinstalling the game (and even windows 10), updating drivers, various settings ingame, starting with --nosound and using both vulcan and dx11.

I'm able to replicate this problem at will in bath house and high garden areas by running around in circles for approximately 2-3 minutes.

Any clues?


In this situation we will need some additional information about your PC before we can provide any troubleshooting steps, and the best way to provide this will be for you to send us a Dxdiag report!

To generate a Dxdiag report, please follow these steps:
Press the windows key + r on your keyboard to bring up the Run interface
Type dxdiag into the run dialogue box and press enter
When the dxdiag application starts up, press the Save All Information button in the bottom right and save the report to your desktop then post as a pastebin response.

I do not like the idea of replicating this problem since it freezes my entire computer and it "feels" bad, but if you guys at tech-support believe it would help, I could record a short video from my phone and upload. It might give you an idea where in the area/which asset might somehow be corrupted.

What do you think?
Last edited by MrVamp on Feb 17, 2021, 2:36:48 PM
Latest patch (3.13.1d) made it, if possible, even worse. I still freeze in the same areas (can replicate in bath house and gardens a8) but this time computer won't reboot and I have to actually unplug my powercord to reboot the computer.

Considering this change of behavior I'm guessing it has something to do with the following in patch notes:

* Loading has been improved so that the initial loading screen is faster and textures are not reloaded after viewing full-screen user interface panels such as the Passive Skill Tree or Atlas of Worlds.
I've been playing perfectly tlle yesterday.

Games freezes and can't do anything. It didnt restore even if you wait a few minutes.

This happens till yesterday
Same happens, I get 2-3 minutes long massive freezing...

Ive tried downing the specs, updating drivers etc.

Nothing works, game is unplayable.
Hi there!

I took a peek at the DXDiag you posted. I wanted to double check something with you; can you confirm what version of Windows your computer is currently using? According to your DXDiag, it is reporting that you are on Windows Ver. 2004. The latest is 20H2.

You can confirm this by going to Settings > System > About and then scroll all the way to the bottom.

Sometimes, Windows will report being 'up-to-date' when that may not be the case. Let us know what you find!
Kali_GGG wrote:
Hi there!

I took a peek at the DXDiag you posted. I wanted to double check something with you; can you confirm what version of Windows your computer is currently using? According to your DXDiag, it is reporting that you are on Windows Ver. 2004. The latest is 20H2.

You can confirm this by going to Settings > System > About and then scroll all the way to the bottom.

Sometimes, Windows will report being 'up-to-date' when that may not be the case. Let us know what you find!

Had an old version as you said and I had to manually download update through microsoft website. This was most likely the case before re-installation aswell as I always try to update.

Same problems after update sadly. Made a new pastebin: https://pastebin.com/eFbzxmvG
I really appreciate you taking the time to do that. :)

Keeping everything up to date can help rule out some incompatibilities between devices, etc. There may be an update pending for your BIOS as well, as it looks like the last time it was updated was in 2016. But that would be at the discretion of your board manufacturer. :)

Looking it over this time, I would like to ask, is there any other program at all running alongside Path of Exile? Such as Google Chrome, Spotify, etc?

And finally, can we get a peek at your production_config.ini?

A quick way to access this is in the spoiler below. Just provide the contents in either a spoiler, or a PasteBin. :)

Press the Windows Key + R. In the window that pops up, type the following line in: "%userprofile%\Documents\My Games\Path of Exile" and press enter. A folder should open up with a file inside that is called "production_Config.ini."

Kali_GGG wrote:
I really appreciate you taking the time to do that. :)

Keeping everything up to date can help rule out some incompatibilities between devices, etc. There may be an update pending for your BIOS as well, as it looks like the last time it was updated was in 2016. But that would be at the discretion of your board manufacturer. :)

Looking it over this time, I would like to ask, is there any other program at all running alongside Path of Exile? Such as Google Chrome, Spotify, etc?

And finally, can we get a peek at your production_config.ini?

A quick way to access this is in the spoiler below. Just provide the contents in either a spoiler, or a PasteBin. :)

Press the Windows Key + R. In the window that pops up, type the following line in: "%userprofile%\Documents\My Games\Path of Exile" and press enter. A folder should open up with a file inside that is called "production_Config.ini."

I've tried both running with and without any other programs open as I first thought streams was the source of the problem. Most of the times I've tried recently is straight after a boot and without any other programs running.

Checked update on BIOS from board manufacturer who didn't recommend an upgrade from current version unless I upgraded my CPU or experienced extensive problems with hardware. Will wait with this, for the time being, as I'm not so tech-savvy. =)


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