⛵☁️[3.25] The Arachnophobia Allstars| Chaos Guardian CI|The dirty Scorpion-tail|Herald of Agony 150M+

freerobux wrote:
any advice on where to go from here?

Hi freerobux,

your gear is getting great!

I advice to a small cluster with 1-2x 6% increased efficiencies on the transferpassives (see page 50 clusters manamanagement https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Scourge/XDrKkl7FP ) to regret the one passive of presage.

There are improved passive trees in the updated pob for your b.i.s. skin of the lords with ghost dance-keystone.
Without watcher's eye clarity mod you can path for 2 masteries "sanctum of thoughts" with replica pure talent instead thread of hope and for "essence surge".

Yor next bigger upgrades are the jewels split personality es/ int for more es and the awakenening gems, empower 4 for much more damage and also a better watcher's eye.

You should also already now insert the 4. medium cluster pure agony for more damage.
Last edited by Chromino on Jan 25, 2022, 5:38:56 PM

The end of the League ... The Path of Grim - - - The Scourge of Dawn

In these final days of [3.16] it's the moment to summarize the buffs, the new keystones, the trading-market and the leaderboards of the ending Scourge League.

The allstars in 3.16 Scourge

Arachnophilia! The Allstars are greeting this league everybody from the shining top of the peak in the guardian ascendancy. Arachnophobiatics lead the Boards.

The big buff


Defences, Auras, Fullblock, Damage

Armour and evasion were both buffed as sources of defences and divine shield is a safe new keystone against dot-damage.

In the special setup of this build the buffed reservation efficiencies allows us with 2 passives more to activate tempestshield, and with it some automatic triggering virulences, 100% shock-immunities and fullblock instead glancing blows.

Determination and Grace were buffed great, we benefit best of both.

With big improvements to defences and recovery, which were overall raised with even 2 more new keystones we progress from glancing blows 35% dr up to new advanced 100% damagereductions fullblock.

On top of the peak the buff of awakened gems empowers the build hard to easy HoAg lvl31. The buff to skin of the Lords is awesome as well.

We are able in [3.16] to buff our damage extreme high 75% (from 5/11M up to 9/18M and further also to 24M in the different editions while loosing only 15% Ehp even in the most offensive 100% chaos-conversion-edition).



Because some easy layers of defences like the combination of iron reflexes and blindings, or vaal grace and phase acrobatic dodges were removed or nerfed, Es and Max mana with unusable healthy mind is nerfed too, the blue/ red nightmare is no longer valuable, and so is max managuardian mechanics like es from mana with memory vault and watcher's eye clarity mod and tree lowered, my thoughts starting into [3.16] overall were:

Let's choose and balance to the other strong top layers of defences: fullblockings. They cooperate best with our second top stat beside armour: 2.5k es on block, not reachable by other builds, and oir guardian skill molten shell and our frostshield. Especially spellblocking are buffed a lot on the tree and with new easy tempest shield-aura. With buffed armour, 2500 es on fullblock, and buffed es-stats on gear it's the tank of tanks again like last leagues!

Fullblock vs Glacing blows and Bastion of hope vs Time of need


Fullblock vs Glancing blows

Damagereductions fullblock:

(50-)60+75/2% × 100% dr= average 6750% dr
with bastion of hope 2/ 5 sec 15%= 9% more/2 average= 7150 dr and more continious attackblock 2/5 sec
With the default build's keystones ghostdance/ divine shield/ not iron reflexes you evade 90-95% of all attacks, so capped attackblock is not needed.

- in maps a rumi's concotion flask caps your blockings up to 75% easy, only bossing you do not cap blockings

- fullblock raises 250% the capacities of your molten shell and frostshield in damagepeaks (like full delirium-maps or deep delve)

Damagereductions Glancing blows:

75/75% × 35% = average 2625% dr, but 3-9% more es/block

Advice: in 3.16 with nice blockclusters and masteries use fullblock with 200% more average damagereductions of course!

Time of need vs Bastion of Hope

Time of need

+ Most important: you don't need cwdt and can use cws
+ 80% permament curseresistances is huge in cursed mapmods and free up a bottle-suffix
+ each 4 seconds 2.5k es regenerations (equal to 7.5% es-reg average)

Bastion of Hope

- Most important: stun-immunities raises from 60% to 100%: these forces us to prefer cwdt over cws - a huge downside as CI, cws is much better to use full level 20 frostshield (20-39% damagereductions, 4k/es sec) and sniper's mark autotriggered
+ You get 2% attackblock on the transferpoint
+ You get average 8-13% more attackblock
+ 2 passives more because of 10% spellblock triggered

That's allstar's tankystyle: Typical ehp/ damage 3.16 Allstars, unbuffed, not full geared




The path of fullblock is tanky fancy. Divine shield and wicked ward are very interesting included & involved with inserting the thread of hope large radius. The spellblocknotes are pathed much faster in the new tree and we are able to skill tempestshield with huge 25% spellblock, some autotriggered virulences and nice-to-have immunities against shockings.

When we block 3 hits (75%) full and one hit (25%) reachs us, we substain and recover 7.5k es in this sequenze. And blockings are not limited, this works 10x each second in simulacrumwaves or ueber-blights. So fullblock is recommended around 60%-65% chance to block and spellblock without glancing blows. Glancing blows remains interesting for levelling, not fullgeared and when you want to balance some passives into damage - which works with fullblock also, only you need a bit more levels done.

New Passive tree and masteries


With huge changes in the passive tree GGG reorganized all defensive layers. For the allstars path between shieldpassives, clusters and CI-keystone a lot possibilities opened up in 3.16.

With a lot spellblock-passives on our path we drive the new tankyroad of fullblock without glancing blows.

For me personally there were extreme many updates to edit and rework into the build with new skills, tradelinks, jewels and clusters, flasks, etc. Still now a few updates on page 50 are missing, but almost everything is edited and completed.

3 new keystones, 3 new mechanics and the Iron Reflexes


Divine shield covers up most dangerous dot and degen damage. Damage over time is no longer the weak spot of the build. With these changes dot lost almost all danger.

Only 5 passivepoints are needed to buff effective wicked ward and power it up by armour increased recharge of the new ar/+ es mastery. A relaxing new layer of more continuous 3.5k es-recharge is gained 4.5 out of each 6 seconds. With the buffed grace and 90-95% evaded hits it's a reliable new defensive layer.

I added optimized 2 more tree-tabs for Divine Shield/ Wicked Ward integrated keystones in Skin of the lords in the PoB.
So from now on the Arachnophobiatics can much cheaper gear a great Skin of the Lords.

Runebinder needs in our pathing now only one point for more virulences with storm brands singletarget.

Keystone Iron Reflexes lost a lot of it's top abilities of 3.15.
The former combination with blindings lost the 50% evasion.
The physical damagereduction of 140k armour is in the doubled new armour formula much less important.
Now the very nice buffed grace is in the hybrid layout of our defences more valuable when we not transform it into armour and synergyzes great with wicked ward, molten shell and frostshield. All these 3 skills benefit much of high evasion.

But in delve with the high 3k es/ block, and against Sirus with his physical damage beams and slams Iron Reflexes remains far best keystone on skin of the Lords.

Keystone Ghost dance is following after phase acrobatics the next strong alternative keystone on the bodyarmour instead iron reflexes or instead reached by pathing 3 passives. It adds with high grace 600 es es when hit as new layer of recovery beside 1.2 k es on block, 50%, buffed with minion blindings easy to 95%, evasion and maximizing molten shell's and frostshield's capacities. Buffed 530k - 1.5 M ehp are unique tankstyle.

New jewels and clusters


We won as possibility, alternative and fast pathing "thread of hope" to target divine shield as layer of es-regeneration, and skill-efficiencies and miniondamage are located best fitting in the large ring too.

Split personality is now most often b.i.s. with the combination int and es (instead former int and mana).

Attackblockings on large clusters and use of tempestshield enables the Fullblockedition. Sublime form enable more early easy grace early without aul's uprising.

I removed Healthy mind and the blue nightmare from the build.

New Helmet


In [3.16] the new big b.i.s. is a Eber's Unification Circlet for nice 25%-30% more damage.

Ylfeban's Trickery for hexes and shocking ground (together with tempest shield's own shock-immunities), an Ancient Skull, a Vertex Vaal Mask for the mix of ar and es or simply a rare helmet with high es and other stats are strong new alternatives too.

Our beloved Memory vault with high armour is better to be changed out because of it's unique downside of 20% less skillreservations efficiencies. Also with the changes of much less mana without healthy mind jewel and changes to mechanics of skill reservation efficiencies and the armour-formula buff with much more physical damagereduction overall our centuries long beloved "Memory Vault" will rest in peace.

The new age of more damage with "Eber's Unification" and 100% chaosconversion starts.

Further changes


The new +1 Chaos mastery adds a lot flexibility to step up to HoA lvl 28 or 31.

Unbound ailments as supports for spiders optimizes the damage a bit more, and awakened void manipulation (+1 HoA lvl) is another new b.i.s. in the HoA supports as well as a new possibility to scale chaos damage further.

Thank you again monik390 and erigol07 for the strong additions!

"Presage" is much more easy to path as alternative in gearing and levelling in [3.16].

Improvements of the build


Luetjeminze added nice levelling pathing trees !! So the build got a lot more beginner-friendly also with a lot recommended new levelling gear items and skills. Thank you and we path soon again!

Thank you again Arkanis_Gath, Luetjeminze and Humtol for great pathings and thread of hope and to monik390 and erigol07 for new supports, optimizations and variants!

Too long spoilers were seperated into shorter spoilers like in "gear, skills, links".

The tradelinks page 50 were organized much better.

The tipps choosing your build-edition, for levelling and in the ailments-spoilers were improved much.

Cyclone, Storm Burst, Purity of Elements

A variation specialized for simulacrums with gemswaps of cyclone multitarget and storm burst singletarget was optimized by monik390. Tempest shield is switched out against purity of elements, glancing blows is used instead fullblock. It's an interesting set-up for simulacrums, but with less ehp and needed gemswaps as downside.

Visit page 334:


Thanks to Monik390 for many great tipps and great videos and building!



Me myself had a lot fun in scourge. I scourged b.o.b.i.s. (best of best in slot) items, had even more fun in the arachnophil community, and best satisfaction getting b.i.s. slot gear. The mechanics of scourge were a lot fun for me and the development and improvements of the build is somehow my path of exile endgame in this year.

And "Guardian_of_the_Short_Worm" / "Commander Strong Worm" with his shortlegged crawlergang levelled as always slow and max relaxed and as always tried out all skills, masteries, gear and more all the time instead rushing the Board and challenges.

So he is not at the top, but at the bottom of the depth ranked, lol.

BUT: The wished magebloods, squires and stranglegasps didn't dropped.

Full damage 100% chaosconversion reach 21-24 M shaper-damage


With the new helmet, 15 withers, awakened void manipulation, triad grips, and the chaos mastery a strong team push the damage high to 21 M while having keystone on armour free and enough passives for fullblock and the amulet is kept flexible also.

Only a bit lower es and a bit missing castspeed are not perfect, but lvl 31 HoAg is reached more easy.
In maps we buff it with minion-mastery and unholy might, singletarget with increased offerings another 1-4 M more up.

We added also the needed virulences with divergent HoA lvl 21 and possibilities like septic spells, cursemastery or circle of nostalgia with increased HoA poison-buff.

Voices clusters became with the nerfs to aurastackers much cheaper and were with 30 exalts affordable to feast another 8M damage.



With "tempest shield" for the fullblock-edition we get also 100% shock-immunities.

The flask Vessel of Vinktar grew to a strong and cheap variant as well as helmet Ylfeban's Trickery with these immunities.

With maxing up wicked ward in the tanky build-editions we activate another es-mastery and get 100% freeze immunity in 75% of the time when es-recharge began recently or with the recharge of vaal discipline.



Lvl 99 is reached again in Hardcore by DoctorScourgePhD. Congratulations and gooo! You choosed the really hard path of the game...! I wish you a long safe path!




In last month of of league 3.16 lvl 98-100...

100% HoA and CI
83% use arakaali's fang
57% skill fullblock
43% uses glancing blows
57% use storm brand
24% use chaos mastery
15% triad grips
10% use mageblood
12% use cycloning/ stormburst

6.2k - 10.9 k es are used

New Record in Speedlevelling of Balaar !


Baraal created a masterpiece.

Watch his championship in speed (3h:42min): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPuDWeKqs6Q

HoAg-Templar is now the new speedleveller! Awesome Arachnophilia!

Shaddraks new guide to Balaar's record in Speedlevelling


Shaddrak writes a fantastic detailed guide about Balaar's masterpiece of speedlevelling:


Of course Balaar is skilled for top damage and balance so zero skills, zero auras and zero mana into defences or tankyness.

Trading: a not easy market


Arakaali's Fang, Aul's uprising, Iron reflexes and Empower Supports were high price fixed in trade and again like in 3.15 before. Arakaali's dagger was with 2 exalts one of the expensive gearpieces in poe-market. Large clusters rised in prices too, bodyarmour and aul's uprising lowered prices after first peaks of leaguestarting days.

Split personalities, shield implicits, oils and gloves were much cheaper as in the last leagues and 3.15.
Voices clusters became with the nerfs to aurastackers much cheaper and were with 30 exalts affordable to feast another 8-10M damage.

With all the keystones Ghost Dance / Divine Shield / Wicked Ward the Arachnophobiatics can much sheaper gear Skins of the Lords.
All the keystones are valuable to path on tree also. The build and set-up is less depending on keystones and socket-colours of the armour since [3.16].

Historical excursion: prices of b.i.s.-gear in [3.13] Ritual: 128 chaos :-)


45 days after league start 3.13 Ritual

1) Memory Vault Helmet 3 chaos
2) Aegis aurora shield 4 chaos
3) Arakaali dagger 20 chaos
4) Writhing jar flask, 2 chaos
5) Skin of the lords, iron reflexes, 5 correct socket colours: 45 chaos
6) Aul uprising amulet, grace reserves no mana: 20 chaos
7) The blue nightmare jewel 20 chaos
8) Healthy mind jewel 4 chaos
9) Golden rule jewel 1 chaos
10) Ring Circle of Nostalgia, crawler increased damage, HoA 18% reduced mana reservation: 3 chaos
11) Rainbow stride boots: 1 chaos
12) Split personality, mana, int, 2x 3 chaos

Complete: 128 chaos

45 days after league start 3.16 Scourge

1) Eber's unification Helmet 10 chaos
2) Aegis aurora shield 10 chaos
3) Arakaali dagger 150 chaos
4) Writhing jar flask, 2 chaos
5) Skin of the lords, iron reflexes, 5 correct socket colours: 15 exalts, ghost dance 5 exalts
6) Aul uprising amulet, grace reserves no mana: 8 exalts
7) The blue nightmare jewel switched out
8) Healthy mind jewelswitched out
9) Golden rule jewel 10 chaos
10) Ring Circle of Nostalgia, crawler increased damage, HoA 18% reduced mana reservation: 20 chaos
11) Rainbow stride boots: 3 chaos
12) Split personality, es/ int 2x 4 exalts

Scourge: Leaguemechanics and Scourge-Items


The build was as always extrem tanky for the rippy mechanics.
Many other builds bit the dust, the allstars showed again their unique tankyness.

Ghost dance was this league better in scourges with it's 95% evasion as Iron reflexes with it's high es/ block, but it's downside of all taken/ not evaded hits.
Especially some typical scourge-ranged spellhits in 300+ stacked scourges needed full geared Arachnophobiatics.

The scourged items are extreme interesting and sometimes op, but also extreme rare: 7-links with granted HoA lvl 22 skill are possible on body-armours, +1 skillevel on daggeretc. Some hot dreams of crazy stats on boots and shield turned real.

On page 50 in the trade-links an added spoiler shows some examples.



Some users had difficult experiences in leaguestart levelling, mainly because they forgot changing flasks after transforming to CI, did not maxed HoA lvl, not maxed pantheons and corrupted-blood-immunities against Sirus, because Arakaali fang was high prizes traded, or they were not generating the mandatory maximal virulences of the guide without the golden rule or without added castspeed for their maindamageskill.
Also prices of some gear were peak-high in trade and by far not as easy to manage as in leagues before.

Nonetheless most and many experienced Arachnophobiatics were fast in top positions again in leaguestartdays and climbed all content fast and safe into the leading ranks after a week!

In the top-leaderboard almost all singleplayer set-ups used the build of the Arachnophobia Allstars.

Leaderboard and Challenges


Olohyp_scSC reached with the build top rank 1 in poeninja-leaderboards as first soloplayer just close behind 4 groupplay specialized aurabots.
He started very late into the league - so that is an extremistic impressive ranking using all top synergies of the build.

Congratulations again Olohyp_scSC!

Gluitina reaches rank 3 of singleplayer skilled guardians.

Congratulations again Gluitina! 39/40 challenges are in this league especially impressive in this short time! You kicked the feared spawned at once, that's my personal nightmare! Hehe, Congrats!

All 40 challenges were done.

4 out 5 top soloplayers in poeninja's challenges leaderboards choosed the path of arachnophilia. That is ... dominating.

Last, but not least ....

Not the very top, but instead the very bottom of the leaderboard is entered by Chromino, lol :-)

Popularity of the Allstars-build


Almost the whole singleplayer-leaderboard page 1 of the guardian-ascendancy is played, beside the groupsupport-bots and two rf and two purities, by Arachnophobia Allstars. Awesome.

Youtuber, Streamer and Veteran of the Game Zizaran adviced to Arachnophobia Allstars build again as the best Herald build in his streams.

Other streamers like GhazzyTv discussed about the build as best optimized HoAg and Pillebrille used the build wonderful in HCSSF.

www.gamersdecide.com raised the allstars into it's top rank 5 path of exile-builds article.

First time again since [3.07] Legion the Herald of Agony was the most popular used mainskill in the guardian-ascendancy with in league-peaktime 27% and more.

Also in all classes and ascendancies the Arachnophobia-build again dominated and was used 84% and more in this skill-category.
But the guardian-ascendancy is a bit less played overall as in last leagues - only HoAg is climbing in popularity much. I hope for some smaller buffs of he ascendancy or new typical focussed guardian-gear.

700 k / 0.7 M views of the build and thread - I never believed that the Arachnophobia Allstars would create so much interests as I started it in january 21! It's in these moments and months by far the most popular guardian build in the forums and one of the most readed guides of all classes and all ascendancies. 100k views in 10 days were the unbelievable sane top peak!

100k views in playL Youtube, 200k and more more of other Arachnophobiatic Allstars videos beside.

Thank you again all for all the community, ideas, questions, helps and supports!

Thank you a lot Luetjeminze, monik390, Baraal, Arkanis_Gath, Zizaran and erigol07 !!

The crawler raises his dirty tail!

Strong is the arachnophilia inside! ;-)

Last edited by Chromino on Jan 27, 2022, 2:00:35 AM
Are you going to do your guide more user friendly in 3.17.? There is so much things to read I dont know where to start even though I would really love to try the build as leaguestarter in 3.17.
kubicka wrote:
Are you going to do your guide more user friendly in 3.17.? There is so much things to read I dont know where to start even though I would really love to try the build as leaguestarter in 3.17.

Start from the beginning of the guide page 1 ^^
Im having issues with the scorpion, the dude is being stupid af.. targets mobs instead of bosses and rares etc... how to deal with that without using predator support ?
kubicka wrote:
Are you going to do your guide more user friendly in 3.17.? There is so much things to read I dont know where to start even though I would really love to try the build as leaguestarter in 3.17.

Hi Kubicka!

The build uses some special mechanics to get this high damage and top defences. With special stuff like the not changeable sockets and keystones of skin of the lords, mana for auras, clusters, or castspeed and poisonchance for virulences, I really not know how to explain the set-up, gearing and skilling better and improve explanations easier. When you have tipps to improve it more user-friendly of course I am interested. The build is a bit longer, so this way you get also budget variations, higher damage and better defences.

But there is also a TL;DR just under the header of the build about all the most important stuff:


In endgame max your generated HoAg virulences to 60-70 with 80% poisonchance, castspeed and clusters and your HoAg-lvl to 28-31 with empower and awakened gems. For defences get 6.5 k es and use 4 big auras for top tanky 550k ehp.

That's all.

Ordinary you need only:

1. "Tipps for beginning and levelling"
2. "Path of building"
3. "Choose your edition"
4. "gear, skills, links" - sections gloves, body-armour, dagger
5. "checklist defences/ damage/ faq"
6. Visit thread-page 50 for the tradelinks and budget-variations
Last edited by Chromino on Jan 27, 2022, 11:54:24 AM
xACID_KVLTx wrote:
Im having issues with the scorpion, the dude is being stupid af.. targets mobs instead of bosses and rares etc... how to deal with that without using predator support ?

The shortlegged one targets what you yourself target. With tempest-shield counterattacks or molten shell that is sometimes stupid, but as soon as you use storm-brands or ball-lightnings he follows your attacks straight.

Try out "convocation", it's very good when you miss the melee spiders, against proximity shielded mobs.
Last edited by Chromino on Jan 27, 2022, 10:24:54 AM
Chromino wrote:
xACID_KVLTx wrote:
Im having issues with the scorpion, the dude is being stupid af.. targets mobs instead of bosses and rares etc... how to deal with that without using predator support ?

The shortlegged one targets what you yourself target. With tempest-shield counterattacks or molten shell that is sometimes stupid, but as soon as you use storm-brands or ball-lightnings he follows your attacks straight.

Try out "convocation", it's very good when you miss the melee spiders, against proximity shielded mobs.

Thanks dude !
Yup i'm already doing that but he still goes silly from times to times (particularly bossfights that spawns mobs)
also, i guess it's because the toon is so tanky that im running bosses that are outside my dps range (i cant yet oneshot them >t12 ..)
Maybe i should also stop spamming both brands and balls (that sounds funny right) at the same time...
With the new Jewels you can now add Sanctuary of Thought into this build.
cybertier wrote:
With the new Jewels you can now add Sanctuary of Thought into this build.

I guess it will be for defences the best combination on the northern tree, yes! All other caster- and minion-ascendancies will be glascannons in comparision.

Hehe! 😀

The interactions of militant faith and transcendence (armour transforms into 90% elemental damagereductions) and the Hierophant's endurance charges of conviction of power will become a very strong variation for elemental unvulnerability too or also for a new selfcastskill with the new tripple-damage-staff Annilihating Light.
Last edited by Chromino on Jan 27, 2022, 6:31:35 PM

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