⛵☁️[3.25] The Arachnophobia Allstars| Chaos Guardian CI|The dirty Scorpion-tail|Herald of Agony 150M+

sedenko wrote:
So here is where I am at now. https://pastebin.com/CWe5ZGWp
I also cannot figure out how to show my spider dps lol what am i missing?
As always thank you for any help! love the build! oh I am also trying to figure how how to reach more block% too. If its possible without sacrificing to much dps.

Hi sedenko!

You have buffed 71/ 75% - that is already great! On page 50 is a spoiler fullblock vs. glancing blows for explanations. You could improve blockings with - see post just above - with slots like:

2% attackblock belt jewel when hit
4% / 4% replica pure talent or deflection on amulet anointed I do not advice to, your defences should be already extreme tanky with nice buffed 18.6k, 95% evasion, 65k armour, ghost dance and high fullblock. Only your es is too low! Raise your es and/ or mana next against oneshots in t16 with passives and "split personality" (or healthy mind / or best watcher's eye clarity mod when you optimized high mana).

To add spider in total damage take the pob of the build or:

go to skill "raise spiders" in pob, check "enable" and "in full damage", set counter to 20 for 20 spiders, do that also for HoA (5.5M with lvl 91 is great :-) )

Sometimes pob is bugged and push "raise spiders" out of the full damage when you opened another tree or item etc. and you have to manually add it again.

Congratulations: You are hacking with 1M physical and 425-440k ehp against all elemental damage types. That is tanky tankstyle!

How are your experiences in high content with ghost dance and high evasion combinated with high armour, high fullblock and 1.3k es/ block?

Let the spiders dance!
Last edited by Chromino on Nov 4, 2021, 2:34:18 PM
Chromino wrote:

To add spider in total damage take the pob of the build or:

go to skill "raise spiders" in pob, check "enable" and "in full damage", set counter to 20 for 20 spiders, do that also for HoA (5.5M with lvl 91 is great :-) )

Sometimes pob is bugged and push "raise spiders" out of the full damage when you opened another tree or item etc. and you have to manually add it again.

Let the spiders dance!

i had no idea that my POB wasnt calculating spider damage in the total DPS. made me jump up a good bit. how do these numbers look?

Last edited by Soulstrike628 on Nov 4, 2021, 2:47:13 PM
Soulstrike628 wrote:
Chromino wrote:

To add spider in total damage take the pob of the build or:

go to skill "raise spiders" in pob, check "enable" and "in full damage", set counter to 20 for 20 spiders, do that also for HoA (5.5M with lvl 91 is great :-) )

Sometimes pob is bugged and push "raise spiders" out of the full damage when you opened another tree or item etc. and you have to manually add it again.

Let the spiders dance!

i had no idea that my POB wasnt calculating spider damage in the total DPS. made me jump up a good bit. how do these numbers look?

Hi soulstrike,

hehe, yeeees, 5.5M with level 85 are great, congrats! But you should take a look on elemental resistances, cap them 75/80% with gear or 2 passives "holy dominion", hehe :-)

.... BUT ... my resistances are also not capped and I could facetank a Scourge-Beidat archangel of death-boss in red multiple crit- and damagemods, without all ascendancies, without large clusters, without amulet-anoint, t12 juiced red delirium map with level 87 ... lol , to summarize, the build seems to works also without capping resistances.
Last edited by Chromino on Nov 4, 2021, 5:46:48 PM
Is it possible to fit Grace without the Aul's Uprising if I follow all the manamanager points or is the amulet the only way.
HouseMD wrote:
Is it possible to fit Grace without the Aul's Uprising if I follow all the manamanager points or is the amulet the only way.

Hey HouseMD!

No, you can also work different around. For example with a rare helmet because memory vault has mana-increased-multiplier high es, and presage I personally activated determination, grace for ghost dance, discipline, but not tempest shield, easy. In the bottom of the "manamanager" are a lot additional tipps like stampede with anoints, or efficiencies are on amulett-slots also.
Last edited by Chromino on Nov 4, 2021, 4:10:34 PM
Chromino wrote:
HouseMD wrote:
Is it possible to fit Grace without the Aul's Uprising if I follow all the manamanager points or is the amulet the only way.

Hey HouseMD!

No, you can also work different around. For example with a rare helmet because memory vault has mana-increased-multiplier high es, and presage I personally activated determination, grace for ghost dance, discipline, but not tempest shield, easy. In the bottom of the "manamanager" are a lot additional tipps like stampede with anoints, or efficiencies are on amulett-slots also.

Thanks for the info. Guess I've got lots more farming to do haha.
Chromino wrote:
Soulstrike628 wrote:
Chromino wrote:

To add spider in total damage take the pob of the build or:

go to skill "raise spiders" in pob, check "enable" and "in full damage", set counter to 20 for 20 spiders, do that also for HoA (5.5M with lvl 91 is great :-) )

Sometimes pob is bugged and push "raise spiders" out of the full damage when you opened another tree or item etc. and you have to manually add it again.

Let the spiders dance!

i had no idea that my POB wasnt calculating spider damage in the total DPS. made me jump up a good bit. how do these numbers look?

Hi soulstrike,

hehe, yeeees, 5.5M with level 85 are great, congrats! But you should take a look on elemental resistances, cap them 75/80% with gear or 2 passives "holy dominion", hehe :-)

.... BUT ... my resistances are also not capped and I could facetank a Scourge-deathangel in red multiple crit- and damagemods, without all ascendancies, without large clusters, without amulet-anoint, t12 juiced red delirium map with level 87 ... lol , the build works with uncapped resistances.

yeah i know! i feel pretty tanky as it is, and my skill tree is a little wonky, but i can definitely take holy dominion for a bit more survivability, and than try to squeeze some more damage out of the build since im setting up a hybrid tree
Last edited by Soulstrike628 on Nov 4, 2021, 5:16:09 PM
I was pretty happy with the build last league, so decided to start off with it this round. Unfortunately I had a work trip right at the start, so just got a chance to really play and made it to maps. Now I need some advice.

Last time this wasn't my first for the league, so I had currency to spend... this time I have a whole 17c to my name and whatever random gear I could find. No idea what would be the best set of initial purchases to get me to a point I can actually make some currency.

Thinking it might be best to get some gems, as right now I have 6 skill points unspent as I have no clusters. But, my defense is a bit low.

P.S. Really hate the new gloves, I miss my spiders and they are way more expensive this league...
So I just managed to snag this for 35c? Is it worth getting an auls with wrath has no reservation? or am I better of flipping it?


I'm relatively new to the game, played few build before and decided this league to use yours. I have mixed feelings about this one, it's been a rollercoster to me, beginning was very promising then the damage significantly dropped, then it started to bring the hope at the end of Act 5. Then again, lack of dps and being not very tanky. I see you recommend as a league starter gear worth of 130c? How am I supposed to get this? RMT? Buy Chaos for €?

I can't quite get that. I made it to maps, leveling up a little bit on Blood Aqueduct, it felt ok on that level, but playing white t1 maps is no pleasure at all, killing a boss takes me approximately up to 5 minutes with dying bad or being one shotted. Basically it feels really shit and I have no idea what better I could do. I haven't found any decent gear yet nor I have currency to roll anything.

Here's my POB: https://pastebin.com/NAjphrdj

I hope there's fix to this. I have no currency to trade so cannot get anything better at this point. How can I improve it to clear maps with pleasure and smooth? How can I kill bosses relatively fast as I used to do with different builds? And why I always have bad luck in playing PoE and feeling shit instead of having a nice smooth gameplay :D Feeld bad man...

Thanks in advance!

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