Path of Building for Mac! 3.25-ready

Thank you for this. Much appreciated.

I've had trouble finding a trade macro that works on MacOS. Are you aware of any that have worked for you fellow mac users that you could direct me to?

Reply to save this thread, because this is a godsend!
This is great, thank you!

I've tried updating however and followed the instructions in your OP and it went fine up to a point where the app wouldn't launch. Any ideas?

I'm running Big Sur 11.2.3 (the app works just fine otherwise bar the occasional crashes)

EDIT: I did overlook the last bit and didn't run the "sed i" line. Worked like a charm, thank you once again.
Ordo ab Chao
Last edited by Ironsun#1573 on Apr 20, 2021, 7:28:42 PM
So I made a little script using your OP to update PoB whenever an update it out.

Here's the code:



cd ~/Downloads

git clone

cd PathOfBuilding

unzip -o lua/xml.lua lua/base64.lua lua/sha1.lua

rm -rf src/lua

mv -f lua src

cd src

cp -rf * /Applications/

cp -f ../manifest.xml /Applications/

sed -i '' 's/function main:LoadPastebinBuild()/function main:LoadPastebinBuild()\
if arg == nil then\
return false\
end/' /Applications/

Just tried it and it updated PoB to 2.3.0 without any hiccups. It's basically just your code but in a file, I use ./ in the terminal to run it. (after cd to the location where it's saved, desktop in my case)
Ordo ab Chao
Just a BIG thank you to all you happy people made this guide!
Worked perfect on my macbook with BigSur 11.2.3


Seems like I broke it with the update to Big Sur 11.3? :(
I can't import from pastebin now, could be my laptop thou..?
Oohh.. Look at that!
Last edited by KurtVresig#6788 on Apr 30, 2021, 9:29:34 PM
first of all, thank you so much for creating this. so much better than dealing with a VM just for pob.

i need to report some sortof bug, as this only happens to me and isnt a problem when the same pob is loaded into others machines on windows

it seems like essence worm ring is bugged out, and some interaction with supreme ego is further bugged.

pob doesnt reflect the fact that esseence worm auras do not reserve mana, and supreme ego is a dps decrease.

i dont have anyone else on mac to test this with so maybe its just my specific install, not sure.
Just updated to the latest version of Path of Building! Notably, pasting items from the trade site seems fixed now
Thank you so much for this!
Thank you mate! Took me a while to find something that would work on big sur, worked fine!
Just downloaded the most recent update and two things don't seem to be working...

% increased damage with non-vaal skills during soul gain prevention craft on boots is red and doesn't show up in the configuration window.

% chance to blind enemies on hit craft on axe is red and doesn't get reflected when I click "enemies are blind" in the config window.

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