Path of Building for Mac! 3.25-ready

arciinus wrote:
Path of Building 2.0 has been released, and it makes big changes to the structure of the project. I haven't had time to take a look into how to make the binary work with that, so would appreciate anyone else exploring it!

Edit: Updating it was easier than expected. I updated it to 2.0.3. The version number still says the old version, but it seems to have the new functionality (mana reservation breakdown, for example).

If you're still getting the old version number you're still using some of the old version's files.

What worked for me (from a clean install) was symlinking everything in src (in addition to the previous patch).
kallixti wrote:
arciinus wrote:
Path of Building 2.0 has been released, and it makes big changes to the structure of the project. I haven't had time to take a look into how to make the binary work with that, so would appreciate anyone else exploring it!

Edit: Updating it was easier than expected. I updated it to 2.0.3. The version number still says the old version, but it seems to have the new functionality (mana reservation breakdown, for example).

If you're still getting the old version number you're still using some of the old version's files.

What worked for me (from a clean install) was symlinking everything in src (in addition to the previous patch).

I'm a little confused, did you clone the repo and build it yourself? I'd really appreciate any help getting this working. Hit me up on discord if it's easier for you: luselia#6832
Luselia wrote:
I'm a little confused, did you clone the repo and build it yourself


I've now created a script to automate the process. It requires Homebrew but (hopefully) should handle the other dependencies itself. It patches pobfrontend to work with the 2.0 PoB structure so moving/symlinking files is no longer necessary.

After installing, you should be able to update PoB using standard git commands from within the PathOfBuilding folder.

Standard disclaimer: this hasn't been extensively tested. Use at your own risk. It works for me with the just-released 2.1 version of PoB.



#Install dependencies
brew install pkg-config zlib meson ninja luajit qt5
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/opt/qt@5/lib/pkgconfig"

#Install fonts
brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
brew install font-liberation font-bitstream-vera

#Build Lua-cURL
git clone
cd Lua-cURLv3
sed -i '' 's/LUA_IMPL ?= lua/LUA_IMPL ?= luajit/' Makefile
cd ..

#Patch and build pobfrontend
git clone
sed -i '' 's/scriptPath = QDir::currentPath()/scriptPath = QDir::currentPath()+"\/src"/' pobfrontend/pobwindow.hpp
sed -i '' 's/scriptWorkDir = QDir::currentPath()/scriptWorkDir = QDir::currentPath()+"\/src"/' pobfrontend/pobwindow.hpp
sed -i '' 's/basePath = QDir::currentPath()/basePath = QDir::currentPath()+"\/src"/' pobfrontend/pobwindow.hpp
#sed -i '' 's/userPath = QDir::currentPath()/userPath = QDir::currentPath()+"\/src"/' pobfrontend/pobwindow.hpp
sed -i '' 's/int result = luaL_dofile(L, "Launch.lua")/int result = luaL_dofile(L, "src\/Launch.lua")/' pobfrontend/main.cpp
sed -i '' 's/Bitstream Vera Mono/Bitstream Vera Sans Mono/g' pobfrontend/main.cpp
LDFLAGS="-pagezero_size 10000 -image_base 100000000" meson pobfrontend build
cd build
cd ..

#Download PoB and put everything together
git clone
cd PathOfBuilding
sed -i '' 's/self.userPath = GetScriptPath()/self.userPath = GetUserPath()/' src/Modules/Main.lua
sed -i '' 's/if launch.devMode and GetTime() >= 0 and GetTime() < 15000/if false/' src/Modules/Main.lua
sed -i '' 's/"^1Dev Mode"/"Mac Mode"/' src/Modules/Main.lua
unzip lua/xml.lua lua/base64.lua lua/sha1.lua
mv lua/*.lua src
mv src/xml.lua .
rmdir lua
cp ../Lua-cURLv3/ src
cp ../build/pobfrontend .
echo "#!/bin/sh\ncd \"\$(dirname \"\$0\")\"\n./pobfrontend" >> "Path of Building.command"
chmod a+x "Path of Building.command"
cd ..

#Clean up
rm -rf build Lua-cURLv3 pobfrontend
Updated for 3.14! I might incorporate the update script in there somehow so it's easier to use
Thanks for the help kallixti. A new build was released ~30min ago and everything's working for me again.

For anyone stumbling upon this for the first time, you can find the latest builds here:
Last edited by Luselia#2862 on Apr 15, 2021, 1:51:24 PM
thank you!
Hey this is not updated full for 3.14 right? Cant find the new gems.
oedifamily wrote:
Hey this is not updated full for 3.14 right? Cant find the new gems.

The new gem data isn't in the normal Path of Building either. I'll update it with that when it's available.
Thank you for your work!

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