Is rubber banding still there?
Is rubber banding still happening on PS4 PoE? Thanks. Last bumped on Dec 16, 2020, 9:18:35 AM
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dont know about PS4 but it is rampant in xbox heists.
it is bareable in open world/mapping but becomes close to a game stopper in heists for my evasion build. |
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Heya, thank you for your answer. I gave it a try today. I did play around 3 hours and it happened only once. As you guess I was dead when it did happen lol. However, seems better than old times.
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" It depends on a number of conditions. The most important is your connection quality and bandwidth. In general, it's not an issue for a good quality connection on normally populated map. One should be able to use one's movement Skill, like Flame Dash, back to back to back, without "Rubber Banding." For some skills combined with movement speed enhancements, rubberbanding will start to be a factor with extended use. It is, inevitably, a factor of the game's use of some bits of the predictive pathing algorithm used on PC and PoE's inherent need for frequent and very verbose communications with the servers. But, I've run plenty of movement-speed based builds on console without any aggravating issues related to rubberbanding, including large groups of outrageously fast minions covering the screen as well as the fastest possible cyclone speedrunning builds on a standard XBox One (S). If players are having repeated issues with rubberbanding, they need to first check their connection quality IMO. If it's excellent with absolutely no issues, then it could be a factor of "screen trash" clogging things up or abilities that hit many units at once or in rapid succession and late-game heavily populated maps. (Note: I have no experience playing PoE on PS4 or PC. PS4's could have their own unique considerations.) |
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The main factor that I experience causing rubber banding issues is mobs taking damage and not dying. Divine shrines, allies cannot be killed packs, or delve darkness (flares fix).
Other than that I have minimal issues with rubber banding. The only other would be movement skills across large gaps. Not repeated use. Just if you go to a location the game is unsure you were able to get to. The problem with allies cannot be killed and divine shrines is not a PS4 exclusive issue, is also across most platforms as I constantly see requests to remove that concept from the game as its constantly causing issues with lag. Nor is it a wired vs wireless issue, my roommate runs wired connection and experiences the same issues that I do on wireless. I even tried wired for a short while until I deemed it wasn't worth tripping over on my way to the can. The only difference between his wired and my wireless is occasionally (1 every 12 hours or so) I'll lose connection all together and just be logged out instantly. It's never once killed me, yet... The allies cannot be killed, whole different story. |
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The current state of PoE on PS4 leaves very little "rubber-banding", but there are still desync issues.
Rubber-banding being when your character is sprung back to where they were a few seconds ago, especially if it occurs repeatedly. Desync is just when your character's location on the Server and the Client are out of sync. This is *sometimes* rectified by rubber-banding, but more often your character is in a different location, rather than sprung back in place, and it very rarely repeats in the same spot. Desync can also happen over a much larger time scale. It's particularly noticeable in Delve. And, despite what another user said, they have very little to do with your connection. I have a terrible connection, and I play together with a friend who has an excellent connection. We both experience desync regularly. What *does* make a big difference is what skills you are using. Cyclone builds will experience 1000% more Desync than any other build that I have tried. Note that even on Cyclone it's still much better than it used to be. Blink/Dash skills now only Desync if used in sketchy situations (where the target was very small or any other reason for having no margin for error) or when used very rapidly back to back (triple or quadruple flame-dashing very quickly, for example). I believe PS4 PoE is now pretty much on-par with PC players using "predictive" instead of "lock-step". | |
" While playing together in the same scene/map? Uh... You know that screen you're looking at is yours, right, and not belonging to some neutral third-party? " Yes, but not inherently because of the skill, but because of what it does. " Zero issues for me with Cyclone builds in the past few Leagues where I've run them. However, Cyclone builds CAN help cause a lot of problems... When I first started play, I was running a cyclone build that made use of "Lion's Roar." A common flask, right? With "knockback".... Wow, the game turned into a lagfest/slideshow. Why? Every mob was getting calc'd for a multitude of effects with knockback added to it, altering its position, during the premier of PoE on Xbox. That sucked. Bad. I dropped knockback and it was fine, more or less. (A host of issues in the first couple of Leagues for XBox.) "Bleed" was a huge deal, too. It caused a ton of extra overhead for XBox until GGG finally controlled a bit for it. That first build had both knockback and bleed mechanics, IIRC, plus a few other things getting calculated for every target hit. GGG uses some kind of "pack mechanics" for combat results, too. I think they altered it a bit for Consoles. Cyclone also, AFAIK, still uses a sort of "sticky" RNG system so it's not actually required to calculate each and every hit differently. It's why you may see repeated results for certain things that should only be very, very, rare. (Like "miss streaks on packs" which combines both of those esoteric mechanics.) Connection quality is important. It can't overcome everything and certainly can't overcome server-side issues. BUT, it's something the player can control for and if players aren't doing that then they're ignoring a huge issue that could effect gameplay quality. There have actually been players very upset about "rubberbanding" on console who insist that they can use their local WiFi instead of a hardwired connection because "that's how they play all their other console games." Establishing a baseline model for troubleshooting performance issues requires... a baseline model. |
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" Please stop. |
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" Wut? OMG AMAZEBALLS! Have you never played with another player? You can absolutely 100% *SEE* when another player desyncs. They stop moving on your screen. Oh, plus there's the whole "we talk to each other while we play" thing, you know? Did you think we just sit there silent and don't use voice chat? We discuss our play experience continuously. Stop insisting you know things you don't. I have played PoE (PS4) on both commercial fiber connections with Static IP and crappy ADSL. Both wired and wireless on both connections. It makes very little difference when it comes to Desync. | |
To any who wish to test if desync is still in game or not, go ahead and try to speed clear a pillars of arun dunes unique map. It should only cost you 1c to buy and youll very quickly discover for yourself if desyncs exists or not.
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