[3.19] ⚛️ Qosmoz's ❄️ LL CoC Ice Nova/Spear Assassin ❄️ Ready for 3.19 Fun Lake Farming!!!

anasdeadlol wrote:
Just wanted to ask if you could help me with my build , currently im trying to do similacrum and i cant complete it even with my investments so far , maybe you could tell me what im doing wrong with the build, it is still a work in progress but if you could just plan out my next upgrades that would help with my survivability/damage output or maybe if im doing something wrong let me know
I intend of leveling weakened coc to level 3 before I use my es cool down belt
And also cinder urn
thanks in advance. this is is my first attempt at a Coc build

Also is sims a good option for this build or is there other content its better at

I dont know if you have it already, but get a bottled faith as soon as possible, and skip Cinderswallow. Bottled faith gives much more damage, boost our crit chance (allows to use Conc. Effect instead of Crit Strikes) and that's really good for kosis killing in the last waves. It also regens pretty good.
I do have a bottled faith , im just lacking some survivability atm and/ or the damage to get through to the last stages. i feel like my aps are also not working correctly it says i have 7.35 but when i was over the cap it felt like i did a lot more damage for some reason even thought i dont have the cdr for it

thanks again for responding and i appreciate your help
QosmozGaming wrote:
KimpalolxD wrote:
Hey, i really need your help.
I was wondering if you could take a look at my PoB?
Constantly getting 1shot and cant seem to do any boss damage alot of the times, dont really know what im doing wrong or if i just have bad gear.
Hope that you can see something that i cant see



Hi Kimpa, I've just checked your build. I think overall, you dont miss anything. You have good passive tree, you have good items. Only suggestion on starting investment level is to change the link setup from Herald of Ice Nova boosting to Boss killing. To do that, simply take out the HoI links and make Vortex setup.

I reworked slightly your skill setup, here is the PoB: https://pastebin.com/GqX953eG

Let me know if you have any questions. I have similar damage numbers to yours, and I can pretty much kill everything in game without issue.

Thanks for replying so fast, will try this out
I figured I would tune in again and give another response to the build.

I decided to give this build a fair shake and REALLY attempt to min-max the build and see what it's capable of. I have invested over 300EX, and this isn't an understatement, 300EX+ into this build and while it's damage is quite substantial, I still can't justify the price point and the time it takes to get to where it is. The value you get just doesn't seem fair.

If you're a person who can focus on Harvest crafting your gear, you can maybe save some currency by doing it yourself, if not, expect to pay a lot. Is there room to make changes and get more damage? For sure, but at the cost of even more currency and we're already sitting at 300EX+ and hours upon hours of time invested.

I made some changes of my own to the build :

I swapped Controlled Destruction to Awakened Added Cold (This allowed me to not worry about having 100% Crit and worrying about flask up-time, it was a small loss in damage roughly 100k.) With the way my build is now, I could probably be using Controlled Destruction without worrying about Crit. I haven't checked the numbers on that yet.

I also added Unnerved to my gloves as it makes the monster take increased damage.

I also took a Watcher's Eye with ES gain on hit for sustain. I find myself dying to a lot of random mechanics and with Cinderswallow being out of charges, the ES gain just seems to keep me up longer and without having to worry.

I also dropped Zealot's Oath as I already had a lot of ES sustain from Cinderswallow and the Watcher's Eye. Felt unnecessary to keep it.

I avoid using Headhunter in Delirious 60%+ Maps as I notice a DPS loss, deaths and bosses don't die fast enough. Much more damage using CDR Belt and feels a lot cleaner.

I've completed A9 Sirus Deathless, (Instant phase in the final).
Maven's Writ Deathless (Mechanic heavy)
Able to run Elemental Reflect maps (Due to having full 100% Critical)

There are a few bosses that will give this build a tough time such as Minotaur and Chimera just to name a few. I find this build heavily relies on the user to be fully aware of every mechanic as most will assuredly one hit you.

Final Take:

After all said and done, the build is fun, a bit slower than some of the newer Assassin builds out there. Much more expensive than the newer builds out there. Finally, much more squishy than the newer builds out there. I still must stay with my first comment early on that this build is just not something I can recommend. This build is just to squishy and relies heavily on the user to dodge mechanics and if you mess up, step in something, you're dead, there's no forgiveness.
Fujitsuu wrote:
I figured I would tune in again and give another response to the build.

I decided to give this build a fair shake and REALLY attempt to min-max the build and see what it's capable of. I have invested over 300EX, and this isn't an understatement, 300EX+ into this build and while it's damage is quite substantial, I still can't justify the price point and the time it takes to get to where it is. The value you get just doesn't seem fair.

If you're a person who can focus on Harvest crafting your gear, you can maybe save some currency by doing it yourself, if not, expect to pay a lot. Is there room to make changes and get more damage? For sure, but at the cost of even more currency and we're already sitting at 300EX+ and hours upon hours of time invested.

I made some changes of my own to the build :

I swapped Controlled Destruction to Awakened Added Cold (This allowed me to not worry about having 100% Crit and worrying about flask up-time, it was a small loss in damage roughly 100k.) With the way my build is now, I could probably be using Controlled Destruction without worrying about Crit. I haven't checked the numbers on that yet.

I also added Unnerved to my gloves as it makes the monster take increased damage.

I also took a Watcher's Eye with ES gain on hit for sustain. I find myself dying to a lot of random mechanics and with Cinderswallow being out of charges, the ES gain just seems to keep me up longer and without having to worry.

I also dropped Zealot's Oath as I already had a lot of ES sustain from Cinderswallow and the Watcher's Eye. Felt unnecessary to keep it.

I avoid using Headhunter in Delirious 60%+ Maps as I notice a DPS loss, deaths and bosses don't die fast enough. Much more damage using CDR Belt and feels a lot cleaner.

I've completed A9 Sirus Deathless, (Instant phase in the final).
Maven's Writ Deathless (Mechanic heavy)
Able to run Elemental Reflect maps (Due to having full 100% Critical)

There are a few bosses that will give this build a tough time such as Minotaur and Chimera just to name a few. I find this build heavily relies on the user to be fully aware of every mechanic as most will assuredly one hit you.

Final Take:

After all said and done, the build is fun, a bit slower than some of the newer Assassin builds out there. Much more expensive than the newer builds out there. Finally, much more squishy than the newer builds out there. I still must stay with my first comment early on that this build is just not something I can recommend. This build is just to squishy and relies heavily on the user to dodge mechanics and if you mess up, step in something, you're dead, there's no forgiveness.

I hear what you say, however when I checked your build I dont see anywhere near 300ex items. If you count HH 100ex, still you invested 200ex on what items if i may ask?

On top, you have more or less same damage as my shitty character i just started to gear up. If you give 300ex to me, I can reach to the level of top DPS guys which sits 5.8m Ice Nova per cast.

Now, experience to experience is different. I think for those price ranges, I would 100% suggest going CI and even max block to get most of your buck. That's always a superior build. This build here is in between to maximize damage and have fun with a decent enough budget. I can get going this build with 1m Ice Nova for cast for less 50ex, however CI version is requiring more or less 30-50ex per item to start feeling godly.

Anyway, thanks for the feedback as always. One little suggestion from my side, is to get also Vaal Discipline, when you jump into Valdo Harbinger packs or for bossing, it's life saver, especially below 7k ES.
Fingerless silk with elevated unnerve and all the stats I have on it is minimum 75ex. They're almost perfect.

My tailwind boots with 30% MS, Tailwind and CDR are minimum 60ex. If I wanted to shoot for more ES with them I could.

The belt that isn't listed is a Shaped/Crusader belt with T1 Flat and T1 % ES. with CDR and Spider. Minimum 50ex.

The helmet as it is, is all T1 -- aside from the Lightning Res which I got tired of dumping currency into to get a T1 roll is 100ex. It's almost max ES for that helmet.

My Watchers Eye alone is 100ex. ES on Hit, Hatred crit chance, near perfect watchers.

You add up all the other odds and ends, such as the corrupted blood jewel, militant faith with ED and resistances, Energy from Within with double corruption mods, trans. flesh, bottled faith, cinder, etc... It all adds up. The headhunter I didn't even consider into the cost of the build as it's just a perk.

I'm sitting at 7.8k ES when I throw my CDR belt on and I'm still getting one shot. Though it's rare with this amount, it happens.

Prior to this min-max, I was able to get 1m in damage but it didn't feel good. I think I'm sitting at 2m per Ice Nova now and I'm not sure where else to find damage other than to find a new watchers eye with Hatred penetration, precision crit multi, and hatred crit chance which I've looked for but does none exist or no one is going to sell. (And of course the Ice Nova enchant which I'm not holding my breath on).

As for the Vaal Discipline, I've thought about it, but I've got enough sustain for my ES regen, nothing really kills me over time, if I die, it's a one shot(again its rare with 7.8k es) or a mistake on my part where I stood in something.

EDIT: Sitting at 2.5m Ice Nova
EDITEDIT: Dished out some more for +2 Socketed AOE Shavs and Awakened 6 Controlled Destruction and pushed to 3m.
Last edited by Fujitsuu on Feb 24, 2021, 6:37:09 PM
So I've seen a lot of people asking this question, but I'm not really sure how to use the information you've posted.

This is my first league playing CoC, and I just switched from life to LL about 3 days ago, everything is a lot smoother. The only place I really seem to struggle is during Maven Invitations. Either the regular 10 boss rare ones or the ones to unlock Uncharted Realms. I know a big thing is I probably need to grind out a few more levels and have been working on that. But it seems like if I die once (which tends to only happen to one shots) I die 3-4 times trying to get back into the fight.

Here's a link to my PoB as it sits currently https://pastebin.com/WCvge3gD . I swapped out Ice Golem for Flesh and Stone for the blind and ranged DR. It's helped a bit, I no longer seem to die at all during maps, unless I do something stupid or my warding flask runs out on an Ele Weakness map.

I know gloves could be way better, and are probably my weakest slot, but currently those are what's holding the build together. So upgrading gloves also means upgrading boots and potentially helm. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for the long winded post, and thanks for all the advice posted so far.
Fujitsuu wrote:
if you mess up, step in something, you're dead, there's no forgiveness.

Yo man you would have best time of your life playing CI/max block version, test it out! I can say you will start loving coc ice nova again, don't give hope up :3

best regards: CI/GB max block angel
Last edited by juju666 on Feb 25, 2021, 3:35:53 AM
love the build so far been and prolly my last build that i will just sink my currency into for the longevity of the league but still i have some small concerns about damage and survial, ( iknow my gems are not maxed out yet so there is some way to go)

My PoB

my gear

Jewels in tree
Trans Flesh, Frozen Trail, Thread of Hope, Energy from Within and a ES on Hit Wathcers Eye and its still doesnt feel enough but i guessing im missing out on damage (offense is your best defense sort of build?)

upgraded to this belt so Aspect of the spider in the buff deparment aswell
Last edited by nothingtoxic on Feb 25, 2021, 2:16:58 PM
nothingtoxic wrote:
love the build so far been and prolly my last build that i will just sink my currency into for the longevity of the league but still i have some small concerns about damage and survial, ( iknow my gems are not maxed out yet so there is some way to go)

My PoB


my gear

Jewels in tree
Trans Flesh, Frozen Trail, Thread of Hope, Energy from Within and a ES on Hit Wathcers Eye and its still doesnt feel enough but i guessing im missing out on damage (offense is your best defense sort of build?)

upgraded to this belt so Aspect of the spider in the buff deparment aswell

hi NothingToxic, I quickly glanced over your items. All looks very good. Maybe as a next step to all Level 20/20 gems straight from trade (they are extremely cheap) and get all auras Level 21 (no quality is required). Also main link Vaal Ice Nova 21/23 is pretty cheap to get. It will boost your damage quite a bit. Other than that, great stuff.

For flasks, get a better Atziri flask, you are missing 5% on Elemental Damage. Sell or repurpose for another character Cinderswallow and get max rolled (15% Penetration) Wise Oak. Care for Cold Resistance to be the highest or try to get all 3 resistances the same value (over capped values) for best case.

Following that, I would get better gloves with higher ES (Warlord base Spell Damage) and then replace Inward Crown with Rare helmet for extra damage (or in between get a 40% Ice Nova Damage Crown for about 4-5ex).
Last edited by QosmozGaming on Feb 25, 2021, 6:11:48 PM

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