3.12.3 Patch Notes Preview

"Dropped Talismans in level 68+ areas now drop with higher-tier modifiers on average and with a random Anointed Notable."

This is only related to heist areas?

Shame because talismans in general are still awful. It feels bad getting them in simulacrum, as incubators etc. They are simply dead rewards.

You should apply this fix to them in general...
leto2626 wrote:
Great !
You'll lose the short attention span kids but that's fine, those drop off after 2 weeks no matter what happens. A league is 3 months, I don't understand how 2 weeks makes a difference. Ok this kind of a league start is just not cool, but come on, those 'too late' 'economic' reactions are just sad and face palm. If a league is ruined for you because someone else made a few exalts more than you on the first days, well I don't know what to say, then you have some issues, not GGG.

Two weeks make a hugh difference on your currency if the first weeks were abused by some people and now you cant do certain things anymore. So... yeah. This two weeks decided the whole followup market of this 3 month league.
No fix for the "to level off all jobs" mod..... lovely still can't do some of my blueprints then.
Last edited by me_nan#0469 on Oct 3, 2020, 2:52:37 AM

Please remove Observer totems completely.

The only reason to run Perception missions while these totems are up is to level up a minion to enable GH.

It does not matter what you're going to do about increasing visibility or how alert level is applied. This game is not about sneaking or positioning, nor will it ever be.

Also, minion builds and melee builds are always going to be disadvantaged, which means building ranged chars just to deal with one irrigating mechanic or be frustrated and skip.

For years, you pushed PoE into zoom, zoom, fast movement field. Having something like Observer totem is exact opposite of it and the way players build their chars.
Last edited by Verminaardth#3310 on Oct 3, 2020, 3:21:35 AM
chinsuko wrote:

Well i see lots of people just complaing about this league.
Simple solution: go play STD.

What a "brilliant" solution lol Do u have another ?
Last edited by michalkoz#3356 on Oct 3, 2020, 3:25:01 AM
Still no help for people who never gain Intel no matter how many Artifacts they sell off to the Fence.
At this rate I might as well just dispose of my blueprints.
michalkoz wrote:
chinsuko wrote:

Well i see lots of people just complaing about this league.
Simple solution: go play STD.

What a "brilliant" solution lol Do u have another ?

Yes have another. Stop crying
chinsuko wrote:
michalkoz wrote:
chinsuko wrote:

Well i see lots of people just complaing about this league.
Simple solution: go play STD.

What a "brilliant" solution lol Do u have another ?

Yes have another. Stop crying

Cry ? Wtf u talk about ? I only laugh when read "great" solusions from white knigts :D
Can we get the nodes that increase maximum ballista totems also work for shrapnell totems

Because of the replica iron commander
Deliverme wrote:
"Dropped Talismans in level 68+ areas now drop with higher-tier modifiers on average and with a random Anointed Notable."

This is only related to heist areas?

Shame because talismans in general are still awful. It feels bad getting them in simulacrum, as incubators etc. They are simply dead rewards.

You should apply this fix to them in general...


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