3.12.3 Patch Notes Preview

Guys, who raging it is too late,
Believe me, GGG developers and QAs are working 12h/day including weekend to bring up that stuff as fast as possible.
If you rushed a 3-month league in 1 week and now crying that coming changes are too late and you already done - that's only your problems.
PoE nowadays looks more and more like a fork server with tons of custom weird experimental stuff rather than original game with carefully thought out balance brough live to players.
Last edited by judikator#2053 on Oct 2, 2020, 3:44:53 AM
The "additional seconds to Lockdown Timer" modifier on Ally Equipment now gives a maximum of 5 seconds (from 10 seconds). Existing items are affected by this change.
The "increased time before Lockdown" modifier on Ally Equipment now gives a maximum of 10% increased time before Lockdown (from 20%). Existing items are affected by this change.
Isla, the Engineer's Heist Perk now gives 30% increased time before Lockdown at Level 1, up to 50% increased time before Lockdown at Level 5 (from 80% at Level 5).
Opening a Heist chest during the Imminent Lockdown timer will now reduce the remaining time by 3 seconds (from 1 second).

So even less rewards now. Yaaaaaaay.
Sitting in HO spamming alts for 4 hours straight is peak PoE gameplay. Thanks, Chris.
Talisman buffs seem fine, at least now there is one in thousand chance to get a decent talisman.

Heist is clearly going core so I hope than this patch and future iterations polish up the mechanics.
warning!!! stop donations this razrabotchik!!! this leage have more bugs (three hundred bugs with one heist!!! and drop na rabochiy stol eto wto woobshe za affairs? ggg report mute!
Maelstromicus wrote:
Is there one single person working at GGG now who even plays their own game a significant amount (20hrs+ a week) ?

I only ask because there's obviously no one in the office who is playing this current league mechanic.

I initially enjoyed these heists, even with the bugs. Now I map, delve, and basically do every APART from the mechanic. Why? It's plainly obvious to anyone who actually plays the game and levels characters, heists have almost zero xp, crappy rewards, and every time we think we find a way to maximise the number of chests to open (80% of which I skip the contents altogether due to being crap) you guys wreck that idea too.

Mini-room chests contain rubbish, not worth opening most of the time, small chests only contain currency, div cards, or anything worth grabbing about 1 in 5, Grand Heists are as buggy as all hell; so why bother even running any of these?
Instead maps give us better currency, better xp, better item drops.
Pretty much every other activity in the game is more rewarding than the League mechanic, which is SUPPOSED to be the reason we are playing this instead of standard.

Get a grip GGG. Please employ one person with some common sense.....

Stop releasing patches which fix bugs, but at the same time nerf the REASON we play LEAGUE into the ground. It's mind bogglingly stupid.

this, heist loot is already useless, and you nerf it even more!
3.13 Was the best league ever!
3.18 Rest in peace my beloved recombinators, I'm gonna miss you...
before I save my holidays to use in lunch day and first week ... now I waiting to the 3rd week in , hope this improve , maybe a humble next league , the stability of the game should be priority imho

atm this league is standard
Wise words buff -> balance <- nerf , need to happen , deal with it
Last edited by PabloCappone#5391 on Oct 2, 2020, 4:04:44 AM
Can't wait for the patch, shame it is not getting implemented earlier.
Last edited by evil_niki#7120 on Oct 2, 2020, 4:17:53 AM
FerrumX wrote:
warning!!! stop donations this razrabotchik!!! this leage have more bugs (three hundred bugs with one heist!!! and drop na rabochiy stol eto wto woobshe za affairs? ggg report mute!

Da tovarisch, the bolshevicks are onto us, we must escape!
judikator wrote:
Guys, who raging it is too late,
Believe me, GGG developers and QAs are working 12h/day including weekend to bring up that stuff as fast as possible.
If you rushed a 3-month league in 1 week and now crying that coming changes are too late and you already done - that's only your problems.

Wait? There are QA Employees at GGG? Man, they sure must get some hardwarming emails from their bosses in the recent days.

Its to late for different reasons:

> Economy is dead. Since people who did not abuse the mechanic wont be able to catch up anymore in this league (Bugged six link prophecies, alarm buff with normal loot and now nerf with less loot, bugged grand heists for a lot of people).

So yeah... it is not always about rushing. It is also about making currency to get the cool builds you want to make without any problems which tend to cost a bit.

So the league is ruined three weeks in the 3 month cycle which is totally gggs fault. Only a pre emtiv end or a rolebag are able to fix this mess of a league launch they sid not plan through accordingly.

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