Recording Heist From Level 3

Heist to get non-sense, full of bugs .

My fault to even try the inevitable failure.

Shouldn't have played the league.
SquareCubiC wrote:

challenges mean nothing?
<removed unnecessary garbage>
someone who has lets say 36 already, would definitely have a way better view on it, while he sure grinded his ass off, he would have done enough heist to actually being able to judge.

You don't need to have 36 challenges to figure out this league mechanic is suffering greatly from poor planning, it's almost as if all the planning went to lore... (of course I understand that is not how it probably works, but it's very easy to come to that conclusion. The optics are bad here, and in the end it's the public opinion that matters, when it comes to the bottom line of GGG.)

Also don't go around judging people by their (incomplete) challenges, I don't judge you either based on those...

Edit: forgot to add that I have (currently) 11 challenges completed, and I still have essentially 2/4 of the end-game grinds done.
IGN: ihaveseenthefail
Last edited by jormaerik#5937 on Sep 29, 2020, 11:29:36 PM
Note firstly that I stopped this league very early. The very first time I have ever done this since open beta.

Those that are shatting all over the OP though are just mindless wits that can never be pleased. This is not a thread about bugs in the core mechanic. So put those where they belong.

Also, maybe people forgot that as this league was being developed, the world was in a scramble. This is a post mortem, not a current condition post. He isn't making excuses, he is telling you the adventures of trying to pull this off. You should be appreciative of that experience.

Even though I won't really be playing this league, or maybe much at all anymore, the incessant whining and *%($ throwing really makes a lot of you look like toddlers that got their sucker taken away.

From what I did see of the league, the voice stuff was good quality, and fun...and this is from someone that really doesnt care much about story line. I can still appreciate it though.

ya fuck that corona excuse ... its not like leagues since Synthesis are a [Removed by Support]

Last edited by Kane_GGG#0000 on Sep 29, 2020, 11:40:44 PM
If I were a game developer and had to read these comments about my game, I'd lose motivation to continue on honestly.

There's never any winning. All you guys did was write a blog post to try to help the crowd understand some aspects of the development process, but the vocal minority have to assume that you can't just tell us because it's interesting, you must be telling us as an excuse for the shit show of a league or whatever they think personally.

Maybe people shouldn't view everything so black & white.
Really enjoying the new characters, interactions, voice lines & lore. The audio sounds clean and I've yet to notice a quality difference between the different characters. Just finished Part 1 and enjoyed the added interactions re: return of the Gods. It's also nice to have something to listen to when you hit Part 2 and the PCs get really quiet. Looking forward to meeting the rest of the rogue crew.
firenovix wrote:

The main problem of heists is that it was released not properly tested, and I honestly dont see a reason for that even in the conditions we're all facing, in fact getting it tested now should of been easier then ever as most people are spending a majority of their time at home. Not to mention people could of been given private access "closed beta for say" that could of even only been people that are contributing to the game like content creators.

wow dude, you have like no fucking idea about how those things work...
but your overall statement/ post reeks of salt, if you dont like the dialogues and all that fancy "experience worthy" stuff, fine, just play the game. even on day one, i could play heist just fine, i figured that nenet is kinda buggy, so i avoided her, easy. there is no need to cry about that kind of stuff.

firenovix wrote:
in fact getting it tested now should of been easier then ever as most people are spending a majority of their time at home.

and this just makes you look like such an idiot... i dont even need to comment any further, you did the best job there to make you look dumb...
PsOfOs wrote:
Rakie1337 wrote:
SquareCubiC wrote:

and this guy has 2(!!!!) Challenges completed,

Why do you guys do that? I've been playing since 3.5 and I couldn't give two wet dog craps about the challenges. They mean nothing to me. Hell, multiple times I was sitting at 23 challenges and wouldn't even budge to get an easy one for the 24 completion. On the other hand, I have friends who always hit 40/40 but have to buy boss kills because they suck... (spoiler, that's how I met them lol)

Challenges don't mean nothing.

I've been playing since people were doing Piety runs and never cared about challenges.
Guess my opinion is automaticaly invalid based on some people like him.

it just depends, like seriously, someone who has 2 challenges, 2 characters in total and no supporter pack, that kind of person tries to argue with someone who's been doing piety runs back when that was a thing... take that as a comparison.
My point with that is, while playing through the story, and eventually getting in touch with the league mechanic, you end up with 4-5 challenges i'd say (in this league at least). 4-5 challenges = story = 6-8h play time, or if you're new even 15h+, something like that (yet in these 15h you didnt really engage the league mechanic more often than someone that does steam roll through the story...aaaaaaanyway)

i have a bunch of challenges, bunch (4) characters at 80+ (yes i am on vacation).
and on the other hand you have this one guy, with two challenges, and one character, still in story.
If it came to the point of judging the league mechanic...
who seems to be more qualified to provide a feedback?
the guy who has almost all rogues at max level? or the guy that barely collected more than 250 rogue markers?
it is not about the challenges, it is about the fact, that you rather not should take EVERY feedback serious, because the differences in terms of investment (time) can differ a lot, for what ever reason, doesnt matter.
like, even if he said "i got a wife, 4 kids, 2 jobs", he'd still put himself in the position of claiming to have certain knowledge, which he, objectively, in fact cannot have.
personally, i think releasing 3.12 expansion was an error. Maybe it would have been worth it to deploy an flashback league and concentrated all developpements around POE 2.0 release...
jormaerik wrote:
SquareCubiC wrote:

challenges mean nothing?
<removed unnecessary garbage>
someone who has lets say 36 already, would definitely have a way better view on it, while he sure grinded his ass off, he would have done enough heist to actually being able to judge.

You don't need to have 36 challenges to figure out this league mechanic is suffering greatly from poor planning, it's almost as if all the planning went to lore... (of course I understand that is not how it probably works, but it's very easy to come to that conclusion. The optics are bad here, and in the end it's the public opinion that matters, when it comes to the bottom line of GGG.)

Also don't go around judging people by their (incomplete) challenges, I don't judge you either based on those...

Edit: forgot to add that I have (currently) 11 challenges completed, and I still have essentially 2/4 of the end-game grinds done.

as i stated in a post above, i dont necessarily "judge" by challenges, it is rather a tool for measurement.

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