[PS4] Congratulations GGG, Heist is the first actually Unplayable league on console

Asra101010 wrote:

Don't know what could screw up the game since Harvest. The only thing that comes to my mind added in that time is the chat...

What changed was bloom, the interface also seems to have become more unstable as i often crash clicking into trade for example.
They just need to let us transfer our mtx to the pc version. The console version has alway been and likely always be a pos.
Its a blatant cash grab that never works right and they haven't updated the faq on this forum in three years!
All the features and fixes people have been asking for are listed in that faq as coming soon but they will never add them.
Just let us have access to our mtx on pc and remove this game from psn before it bricks anymore consoles.
Sadly I'm with you. I'm struggling to find any fun with this league.

We all knew before this league even started that a single portal was a huge mistake. Especially for console, there's lots of posts pre release begging for a plan to be ready to implement for us. They removed single portal Zana missions for a very good reason.

My first character the Friday night of release week I made it to maps. Mausoleum bluescreened 3 times in that map. One of them was as I landed in from the portal. I gave up mapping that night with hopes of grinding hard for the weekend. And I did, finished Sunday night in 7th place for the SSF race at lvl 91. /weak flex

However, I'd avoided the mechanic almost entirely to do so. It didn't feel right, so I tried a few of them after work on Monday. The green quest ones that I couldn't remove any other way. They first showed up in red maps so I figured they must be important and might give me something to help with the push. But, I crashed in almost all of them, just like you most of them were before the lockdown so I was able to go back in and make the second attempt. Lost 1/4 to crash on the way out. My first taste of the disappointment of the mechanic.

Needing to rely on the server to keep the loot we earned was about to be an uphill battle. One I wasn't sure I was ready to fight. The added stress of needing to worry about stability for every Heist just isn't something I'm fond of. That panicked feeling is not enjoyable, at least not for me. You either wait on a door or run like crazy to beat it out before it all crashes.

I've now leveled 3 characters to maps now attempting to find one that I can enjoy to play this league. First my ED/con was a no go (lvl'd to 100 in Harvest 37 challenges), Spectre Necro nah (lvl'd to 96 in Legion 37 challenges), got a 6L Soul Mantle so tried a Hiero totem dude (my roomate has a similar one) and I cannot seem to find something that's fun to play within this mechanic. Totems are actually the best functionally so far due to how the doors work, leave them there for when it opens and they do the dirty work. But its soooo slow and boring. We both starting playing another game later that night and I may be gone for the league now.

The balance of the mechanic is insanely off too. My lvl 45 necro was able to kill lvl 55 Izaro for the second shrine before killing Kitava. Felt so beefy I tried a lvl 44 Heist. Got one shot on my way in, and again on my way out when a rubber band spike put me back into the pack of mobs that I'd dashed out of. The lvl 55 mobs within the Aspirant Trial were much easier to kill than the lvl 44 mobs of Heist, that's just not right. Side note, this character crashed before even killing Hillock. Minimal skills or any graphics used, something just stopped working.

Maybe I just had too much fun in Harvest playing all the days it was out and hitting 100 for the first time ever SSF. But this league just isn't keeping me going or giving me anything to grind for. Really hoping this whole concept doesn't come up for future expansions. I know Chris talked about how excited the devs were to make this league, that excitement may end with them though. Gearing NPC's isn't fun, its tedious. Waiting for them to do something for you isn't fun, its unempowering. Losing all your rewards isn't fun, its defeating.

All of the emotions this league creates aren't ones I would like to have. I hope if nothing else this league is a huge learning lesson for what we DONT want.

Sorry GGG, this one missed the mark.
Doing Heists is pointless. Crashes are too frequent, as such failing a Heist feels like it's for naught. Losing all your loots is so frustrating and disheartening.

The PS4 version should allow you to keep your loot haha.

I'll just map and pretend Heist isn't a thing and just ignore it.
Last edited by AbilityPoints#9049 on Oct 8, 2020, 8:36:31 AM
AbilityPoints wrote:
I'll just map and pretend Heist isn't a thing and just ignore it.

Customize your loot filter to hide it all. Even if you accidentally open the league chests in maps the stuff wont litter the ground and get in your way.
PlayStation 4 Crashes
We don't have any updates to provide here unfortunately but we are getting a lot closer to narrowing this problem down.

why dont GGG hire some capable console devs/testers?

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