The Maw of Mischief Unique

1 free link, so i can kill feed frenzy

thx god

but guys, minions should already be agressive all the time
cuz their normal AI is dumb af
bvanharjr wrote:
and unfortunately, it's a 1 alch unique. Baron outclasses it in so many ways, and if it's not Baron, it's a rare Bone helm.

Carrion Golem + Feeding Frenzy does more than enough.

True but you can now get your Carrion Golem to do even more damage, take your pick of gems, minion damage, minion speed, chance to bleed, etc..
also free's up feeding frenzy for spectre and skeleton builds
One of the coolest cards and avatar!
looks amazing
The picture and the text on this card both hit really close to home right now. Kinda spooky :)
Looks cool af.
Ahh yes, just what's needed, more summoner stuff....
<3 BEX, Great work
JugJugJug wrote:
Nice! Farmable? or purely random?

"The anticipation coming from the card being the only way to gain the unique item and the pursuit of its hidden meanings."

I'm not sure if you were asking if the item or cards were farmable...

I'm guessing you meant the cards but just in case you didn't I copy/pasted the above line from Bex's post.

I too would like to know if there a place like Blood Aquaducts to farm for Tabula cards where we can get these cards? Bex?

Great work with this item and the cards! Thanks for all you do, Bex!



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