The Maw of Mischief Unique

Woah, woah, death wish? Are you OK?
The words on the card art reads "Patch Notes When" :P
MLGonthorian wrote:
What about a divination card or unique for Jonathan, who actually made the game engine? Or Chris Wilson who made the game with the team from his garage? Although Chris does have Krillson in the game already, which is an NPC voiced by him, so that's cool. Also a divination card or unique designed by Erik, Neon, Brian Weissman, (I like some of the OG The Deck's unique flavor text he did) or any of the other founders or devs who put in a lot of work into the game would be cool to see imo.

if i not mistaken, Chris has designed Tear of Purity
Lapis Amulet :)
Mirror of Kalandra?

Another minion item that I wont use.
OMG i want this with SRS so bad.
"Minions are aggressive"

Say no more fam that's a 1 gem saving for my 6l minion
Sadly, you cant support it with spell totem? Thats weird :/
Maw of Mischief 46 ES max? noty GGG. You stupid many times nerf ES.
The spell looks good, but i wish it was a glove or some other slot; helmet slot so valuable for minion related builds and the helmet gives so few stats. Wonder if it works with HoA or skitterbots so you dont have to resummon anything : )

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