Please fix golden rule jewel. It grants zero chaos res while applying infinite amount of poison stacks on you causing huge performance loss.
Posted bydfkthfnfob1#2384on Sep 22, 2020, 12:52:36 AM
Posted byCildaten#5304on Sep 22, 2020, 12:55:02 AM
Great changes.
Posted byMaxasaki#4204on Sep 22, 2020, 12:58:15 AM
finally i will can go to heists on hardcore league without getting 1shoted in white map 20level below my level.
Posted byadrian2133#1347on Sep 22, 2020, 12:59:10 AM
"Killing Monsters Increasing Your Alert Level
We killed this. It's not a thing anymore."
Fantastic news, it was already broken and on top of that when I tried to avoid killing stuff my rouge companion did the work and the alert level increased without me doing anything wrong.
Good change.
Posted bybenDammit#4591on Sep 22, 2020, 1:04:19 AM
Unpopular opinion incoming-
I want heists to be more challenging in terms of strategy. I liked that i had to make choices about what to loot.
I understand that the play was to just kite everything to the loot boxes- I did it too. I just wish there was another way to keep it challenging and strategic.
Sorry- dont usually like to give feedback without a solution but heist is engaging and I want it to be more so!
Thank you GGG for listening to feedback
Ashur_Hawke wrote:
Choke Points in Heists
We are reducing the number of rare guards that can gather in formation behind Heist doors. This change should be out today. We're also planning to make it so that some monsters will release their skills in a staggered way so that you are not being hit by many skills simultaneously. Fewer monsters in these choke points will have their abilities ready to go as soon as the door opens. This should make these encounters more manageable and less about being blasted in the face with damage.
Never had a problem with this, as I just used a movement skill and dodge past everything stacked up on the door.
Personally the fact that the playerbase wasn't able to figure this out and needs the devs to change the gameplay for them is annoying at best.
Killing Monsters Increasing Your Alert Level
We killed this. It's not a thing anymore.
What a horrible change. Not only does it make the league completely braindead and once again entirely summoner friendly which is already braindead. But very likely they will increase the alert level gain from chests and so on to compensate.
So any incentive to play good will be removed, good players will get less loot over all.
AHHHHH but the brain dead players, they can finally just run around without a care in the world. League saved right?
Here is what the league needs.
Fix the bugs affecting heists so people don't get fucked over unfairly by gameplay bugs.
Fix crashes, DC so players don't get fucked over unfairly.
DON'T remove any kind of incentive for player skill and don't help players that get fucked over fairly.
I for the love of me don't see how removing alert form killing things is supposed to make it a better league.
Totally agree.
Posted byJimmykito#3821on Sep 22, 2020, 1:09:12 AM
Thanks for ''killing it'', but why didnt you make it like that from the start? i dont get it.
Posted byAshenLuck#6206on Sep 22, 2020, 1:11:49 AM
Thank you!
Posted byPastorI#7968on Sep 22, 2020, 1:13:33 AM
"Killing Monsters Increasing Your Alert Level
We killed this. It's not a thing anymore."
Awesome !!!
This must be the influence of the returning Ducks
Patch when???
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart."
Posted byvonMoselberg#5771on Sep 22, 2020, 1:15:19 AM