[3.12] Hexblast IGNITE Trickster | Laser from the Sky, Chaos Ignites! | Hybrid or CI.

gkp123 wrote:
Maybe I am missing something. How are you proccing Elemental Overload?

Whenever a skill is used, either storm brand or orb of storms is triggered through the weapon, and each has the increased critical strikes support gem, so it should be up pretty reliably.
Dingui wrote:
@Dingui: I'm still convinced that Archmage isn't worth it. Here is the modified version of the POB you used (to keep calcs the same)


That deals more damage - with most of the gear slots empty - and no Arcane Cloak or any other buffs on, AND it gets to take Ghost Dance and Escape Artist for defenses instead of investing that into mana....

You can do Archmage if you really prefer that playstyle, but it's more work to gear and not worth the payoff you get.

You forgot to remove the lightning damage from the jewel, as you dont get that without archmage, which reduces the damage to 1 million. I put the damage there to simulate the 140% added damage factor on hexblast.

The way i see it, the critical flaw of the non archmage version is that it is lacking recovery in bossfights. While ED/C regenerates life from ED damage, and archmage hexblast regenerates life through the agnostic and has the highest effective health, the non-archmage version only recovers life and ES through killing stuff, which is rarely present in hard bossfights. The build is also not utilizing ghost dance/escape artist that well, as it is neither using dodge nor high evasion.

I am certain that the non-archmage version can reach higher dps, but it is a squishy build with no reliable way to recover life or ES in a bossfight.

Lastly, arcane cloak will be up for roughly 70% of the time and you can just time your hexblasts to fit into that window, so it is pretty much a permanent buff in this build.

The core issue for me is that I want the build to be able to go CI eventually, which will never be compatible with Archmage. A lot of the nodes we want are along good CI pathing and I think that will be a very efficient way to do it - also solves recovery during bossfight issues.

It's not practical to include every single variant of a build within a guide, and in my opinion Archmage version is enough different / difficult to gear that it would deserve a separate post. Also, the gearing is enough of a challenge that you'll be using a non-archmage version until level 90+ or so anyways, if you do it as a league starter...

Anyway, good luck, looking forward to Heist!
I agree that CI will be a very strong version, probably stronger than archmage, but my thought was that the archmage version would be easier to gear up, as it is easier to get a life and a mana mod on any base item, than good ES rolls on the high ES bases.

The gear i have used in the PoB is honestly not that well rolled. I think i have used T3 rolls at most on every piece. So it should be quite possible to obtain it reasonably fast, compared to getting high ES gear and rare uniques such as apep's shield. The timelss jewel used is also a pretty neglible addition in my build. The only reason it's there, is that it had the hexblast mods when i initally looked at someone else build in progress.

And true, the archmage build would fit better into its own thread. The reason i initially started posting was that someone else linked an unfinished build i had posted on reddit :)
Last edited by Dingui on Sep 18, 2020, 3:31:07 PM
Pingucu wrote:
with doomsday is it possible to trigger hexes and still generate doom?


I'm confused why you calculate the hex with 40 doom stacks then? how does it get doom stacks in this case?
KasLeberKas wrote:
Pingucu wrote:
with doomsday is it possible to trigger hexes and still generate doom?


I'm confused why you calculate the hex with 40 doom stacks then? how does it get doom stacks in this case?

I was thinking by "trigger hexes" you meant some way to auto-cast them (rather than self-casting). But the description of Doomsday says that after its 1 second is up, the curse has maximum Doom

Something I'm curious about, is if increases/reductions to skill effect duration can change that 1 second wait on Doomsday (I'd assume no)
*edit* - Website so laggy, couldn't see OP reply.
Last edited by blackdeath101 on Sep 18, 2020, 4:02:46 PM
Why can't I use the pastebin for Path of Building?
Does the pastebin need a update or is it a mistake on my side?

Tried to update PoB but didn't do anything
crypterria wrote:
Why can't I use the pastebin for Path of Building?
Does the pastebin need a update or is it a mistake on my side?

Tried to update PoB but didn't do anything

copy/paste from OP post:

You will also need the community-maintained fork version, which adds several useful features and more regular updates. Once PoB is installed, follow the instructions here:
So, I see people already mapping. Finding it very hard to level with ED / Contagion. Most bosses are killing me. Any better idea of leveling up?
Xentriques wrote:
So, I see people already mapping. Finding it very hard to level with ED / Contagion. Most bosses are killing me. Any better idea of leveling up?

ED/cont. is some of the easiest leveling in the game...

you literally clear screens in 2 button presses

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