Alternate Quality Gems in Path of Exile: Heist

Last edited by Dingel#4392 on Sep 17, 2020, 5:11:15 PM
vio wrote:

maybe the bonus changes with quality?
also, all i can see is 1% quality

The original spoiler was 1% leech at 10% Quality (so when you double the quality to 20%, the leech becomes 2%)

The update of 0.4% is the 20% quality value.
Cleave made the list!
"Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." Rumi
US Mountain Time Zone
Holy..... just WOW......
While im happy for all these alternate quality gems(Some of which could replace the original tbh) I do also fear that because of its large number 800gems in total that this will have a negative effect on the heists (im especially looking at ssf players) where through bad luck they might never see a league specific unique because the mass of gems over shadows the loot pool too much
arctic armour listed twice?
will the awakened support versions have the same alt quality
Does it work with Vaal Skills? Like Vaal Storm Call?
Lissmano wrote:
"Freezing Pulse: Cannot Pierce enemies"

Can anyone enlighten me why this is good? I've thought about it and I can't grasp what exactly this does to the skill..
I know Freezing Pulse can't shotgun, does this alt. quality change that fact?

Help :(

Pierce precedes Forking, Chaining and Returning in the order of projectile behavior modifications (only itself now preceded by the new Split mechanic). So because Freezing Pulse always pierced, you could never make it Fork or Chain or Return (as it won't do the others until all its Pierces are used up - and it has infinite Pierces). Before this, some people used to use the unique ring Snakepit to stop it from Piercing, so as to Chain it instead. Now you can do half of that simply by maxing out its alternate quality (you'll still need to add Chains or Forks from other sources). A Forking / Chaining Freezing Pulse will potentially be able to clear well enough without a bunch of additional projectiles, allowing you to forego the threshold jewel (or GMP) and thereby gain more single-target damage (assuming you don't just socket the Chain Support instead of course, since that would also lower its damage).
Last edited by Exile009#1139 on Sep 17, 2020, 7:50:34 PM
donFreeStyle wrote:
Does it work with Vaal Skills? Like Vaal Storm Call?

Yes and no. Vaal skills don't get any alternate quality effects, but you can corrupt an alternate quality gem into its Vaal version. In that case, since Vaal gems grant you both the base and Vaal version of the skill, the regular skill will keep benefiting from its alternate quality bonus while the Vaal skill will still only have the default quality bonus. So you don't get to rejigger your Vaal skill, but you can still use your rejigged regular skill from its Vaal gem.

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