Well, fuck... (a 2020 hurricane season story)

Things didn't quite work out how I hoped in my last post. Turns out the trailer for rent was a scam so I was in that shit motel up until 3 days ago, things closer to home are starting to open up so I'm about a 30 min drive closer. lol Lots of scammers around sadly, they seem to be replacing the out of state workers that are going home. Power has pretty much been completely restored but the major ISP here have a ridiculous amount of work ahead of them. Early estimates were that it would take a year for full service restoration but they really couldn't do anything until the power companies finished up, currently they think it might be by the end of the year.

More to come later.

Love you broski

Back at ya!

TinyRogue wrote:
Hey buddy. We haven't heard from each other in a while, but we were both hanging out in global chat from time to time.

I heard about your predicament and just wanted to let you know that you and your family are in my thoughts! I'm relieved you're alright, but I'm sorry to hear about your current living situation :(

Keep your head up, pal. We'll await your safe return to Wraeclast :)

Luv, Tiny ♥

*blushes* Thank you Tiny!

z3nny_1 wrote:
Just a little bump for our good friend Harpy. Hope you're doing okay buddy, we miss ya over here! We're trying to hold down the fort, go ahead take your time and get things fixed good and proper!

Aaaaaah! Zenny I heart you so much! The fort is in good hands. :)

Turtledove wrote:
WOW! Wishing you all the best!!

You know Turtle, you've been in the back of my mind ever since you posted this, considering our history those 5 words hit me really hard and it honestly means a lot. I don't think I could have done the same for you at the time, guess I still got some growin' up to do. Still...means a lot. I hope you can forgive me for our past. If not, at the very least I could honestly say those 5 words back to you and mean it. ♥

There is also an exile here who reached out privately in a way that means more than I think they'll ever know. I mean, I still fail to find any words other than to say that I legitimately love you more than 96% of my family. I'll often be caught saying "thank you kind stranger" playfully but to you I say the same and mean it wholeheartedly. If you ever find yourself in my part of the world hit me up and just know you've got family here.

Just a lowly standard player. May RNGesus be with you.
Shovelcut wrote:
Turns out the trailer for rent was a scam so I was in that shit motel up until 3 days ago

Oh man salt in the wound. That's terrible. I've been lurking on your story, and hope things work out ok.

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Thanks for the update, Exile. Sounds like things could have been much better, but with power restored they could also be at least a little worse. Stay safe over there.
https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
oof jeez just caught up with your situation. crazy times but yeah i know what its like with water damage when we got flooded out a few times here and had like 100k insurance claim with the damages hope everything pans out for ya though stay safe!

Inhabitants of Westeros: oh noez we doom

Residents of the Gulf Coast: PRAISE

Hope you're safe and that you'll get a chance to breathe soon.
[19:36]#Mirror_stacking_clown: try smoke ganja every day for 10 years and do memory game
crunkatog wrote:

Inhabitants of Westeros: oh noez we doom

Residents of the Gulf Coast: PRAISE

Hope you're safe and that you'll get a chance to breathe soon.

You never fail to put a smile on my face. Ty :)

Welp, a bit of progress has been made and the house is literally on the side of the road. Got lucky and met a contractor that lives in my neighborhood and he cut me a deal since I'm still waiting for my fucking insurance to cut a check.

Just a lowly standard player. May RNGesus be with you.
DarthSki44 wrote:
Shovelcut wrote:
Turns out the trailer for rent was a scam so I was in that shit motel up until 3 days ago

Oh man salt in the wound. That's terrible. I've been lurking on your story, and hope things work out ok.

Thanks! I somehow missed your post last time I checked. ♥

2020 be like:

Just a lowly standard player. May RNGesus be with you.
That's a lovely ... tract of land ya got there

May I suggest selling the sh*t out of it and finding a plot somewhere above sea level.

An old Native American legend holds that the Mississippi is the last remnant of Unktegila, a vast writhing serpent, whose fits of anger at the slightest insult sent floods to destroy everything within 100 miles. The Mississippi-Ohio-Missouri valley system is lined with the ruins of dozens of kingdoms destroyed by the caprices of the Serpent and his/her children. Oxbows lie like deep scars in the silt where Unktegila's coils lashed them.

Finally, the thunderbirds of the four cardinal directions had had enough and conspired to bring about a deep freeze so dire that it froze the watersheds and imprisoned Unktegila for three months every year. (Historians believe this is an Indigenous explanatory model for the Little Ice Age from ~1350 to 1750.)

Global climate change with the rise of industry has perhaps inadvertently undone the padlocks on Unktegila's cell...
[19:36]#Mirror_stacking_clown: try smoke ganja every day for 10 years and do memory game
crunkatog wrote:
That's a lovely ... tract of land ya got there

May I suggest selling the sh*t out of it and finding a plot somewhere above sea level.

I've a feeling this is a case of, 'if they could, they would'. Because otherwise you've somehow implied Shovelcut and anyone else caught in that shitstorm is somehow too stupid to think of something this obvious. Not cool. Check your privilege, as a certain dearly departed Exile used to say.

https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan on Oct 8, 2020, 5:52:47 PM
crunkatog wrote:
That's a lovely ... tract of land ya got there

May I suggest selling the sh*t out of it and finding a plot somewhere above sea level.

I've a feeling this is a case of, 'if they could, they would'. Because otherwise you've somehow implied Shovelcut and anyone else caught in that shitstorm is somehow too stupid to think of something this obvious. Not cool. Check your privilege, as a certain dearly departed Exile used to say.

ok yeah I had that scold coming. I figured few people would actually literally read into what I said as "oh you should move, hon" *takes drag off cigarette perched on impossibly long holder*


No telling about those FEMA guys though, seems like they've been literally saying just that to people's faces this century
[19:36]#Mirror_stacking_clown: try smoke ganja every day for 10 years and do memory game

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