Well, fuck... (a 2020 hurricane season story)

Shovelcut wrote:
Still living the hotel life unfortunately, I was told last week sometime before thanksgiving that I'd have my fema trailer in "2 to 3 weeks". They've marked out the location of the trailer when they came out for a site inspection last week.

Fingers crossed...

Make sure you get one of those "No Carcinogens were harmed in the manufacturing of this FEMA Trailer by the lowest bidder winning this totally-really well-surpervised GSA contract" ones.

I'd leave the thing's windows open for a few days after going in with some mold/mildew killer. AFAIK, they are supposed to check them before they're released for service. Probably... :)

Best wishes to you and yours in these doubly-trying times.
Update please.
https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Got nothing good to share, there has been no change in the housing department, they've done nothing on the property yet. This news from a neighboring parish isn't exactly giving me much faith in anything the FEMA workers are telling me at this point. Granted the required elevation at my place is nowhere near as ridiculous as those in Cameron parish. Still though... *shrugs*

As for everything else, it's not good, things have been pretty rough man. My PoE family and the g2 gang have been keeping me sane though. ♥
Just a lowly standard player. May RNGesus be with you.
Shovelcut wrote:
Got nothing good to share, there has been no change in the housing department, they've done nothing on the property yet. This news from a neighboring parish isn't exactly giving me much faith in anything the FEMA workers are telling me at this point. Granted the required elevation at my place is nowhere near as ridiculous as those in Cameron parish. Still though... *shrugs*

As for everything else, it's not good, things have been pretty rough man. My PoE family and the g2 gang have been keeping me sane though. ♥

That's some precision-grade bullshit. A great mound of bullshit. I bet if they wanted to they could sell truckloads of that bullshit to Cameron Parish residents to build up their properties to meet the elevation recs. Nah, they would have to give it away. I'm sure if you said they could sell it they would gouge mightily for it.

As for family, when collective society collapses under pestilence and greed, you make/find your own. cya on the beachheads and stones of standard!
[19:36]#Mirror_stacking_clown: try smoke ganja every day for 10 years and do memory game
Finally time for an update: I'm home! Holy shit I was starting to think I was in Hotel California...

So, on the 9th of January the FEMA trailer was delivered and I only was handed the keys yesterday. That's how long it took them to finish setting it up. At one point, about a month ago iirc, they had me ready to move in on a monday so I hear nothing back from them and take a ride to town to see what's up. I round the corner and see the steps pulled away from the trailer and everything is disconnected...

Well these dipshits didn't bother to find out the flood zone elevation requirement and had to lift it another 48 inches and build 2 more sets of stairs since the first ones were way too short.

Now for the "fun" of shopping for furniture and electronics. Thankfully the trailer came with an icebox, stove and microwave.

Wew it has been one helluva journey. Thanks for coming along with me! ❤

Just a lowly standard player. May RNGesus be with you.
Shovelcut wrote:

So, on the 9th of January the FEMA trailer was delivered

Huh. That's my birthday.

:) Funny how the universe works.

https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Why don't you build real houses there that can withstand a storm, but instead prefer to live in cardboard boxes? The real question, I seriously don't understand it. My American friend said something like "we don't want to live in a stone prison," but I think that was just a silly excuse. Please explain.
I was in Rita, when it hit Calcasieu, and holy crap some of those hurricanes leave what looks like a war zone. I know what you went through. Good luck with future hurricanes, too ;-)
Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt. ~Sun Tzu
Last edited by KoolaidMinistries on Apr 10, 2021, 3:35:22 AM
Gosh, someone's trolling on an alt account...in this thread, of all places too. Classy shit.
https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt. ~Sun Tzu
Last edited by KoolaidMinistries on Apr 10, 2021, 10:47:09 PM

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