Will Harvest Become Core Path of Exile Content?

I feel that Harvest Crafting would be semi-fine going core if you remove the buds/flowers/blossoms from the game.

I mean, with the questionable amount of seeds you get from a single map, ranging anywhere from 3 to 70, and the rate at which you get - actually useful - crafting options don't seem that broken to me.

Without the use of the flowers, i'm getting a decent craft maybe every 300 seeds (augment, remove/add, remove) from the tier 1 seeds.

From my point of of view you can scrap all the crafts from the tier 2 and up seeds.

It was really nice to actually, for once, try actual crafting in this game. Having limited playtime in most leagues leaves you with a limited pool of resources, which are better spent trading for items, rather than gambling it away on crafting.

Considering the state of trading in the game without a mechanic to help further the trading between players, if deterministic crafting is completely removed, i don't see the next few leagues lasting very long unfortunately.

Anyways, that was a bit of feedback from my point of view.
Timezone: CET
DngA wrote:

GOOD JOB! (not sarcasm)



I think you are the only one who didn´t understand which playerbase is crying lul. "Top 1 %" are most-likely happy about Harvest not going core ( You can´t tell me serious experienced players did a reddit post and crying about it at least not everyone of these. In this forum i´ve read more comments from "casuals" being mad about Harvest and experienced players saying its good Harvest is not going core. You can´t take Reddit serious come on.
MrHoneymoon wrote:
harvest was sadly the only league where a ssf player could access endgame, without playing the game as a full time job. its sad.

Thats a lie and you know that. Even with 2 hours a day you could EASILY reach Endgame in a Challenge League. The question is: Were you ready to play SSF if you wanna reach Endgame without trading?
HazaRdReborN wrote:
Add the deterministic recipes into the core crafting systems coming in PoE 2 please. They are awesome.

Crafting is too tedious for 90% of the player base to even take part in it. Too random and too much grind. Something has got to give.

By the way the Harvest system is bad for core. Waiting for a % chance to come across seeds is worse grind than current crafting systems.

The recipes could easily be part of a craftsman camp or something, and require currencies just like our normal master crafting recipes.

Practically the same thing, only that you could say the craftsmen we come across have a limited access to recipes that increase as we get to end game and further still. Unlike our own master crafts which can be accessed regardless of progression (only limited by the item lvl crafted).

Things like 50 chromatics to change a random non red socket to a red socket, etc. Say a full 6 red sockets costing a maximum of 300 chromatics, or a combination of randomising sockets and making the rest red, etc, for a cheaper route. I mean, the current 3 same colour socket recipe is simply just bad and a waste of good chromatics. Too much rng people. Way too much. And that is 1 example.

All the mods available outside of fossils and other league specific crafts should have a group to allow for a more specific result. I can say spend 30 alterations in a row to get any random mod, or 30 alterations straight away to get a mod from a specific pool (like physical mod) without making things like fossils useless either leaving some unique modifiers as part of their own respective group. RNG still involved, but with more currency, it is more controlled. And it also gets rid of that bad day where you spend all your bloody currency and don't even get close to the result you wanted.

Would definitely make the depth of the game more accessible, and no, it will not dumb anything down. If anything, it will make more people take part in it and better crafting will also result in increasing accessibility to more content as well in the game. And there really is so much to do in this game most people don't even bother with it because they always reach that same point of feeling the grind and rng is too much to even bother with. Its reaching Korean MMO levels at this point.... and that is not good.

For all the apologists with "its called Grinding Gear Games".... and? What does that argument have to do with anything?

Nobody said get rid of the grind.
Nobody said hand things out for free.
Nobody said to get rid of mechanics.

Simply make it more interesting and accessible. There is absolutely no need to have THIS much grind and RNG in the game. You don't have to live on extremes people. Either grind endlessly away, or have things handed to you for free. There is a middle ground. Heck, its not even middle ground what I suggest, its actually still leaning into the grinding side of things.

Will definitely make the game much more interesting to many people as well in my opinion. I mean, I think its pretty clear that 90% of the player base leaves the game in the first month, and that is not good.

The only people that would even advocate blindly for more grinding hours are the people that clearly A) have too much free time or B) streamers, like Mathil, that clearly see the game as a job, not a game, and need to find ways to extend the time of their actions to make up for an entire season of streaming content.

The rest of the world does not care for such a grind.

No, an item being too hard to find is not the point of the game. Some of you people simply made it the point of the game. I've been playing since Diablo 1. And I disagree. Does that mean my opinion is the only one? Come at me bro! xD

Jokes aside, it sure is funny when people take their personal preference and make it the norm. GGG did not make this grindy RNG infested system to keep true to anything. They done it to extend playing hours for that 10% of the people that play the game all throughout a season. At which point, you are in fact the very people we should stop listening to in hopes that more people start playing the game for longer than 2 bloody weeks each season.

If anything, different people in GGG like different things as well. Chris for example does not even touch anything if it is not in Hardcore. Whilst others jokingly mock him saying "what is the point to Hardcore"... If it isnt obvious enough already, my point is that there are many different tastes to cater for in this game.

And enough with all the "casuals muaaaah" comments. I don't play as much as the "hardcoooooore maaaan" but I am far from a casual (and in fact usually among that 10% that sticks around through an entire league except this one). Ive done my fair share of builds (I'd say over 100 by now counting variants as well) that btw were not online copy pastes, and I too enjoy having a rare item be a special find that i come across.

So no, I do not want things handed to me, and I do not want the game dumbed down. I simply want it to be reasonable. And stop sending me to Standard (which, btw I play a lot of, so I don't even know what your point is with that one)... I want to play whatever league mechanic I want along with Standard, and I enjoy a progression on a new build that makes sense in terms of grinding time. At the moment, it does not make sense.

Deterministic crafting gets rid of tedious crap that makes the game annoying. I spent 200 alterations the other day to get my Quicksilver flask to have anti-freeze on it... And it never happened. (Some patch change made Quicksilver flasks not be able to get this mod anymore? Anyway)... Then I got it with my first 10 tries on another flask... Well guess what, I don't want it on another flask, i want it on a QS. Why? Why not? Whats it to you how I enjoy playing the game? Something as silly and as trivial as that should not be an issue in the game.

Its not like we are saying we want deterministic to the point that its the same as master crafting (complete control of each suffix and prefix) which means the proposed mechanic still has RNG in it, and spending more currency for those choices means that there is still grinding involved. So chill out people. Calm thy selves. Nobody is asking for 20 exalts to be dropping out of the sky and a mirror for every 5 maps we do. Chill out already.

A lot of this will be fixed anyway the moment we are rid of all this tedious sucky 6 link bs when PoE 2 drops. I just fear they will add more grind in more ways in other areas to make up for it... and I sure hope this is not the case and they take the chance with the rebranding of PoE2 to get a lot more people enjoying the game.

More people enjoying the game means more time playing it which means more chances of people spending money on it which means bigger budgets so we can all keep enjoying the game we love. Simple. There is really no reason at all to have an item and crafting system that 90% of the player base doesn't even get to experience because they are too bored of even bothering with all the RNG grind involved.

And all this, coming from someone that enjoys the current crafting system and gets involved with it, but simply finds it too tedious and grindy still.

And btw, for all the "amazing super awesome" players out there telling people what they should be doing (including to leave the game because they are "ruining" it)... Well, how about we reflect the same attitude back at you? Go and play SSF-H if the game is too easy, and sod off from Standard League. I sure do see many of you with high opinions of how easy this game is yet see very little of you in SSFH... Even more so people that just copy paste builds every league and then whine the game is too easy... Interesting to say the least.

And I've been playing since 2013. Why should I sod off? Why don't you if that is the kind of logic you use? By my standard and many others, you are the ones ruining the game...

Or, how about we all calm down a little, and find solutions so we can all be happy? Sounds like an idea? Yeah, lets try that for a change.

peace out.

Harvest was introduced by Chris Wilson statement: "we are probably ruining the game with Harvest" . Guess ruining the game is damaging, right? :p

As already pointed out in some other reply I've done, Eternal Orbs were wiped out of the game because they were too op. Do we realise that eternal orbs are literally a joke compared to any T1 harvest crafting? Guess that is damaging the game too.

Luckily we don't have to find any solution, there's no pool to take decisions, and the game's direction is in the hands of people who developed it in a somewhat successful way for years and not in the hands of some random bunch of kids on the Internet.
Last edited by Asra101010#9694 on Aug 17, 2020, 2:16:21 AM
HazaRdReborN wrote:
Add the deterministic recipes into the core crafting systems coming in PoE 2 please. They are awesome.

Crafting is too tedious for 90% of the player base to even take part in it. Too random and too much grind. Something has got to give.

By the way the Harvest system is bad for core. Waiting for a % chance to come across seeds is worse grind than current crafting systems.

The recipes could easily be part of a craftsman camp or something, and require currencies just like our normal master crafting recipes.

Practically the same thing, only that you could say the craftsmen we come across have a limited access to recipes that increase as we get to end game and further still. Unlike our own master crafts which can be accessed regardless of progression (only limited by the item lvl crafted).

Things like 50 chromatics to change a random non red socket to a red socket, etc. Say a full 6 red sockets costing a maximum of 300 chromatics, or a combination of randomising sockets and making the rest red, etc, for a cheaper route. I mean, the current 3 same colour socket recipe is simply just bad and a waste of good chromatics. Too much rng people. Way too much. And that is 1 example.

All the mods available outside of fossils and other league specific crafts should have a group to allow for a more specific result. I can say spend 30 alterations in a row to get any random mod, or 30 alterations straight away to get a mod from a specific pool (like physical mod) without making things like fossils useless either leaving some unique modifiers as part of their own respective group. RNG still involved, but with more currency, it is more controlled. And it also gets rid of that bad day where you spend all your bloody currency and don't even get close to the result you wanted.

Would definitely make the depth of the game more accessible, and no, it will not dumb anything down. If anything, it will make more people take part in it and better crafting will also result in increasing accessibility to more content as well in the game. And there really is so much to do in this game most people don't even bother with it because they always reach that same point of feeling the grind and rng is too much to even bother with. Its reaching Korean MMO levels at this point.... and that is not good.

For all the apologists with "its called Grinding Gear Games".... and? What does that argument have to do with anything?

Nobody said get rid of the grind.
Nobody said hand things out for free.
Nobody said to get rid of mechanics.

Simply make it more interesting and accessible. There is absolutely no need to have THIS much grind and RNG in the game. You don't have to live on extremes people. Either grind endlessly away, or have things handed to you for free. There is a middle ground. Heck, its not even middle ground what I suggest, its actually still leaning into the grinding side of things.

Will definitely make the game much more interesting to many people as well in my opinion. I mean, I think its pretty clear that 90% of the player base leaves the game in the first month, and that is not good.

The only people that would even advocate blindly for more grinding hours are the people that clearly A) have too much free time or B) streamers, like Mathil, that clearly see the game as a job, not a game, and need to find ways to extend the time of their actions to make up for an entire season of streaming content.

The rest of the world does not care for such a grind.

No, an item being too hard to find is not the point of the game. Some of you people simply made it the point of the game. I've been playing since Diablo 1. And I disagree. Does that mean my opinion is the only one? Come at me bro! xD

Jokes aside, it sure is funny when people take their personal preference and make it the norm. GGG did not make this grindy RNG infested system to keep true to anything. They done it to extend playing hours for that 10% of the people that play the game all throughout a season. At which point, you are in fact the very people we should stop listening to in hopes that more people start playing the game for longer than 2 bloody weeks each season.

If anything, different people in GGG like different things as well. Chris for example does not even touch anything if it is not in Hardcore. Whilst others jokingly mock him saying "what is the point to Hardcore"... If it isnt obvious enough already, my point is that there are many different tastes to cater for in this game.

And enough with all the "casuals muaaaah" comments. I don't play as much as the "hardcoooooore maaaan" but I am far from a casual (and in fact usually among that 10% that sticks around through an entire league except this one). Ive done my fair share of builds (I'd say over 100 by now counting variants as well) that btw were not online copy pastes, and I too enjoy having a rare item be a special find that i come across.

So no, I do not want things handed to me, and I do not want the game dumbed down. I simply want it to be reasonable. And stop sending me to Standard (which, btw I play a lot of, so I don't even know what your point is with that one)... I want to play whatever league mechanic I want along with Standard, and I enjoy a progression on a new build that makes sense in terms of grinding time. At the moment, it does not make sense.

Deterministic crafting gets rid of tedious crap that makes the game annoying. I spent 200 alterations the other day to get my Quicksilver flask to have anti-freeze on it... And it never happened. (Some patch change made Quicksilver flasks not be able to get this mod anymore? Anyway)... Then I got it with my first 10 tries on another flask... Well guess what, I don't want it on another flask, i want it on a QS. Why? Why not? Whats it to you how I enjoy playing the game? Something as silly and as trivial as that should not be an issue in the game.

Its not like we are saying we want deterministic to the point that its the same as master crafting (complete control of each suffix and prefix) which means the proposed mechanic still has RNG in it, and spending more currency for those choices means that there is still grinding involved. So chill out people. Calm thy selves. Nobody is asking for 20 exalts to be dropping out of the sky and a mirror for every 5 maps we do. Chill out already.

A lot of this will be fixed anyway the moment we are rid of all this tedious sucky 6 link bs when PoE 2 drops. I just fear they will add more grind in more ways in other areas to make up for it... and I sure hope this is not the case and they take the chance with the rebranding of PoE2 to get a lot more people enjoying the game.

More people enjoying the game means more time playing it which means more chances of people spending money on it which means bigger budgets so we can all keep enjoying the game we love. Simple. There is really no reason at all to have an item and crafting system that 90% of the player base doesn't even get to experience because they are too bored of even bothering with all the RNG grind involved.

And all this, coming from someone that enjoys the current crafting system and gets involved with it, but simply finds it too tedious and grindy still.

And btw, for all the "amazing super awesome" players out there telling people what they should be doing (including to leave the game because they are "ruining" it)... Well, how about we reflect the same attitude back at you? Go and play SSF-H if the game is too easy, and sod off from Standard League. I sure do see many of you with high opinions of how easy this game is yet see very little of you in SSFH... Even more so people that just copy paste builds every league and then whine the game is too easy... Interesting to say the least.

And I've been playing since 2013. Why should I sod off? Why don't you if that is the kind of logic you use? By my standard and many others, you are the ones ruining the game...

Or, how about we all calm down a little, and find solutions so we can all be happy? Sounds like an idea? Yeah, lets try that for a change.

peace out.

One hour applause.
Asra101010 wrote:
Wissle wrote:
Asra101010 wrote:
Just want to share what I've found really interesting today in reddit

"The vocal casuals appear to have a far higher level of entitlement per hour they put into the game. The casual, self-admittedly does not play as much as more hardcore players. It likely follows that their skill level is lower, their knowledge of the systems is lower and likely that their understanding of what makes the game so enjoyable throughout time is marred by Dunning Kruger. They believe they understand what makes the game fun but they simply don't have the skill in both the game and games development to be able to suggest what is best for the game. It is like a Sunday league footballer arguing that the offside rule should be removed because it is tedious and only affects the top 1% of games. To be entitled to suggesting changes to a game, one should be fully invested in that game as a bare minimum, and even at that point one should acknowledge that their own personal biases to what feels good in the moment may not line up to the developers vision of the game. At which point instead of trying to argue that the game should be changed to suit their vision, one should find a game that suits their ideals more accurately. It is simply unfair to those who are heavily invested in the game, for people who have a much lower level of investment to try and push their own agenda on the game. Games Development is not democratic, being a majority does not give a right to enact change onto the game. If a demographic, play far far less, it is probably the group who plays far more that has a priority, in the eyes of the developer, especially if the game is free to play like PoE and hours played probably correlates to money spent on the game, quite closely".


There is some merit to that but it's far too simplistic.
There have been many voices in this thread coming from year long supporters with sometimes dozens of supporter tags who also spoke IN FAVOR of deterministic crafting.
It's not just the noobs who don't know the game that want that added somehow.

I don't think that having spent lots of money or having played for years (maybe on and off, or with just a casual approach, or just a few hours per week) makes anyone an expert.

For what I've seen and for my personal idea people who got over excited about the deterministic craft are people who never managed to get GG items before.

The point they are missing, in my opinion, is that they got over excited about that Explo Chest/TailElusive boots or whatever, exactly because they could not get one before Harvest due to the absurd luck/currencies needed to craft it. Once that item become easy to craft, no more excitement for them. With harvest crafting staying in the game, they would get it every fucking league and after a few leagues (actually much less) no more over excitement.. .. Just plain boredom in having an easy access to something that a few months ago was a wet dream.

And, as a reminder, no GG items are needed to complete the whole game.

Expertise or not, they spent many coinz on the game. That's one of the core points here, it seems there's that idea that people who like deterministic crafting don't spend anything on the game anyways and so they shouldn't even be considered.
The argumentation that only the elite should be listened to because only casuals like that crafting and that these casuals don't spend anything anyways is clearly flawed.

I cannot judge the expertise of a player based on their forum posts or badges. But I CAN observe what people say in this thread and as I've pointed out many tons-of-badges-people spoke in support of deterministic crafting.
So whether or not the argumentation that people who like deterministic crafting are more often than not noobs is perhaps up to debate but that their opinions don't matter because they don't spend anything on the game anyhow (that's the important part) is clearly and provably wrong.
Asra101010 wrote:
Just want to share what I've found really interesting today in reddit

"The vocal casuals appear to have a far higher level of entitlement per hour they put into the game. The casual, self-admittedly does not play as much as more hardcore players. It likely follows that their skill level is lower, their knowledge of the systems is lower and likely that their understanding of what makes the game so enjoyable throughout time is marred by Dunning Kruger. They believe they understand what makes the game fun but they simply don't have the skill in both the game and games development to be able to suggest what is best for the game. It is like a Sunday league footballer arguing that the offside rule should be removed because it is tedious and only affects the top 1% of games. To be entitled to suggesting changes to a game, one should be fully invested in that game as a bare minimum, and even at that point one should acknowledge that their own personal biases to what feels good in the moment may not line up to the developers vision of the game. At which point instead of trying to argue that the game should be changed to suit their vision, one should find a game that suits their ideals more accurately. It is simply unfair to those who are heavily invested in the game, for people who have a much lower level of investment to try and push their own agenda on the game. Games Development is not democratic, being a majority does not give a right to enact change onto the game. If a demographic, play far far less, it is probably the group who plays far more that has a priority, in the eyes of the developer, especially if the game is free to play like PoE and hours played probably correlates to money spent on the game, quite closely".


So much ignorance in such few words =)) good thing you are not running a company that actually tries to also makes money
People need to realize something here.

The announcement states that Harvest will not go core IN ITS CURRENT ITERATION. They are looking to bring some of its mechanics back at some point (which I hope will be deterministic crafting as it's introduced a lot of non-crafters to the system).

This is reminiscent of Synthesis, for example. The map fragments did not make it, as did the special area we had to deal with (name escapes me) but we still have access to some memory maps and their bosses.

Personally, I didn't mind the garden too much but I agree that could go away.

In fact, a lot of the deterministic crafting options could be woven with the Bestiary mechanic (because right now, Bestiary pretty much only offers RNG with obtaining uniques, adding suffixes to flasks and a few odd crafting options), and Alva/Temple of Atzoatl (maybe add a garden room where you can pop seeds and obtain decent crafting options depending on the tier of the room?). Some could even be added as crafting recipes in maps or delving (more specifically, the currency exchange, oils/delirium orbs/infused currency/scarabs options/offerings options, maps options, etc).

Some ideas mentioned in this thread about Rogue Exiles and Spirits, or modifying the essences to include some of those crafting options were also good.

I am of the opinion that deterministic crafting should be reintroduced as a way to refresh the craft system, as it has gotten way more attention now than before.

However, something else should be addressed when it comes to the power creep and mirror tier items with 6 t1 modifiers. You do realize that should crafts be made personal and untradeable, a lot of those items would have either taken a significantly longer time to obtain or not existed at all? I do take part in trading for items but I never used The Forbidden Trove, nor did I plan to in spite of the wealth I could have made on there. Trading the seeds was fine (I've only ever bothered with specific t2, t3 or t4, the last which I sold a bunch of) but the crafts should have stayed personal. This would have curbed the power creep and teams of people working around the clock to come up with ungodly items.

Other than that, I enjoyed and am still enjoying Harvest; I will play until it's very end.

Good work GGG, in spite of the naysayers and elitists belittling a huge part of the player base.

Looking forward to see how you do reintroduce some of the aspects of this league later.
jsfd26 wrote:
Harvest is a horrible league. And it's not even about the crafting part of it.

The whole cycling thing? Crap.

League isn't very party friendly either. Instead of splitting seeds between players, you have to wait until the next instance and hope that the cache belongs to you.

Blah blah blah

At least you did one thing right in not making it core and I hope it stays away for a long time.

Actually, cache belongs to the map creator.

I plays in party with my husband and we would alternate as map creators every time our 9 t1s plots would be ready.
Wissle wrote:

I cannot judge the expertise of a player based on their forum posts or badges. But I CAN observe what people say in this thread and as I've pointed out many tons-of-badges-people spoke in support of deterministic crafting.
So whether or not the argumentation that people who like deterministic crafting are more often than not noobs is perhaps up to debate but that their opinions don't matter because they don't spend anything on the game anyhow (that's the important part) is clearly and provably wrong.

Actually I wasn't thinking about the money spent in the game as a "right" to speak. Everyone can speak their preferences, of course.

I've bought every single supporter pack since the game came out on console, but I don't think that makes me an expert whatsoever.
I have a good knowledge of the crafting system because I liked it since I started playing. But, for example, I can't make a build from scratch on PoB. I usually pick a build i like from a guide and starting from there I personalise it to meet my playstyile and the Console problems (like, no 404038 minions).

But I've played many games and many arpg in my life (I'm 38) and I've learned that in these kind of games, the harder the better.
Poe doesn't require any actual skills (it's not an esports), the "combat system" is basically zero (especially in its current state of one shots, its not a Souls like type of game). Everything revolve around knowledge of how to make currency, how to build a char and how to get gear.
I imagine that a casual player (I don't like the definition, but that's how they are called nowadays) pick a build from some guide (and here you take out one of the 3 pillars of the game), then with harvest he crafts anything he needs with little to zero effort (second pillar of the game is down). It's not hard to imagine that with no chase items, no build brainstorming and just the currencies pillar (less important when you can craft everything by yourself easily) the core of the game will just collapse and people (wheatear causal or hardcore players) will loose interest in the game.
I'm not against deterministic crafting.
I'm all against THIS deterministic crafting.
As a crafter when I started the league (BTW, my first league, always been a standard player due to time that I can invest in the game) and I crafted my first perfect Elusive Tailwind Boots I was fucking excited. I could only dream to craft anything like that in standard (and I've spent thousand of ex crafting in standard..). But when then I crafted the perfect Explo chest, then the perfect ice shot bow, then the perfect whatever, the excitement was just falling down. I'm still playing the league ONLY because I want to craft stuff for my other characters in standard. I'm pretty sure that if they announced that Harvest was going core in its current state, I would have dropped the league and soon the game.
I love min maxing if its hard and is a long term aim.
If min maxing my chars would take a week, I would loose interest in the game just as I lost interest in D3 after 3 months.

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