[3.16]Ice Crash-Jugg-2h-AxeVersion- (Melee is dead)

I love IceCrash and I will play your build again.

But a question that I cant solve on my own. The PoB is for L100 which I will never reach. I might go to L92-94.

What passives do you think I should pass up on in the skilltree then?

Kingbemme wrote:
I love IceCrash and I will play your build again.

But a question that I cant solve on my own. The PoB is for L100 which I will never reach. I might go to L92-94.

What passives do you think I should pass up on in the skilltree then?

Here's a level 90 PoB I just made. Posted to front page also. Anything past 90 just add life to the life wheel area or work towards that endurance charge up north again.

Last edited by HeroEvermore on Oct 21, 2021, 1:02:31 PM
HeroEvermore wrote:
Kingbemme wrote:
I love IceCrash and I will play your build again.

But a question that I cant solve on my own. The PoB is for L100 which I will never reach. I might go to L92-94.

What passives do you think I should pass up on in the skilltree then?

Here's a level 90 PoB I just made. Posted to front page also. Anything past 90 just add life to the life wheel area or work towards that endurance charge up north again.


Thanks! ^^
This build only needs one 6L in the weapon yes? The body armor doesn't necessarily need 6 links but needs 6 sockets?
Zuuule wrote:
This build only needs one 6L in the weapon yes? The body armor doesn't necessarily need 6 links but needs 6 sockets?

It doesnt matter which item has the 6 link. Ice Crash acts the same in weapon or chest. Usually to start off I have it all in chest with a Tabula Rasa for leveling.
Will you be giving a small guide on how you will be crafting those rings or gear?
Any particular reason you aren't taking prismatic skin and what would you remove if you were taking it?
He had it in an older POB at least the level 100 one. Hero has been very gracious and said that its a very functional build but it isnt necessarily 100% optimized and I think that each person can kind of tweak it to their flavor.

I think he dropped it when he added the second fortify cluster we need to confirm if without it you cant get over 20 stacks.

I'd say the destroyer cluster is candidate because we don't need it to link and it only adds 3.5% dps total
Jaynen00 wrote:
I'd say the destroyer cluster is candidate because we don't need it to link and it only adds 3.5% dps total

If you drop the DEX and endurance charge duration node near that cluster and can get up to lvl 94 you can take the entire prismatic cluster.

Also, as I have said before this is a great guide. I tip my cap to anyone willing to take the time to put these together to help us players who are not as knowledgeable about the game.
One suggestion would be to clarify the socket links required in either the weapon or body armor. I know one of the need a 6 link but the other looks like it needs at least a 4 and 2 link for the warcry and travel skill in it. Maybe add a bit in the notes in the PoB or somewhere in the guide on the first page.

Thanks Again! :)
Dirikr wrote:
Will you be giving a small guide on how you will be crafting those rings or gear?

I doubt ill make rings that good. I just used them as an example for the curses. That is the main thing I want, Life and the curses on hit.

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