Oni-goroshi book, blackcloak


Man, this tread really got me interested into book. Ill prob get some used Kindle paperwhite just because of the book.
Even your forum posts are nice to read :D

Thanks for the Twitter follow too! I have virtually no presence there and I've never really liked the...brevity of the format, but I'll be using it more before getting the Facebook account going again (I really, really dislike how fake and artificial facebook is when it comes to promotion -- if you pay for advertising, you get fake likes. it's gross).

The physical version is *much* easier to read given it's designed to be flicked around and frequent usage of the glossary helps, and who doesn't love dog-earring pages? But the kindle version is *extremely* cheap for what it is.

Oh, but be warned: my forum style is really unlike my prose. Really.
https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan on Jul 24, 2020, 12:24:31 AM
Asked my wife to get me this book for my birthday (next month).
~ Adapt, Improvise and Overcome

Man, this tread really got me interested into book. Ill prob get some used Kindle paperwhite just because of the book.
Even your forum posts are nice to read :D

Thanks for the Twitter follow too! I have virtually no presence there and I've never really liked the...brevity of the format, but I'll be using it more before getting the Facebook account going again (I really, really dislike how fake and artificial facebook is when it comes to promotion -- if you pay for advertising, you get fake likes. it's gross).

The physical version is *much* easier to read given it's designed to be flicked around and frequent usage of the glossary helps, and who doesn't love dog-earring pages? But the kindle version is *extremely* cheap for what it is.

Oh, but be warned: my forum style is really unlike my prose. Really.

I have Twitter ( @eyesmirrorasoul ) from 2012 (same year I deleted my FB acc because of fakery in general) but I've never used it until new coronavirus appeared.
Looks stupid at first but it's amazing when you get the format of it, even without tweeting anything. It's a great source of humor too. xD
People are mostly anonymous which gives freedom in writing much like on forum but without aggressive moderation.

I've searched for physical copy here (Serbia) but i haven't seen it in bookstores. I like the real thing better but getting a copy from Amazon gets expensive because of extra taxes and what not. So I'll go with the Kindle version. Wanted to get one anyway.

One can see you are eloquent person. :)

EUR 34.32 shipping + customs + tax.... Kindle it is :D

Last edited by TorsteinTheFallen on Jul 24, 2020, 11:43:33 AM
EUR 34.32 shipping + customs + tax.... Kindle it is :D

Have you tried through Book Depository? For me at least, their price with free shipping is cheaper than Amazon's base price plus shipping.
My standard practice is to get a digital version of a book first. If I then find it something I want on my shelves I will invest in a physical version. Two if I plan to reread it a lot, because i do like to dog ear and even make notes in the margins if I reeaaaally dig a book.

My book is 5 USD in digital format. And as others have noted you can read the first 3 chapters for free...but if you want to take the physical plunge and pop 40+ USD into it straight off, of which I see probably enough to get a cheap coffee, go for it. :)

Also, you don't often find self pubbed books in retail bookstores. It costs a lot of money to be that widely distributed without a publisher backing you. Amazon is so accessible these days and bookstores so jam packed with...all sorts of different books even in scifi/fantasy. I'm happy to be a click away but also not vying for traditional shelf space. Now and then I am surprised to find a few physical copies on other sites but mysterious are the forces of dissemination...

https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
LennyLen wrote:

Have you tried through Book Depository? For me at least, their price with free shipping is cheaper than Amazon's base price plus shipping.

Sadly they don't have it but thanks for the info, I didn't know about them.

My standard practice is to get a digital version of a book first. If I then find it something I want on my shelves I will invest in a physical version. Two if I plan to reread it a lot, because i do like to dog ear and even make notes in the margins if I reeaaaally dig a book.

My book is 5 USD in digital format. And as others have noted you can read the first 3 chapters for free...but if you want to take the physical plunge and pop 40+ USD into it straight off, of which I see probably enough to get a cheap coffee, go for it. :)

Also, you don't often find self pubbed books in retail bookstores. It costs a lot of money to be that widely distributed without a publisher backing you. Amazon is so accessible these days and bookstores so jam packed with...all sorts of different books even in scifi/fantasy. I'm happy to be a click away but also not vying for traditional shelf space. Now and then I am surprised to find a few physical copies on other sites but mysterious are the forces of dissemination...

I'm the opposite. Speaks about personality too. Often too reserved to permanently shape the things around me leaving the option of change. Indecisive often. Not good. xD

But i got the e-book. Starting the journey today. :)
Sadly they don't have it but thanks for the info, I didn't know about them.

They do. Right here.
LennyLen wrote:
Sadly they don't have it but thanks for the info, I didn't know about them.

They do. Right here.

Oh great tnx!! I typed "black cloak" instead of "blackcloak"...
The one word thing was purely to narrow search hits, ironically. ;)

That and I like to combine words to focus rheir meaning and context beyond mere creation of proper nouns. Cormac McCarthy did it with 'candleflame' and I quite liked the effect. Otoh he wrote a whole book with almost no punctuation (it had been figuratively blown away by a nuclear apocalypse, clever fucker that he is) and I would never dare that...

https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Ordered copy via Book Depository just now. Cannot tolerate Amazon/Bezos. Will await copy arriving via snail mail :)
I do not and will not use TFT.
Gaming Granny :D

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