Oni-goroshi book, blackcloak

neohongkong wrote:

source: https://web.archive.org/web/20160703100024/http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/504429

Yep, that was my avatar before the deletion of that account. It was, I am proud to say, the second custom avatar ever made. Wow, that screenshot sure is nostalgic.
https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
The same could probably be said of fantasy, as those who grew up on TSR and LOTR, or even Jordan and GRRM, are coming into their own

Sorry, but what does TSR stand for? I googled and the results seem to be related to Dungeons & Dragons?


There was a time when I was soo curious about this book I'd be dying to read it. Needless to say, all the comments and reviews from PoE people made me think I wouldn' be able to divide the writer from his work and throw away positive and negative bias. :( Maybe one day...
The Bother progress: 11%

You don't even imagine how much harm you've caused. I'm not sure I'll live long enough to finish "The Bother". You're one of my murderers. You will never get my forgiveness unless you make up for what you've done.
As Good guy Blondie would say to Ugly guy Tuco: You see, in this world there's two kinds of people my friend, those with loaded guns and those who dig. You dig.
Also, it's never too late to pay respects to great people that passed, sorry Ennio (R.I.P.) adios amigo!

A Fistful of Dollars

For A Few Dollars More

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Why I chose to do this in this particular thread one might wonder? And rightfully so. Well, since it's a thread about men (and women, naturally) mortals (or immortals) and their swords (sentient or not), I thought it would only be fitting to mention the unforgettable soundtrack of a spaghetti western adaptation of a Kurosawa samurai film about a wondering ronin and his... remorseless death dispensing katana blade. No strings attached, of course.
Ἀρχή Σοφίας ἡ τῶν ὀνομάτων ἐπίσκεψις -Ἀντισθένης ἁπλοκύων
Glad that i stumbled up on the thread. Wasn't aware of the book.
Will read it this summer. :)
Iangyratu wrote:
The same could probably be said of fantasy, as those who grew up on TSR and LOTR, or even Jordan and GRRM, are coming into their own

Sorry, but what does TSR stand for? I googled and the results seem to be related to Dungeons & Dragons?


There was a time when I was soo curious about this book I'd be dying to read it. Needless to say, all the comments and reviews from PoE people made me think I wouldn' be able to divide the writer from his work and throw away positive and negative bias. :( Maybe one day...

I actually don't know off the top of my head, but yes, they basically created D&D. In the process they published a whole hell of a lot of fantasy novels. Some, like the original Dragonlance and Drizzt series, became legendary and launched huge author careers in the 80s and 90s.


I would be very glad if that day came. I wrote pretty much all of the book years before PoE was even a thing, when I was a different person altogether, so really it's less that it is by the PoE 'personality' I later became (much to my shame these days) and more that what I became served as an unhealthy alternative for all that pent-up energy a person needs to write a book like mine. I genuinely let myself and my work down with how I behaved here. Not saying its all my fault, but I really should have known better by now. Oh well...no one ever accused writers of being resilient to self-destructive vices. Just glad it's over.

OTOH most of the genuinely good reviews on amazon are by Exiles who gave the book a go, so I can't honestly say being "Charan" was all bad! :)

https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.

OTOH most of the genuinely good reviews on amazon are by Exiles who gave the book a go, so I can't honestly say being "Charan" was all bad! :)

It's interesting how you refer to "Charan" as other self.

OTOH most of the genuinely good reviews on amazon are by Exiles who gave the book a go, so I can't honestly say being "Charan" was all bad! :)

It's interesting how you refer to "Charan" as other self.

Don't read into it; I don't consider it a separate personality or consciousness or whatever. It was just a role. One imbued with a fair measure of my real self, but not enough to really be 'me'. It was always a mistake to use my first book's protagonist as a screen-name for so high profile a role -- I've never been as prominent in any online community as I was here, and I never will be again. Multiple screen-name changes can't correct that mistake fully. Would that I had compartmentalised better; a few of my much older online friends who knew the name Charan from other contexts were very bewildered why it was being thrown around on a forum for what looked to them like a Diablo rip-off.

More importantly, there is virtually no overlap between my role as "Charan" here and the character in the books in terms of personality, motivation, beliefs, etc. When I speak of that Charan, I don't use the inverted commas, because that's the real, original Charan to me. I did roleplay him for years elsewhere in dedicated channels, although now I couldn't tell you which came first: the play or the writing. I think the writing, but obviously the play added layers and layers to incorporate. I do know that when I quit RP altogether I *blazed* through most of the book -- I believe I wrote somewhere near 200 pages in a few weeks. Funny what happens when you stop pouring your creative energy into a void...

That said, I'm pretty much done with Charan. Gave him 450 or so pages to tell his part of a much larger story, which is, no surprise, Hers and not his (which is why she gets the prologue). There are other voices, much more interesting to write and hopefully read, than some weird amalgam of a Malkavian, Vampire Hunter D, Paul Atreides and Oliver Twist. I mean, it'll always be a go-to name/build type in other games (right now I'm Commander Char Ah-Ran in Elite Dangerous solo mode, Charan *and* The Scourge in Titan Quest on ps4, and I recently finished Amalur as a Dark Elf Charan with a flaming sword -- of course!) but that's just like wearing a comfortable old sweater when at home. :)


A funny sidenote: at PoE meetups, everyone used my real name *except* Chris Wilson, who once or twice referred to me as "Charan" and it felt reaaaaaaally weird (but I get why he did it; he didn't know if I'd given my real name to all these strangers, after all). It's weird because when you say "Charan" aloud, it's basically 'Sharon', which is typically a female name in the West. I knew he was talking about/to me, but there was still a moment of disconnect. That was sort of a nice confirmation that I hadn't somehow stumbled over some edge of sanity and into an abyss of believing I was "Charan". Phew.
https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan on Jul 22, 2020, 10:15:57 PM
Huh. Funny thing. I always read that name not as "Sharon" but as "Charan" with hard "H" at the beginning. But thats probably my native language influence.

Also it is good that You dropped that role. Im aware that You are not Charan but Charan lives within You and when You take role its influence You as You.

Good thing thats over :)
de99ial wrote:
Huh. Funny thing. I always read that name not as "Sharon" but as "Charan" with hard "H" at the beginning. But thats probably my native language influence.

Also it is good that You dropped that role. Im aware that You are not Charan but Charan lives within You and when You take role its influence You as You.

Good thing thats over :)

Hard C is also fine. I believe that is the correct pronunciation of Charon, Chiron and Chronos from Greek mythology. Char Ah-Ran in pronounced "char" as in "chalk" rather than "character", tapping Chinese pronunciation...point being, like many names in a multilingual world, there is no right or wrong way. Some say Jesus, others say Hey-zuse...

https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.

OTOH most of the genuinely good reviews on amazon are by Exiles who gave the book a go, so I can't honestly say being "Charan" was all bad! :)

It's interesting how you refer to "Charan" as other self.

Don't read into it; I don't consider it a separate personality or consciousness or whatever. It was just a role. One imbued with a fair measure of my real self, but not enough to really be 'me'. It was always a mistake to use my first book's protagonist as a screen-name for so high profile a role -- I've never been as prominent in any online community as I was here, and I never will be again. Multiple screen-name changes can't correct that mistake fully. Would that I had compartmentalised better; a few of my much older online friends who knew the name Charan from other contexts were very bewildered why it was being thrown around on a forum for what looked to them like a Diablo rip-off.

More importantly, there is virtually no overlap between my role as "Charan" here and the character in the books in terms of personality, motivation, beliefs, etc. When I speak of that Charan, I don't use the inverted commas, because that's the real, original Charan to me. I did roleplay him for years elsewhere in dedicated channels, although now I couldn't tell you which came first: the play or the writing. I think the writing, but obviously the play added layers and layers to incorporate. I do know that when I quit RP altogether I *blazed* through most of the book -- I believe I wrote somewhere near 200 pages in a few weeks. Funny what happens when you stop pouring your creative energy into a void...

That said, I'm pretty much done with Charan. Gave him 450 or so pages to tell his part of a much larger story, which is, no surprise, Hers and not his (which is why she gets the prologue). There are other voices, much more interesting to write and hopefully read, than some weird amalgam of a Malkavian, Vampire Hunter D, Paul Atreides and Oliver Twist. I mean, it'll always be a go-to name/build type in other games (right now I'm Commander Char Ah-Ran in Elite Dangerous solo mode, Charan *and* The Scourge in Titan Quest on ps4, and I recently finished Amalur as a Dark Elf Charan with a flaming sword -- of course!) but that's just like wearing a comfortable old sweater when at home. :)


A funny sidenote: at PoE meetups, everyone used my real name *except* Chris Wilson, who once or twice referred to me as "Charan" and it felt reaaaaaaally weird (but I get why he did it; he didn't know if I'd given my real name to all these strangers, after all). It's weird because when you say "Charan" aloud, it's basically 'Sharon', which is typically a female name in the West. I knew he was talking about/to me, but there was still a moment of disconnect. That was sort of a nice confirmation that I hadn't somehow stumbled over some edge of sanity and into an abyss of believing I was "Charan". Phew.

Man, this tread really got me interested into book. Ill prob get some used Kindle paperwhite just because of the book.
Even your forum posts are nice to read :D
Last edited by TorsteinTheFallen on Jul 23, 2020, 5:31:54 PM

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