[3.11] Cold BV PF Indigon ft. RF | All content done in HC! | Fast mapper, safe boss-killer

Tai wrote:
frawrst wrote:
TheArchmagus wrote:
Does anyone have an updated pob for 3.14? I ran it back in 3.12 and it was my favorite build ever and would like to run it back. Not too concerned about the nerfs build melted everything.

sorry to necro thread; how are you liking it? looking to build a tanky pathfinder with alot of room for min maxing

The build is alive 100%, is not as powerful as past leagues but really strong tbh dude.

yep im running it currently in a pretty (budget) setup

saffels + medicore 1h wand

looking at about 2.5 million sirus dps and im near unkillable

still sub 4k hp and around 2600 mana

thanks OP for the really fun and interesting build
biggest nerf was explode IMO. blade vortex is still the best option with indigon. the new sacrificial garb base makes up for a bit of the damage nerf.

i'm going pretty all-in on damage but the tankiness is still insane - can tank a9 sirus last phase die beam but he doesn't live long enough to do mechanics anyway =)
So 60% cold conversion gloves are possible now thanks to veiled mods.
Last edited by TheRabbler#5527 on May 6, 2021, 6:18:23 PM
Is this build still viable?. Or are there any other build like this one with such defenses?. Ultimatums in this league are so rippy.
Last edited by yissus#1647 on May 9, 2021, 8:18:05 PM
shadowfriend420 wrote:
biggest nerf was explode IMO. blade vortex is still the best option with indigon. the new sacrificial garb base makes up for a bit of the damage nerf.

i'm going pretty all-in on damage but the tankiness is still insane - can tank a9 sirus last phase die beam but he doesn't live long enough to do mechanics anyway =)

How good is clear with the new explode? Can it still chain off of itself, or you need to get mobs into bv aoe in order to kill htem?

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