[3.15]Expedition PENANCE/ SPARK Aura Stack, 50M+ DPS, BEST BUILD IN GAME | 20-30 EX BUDGET VIDEO

Why do we pick Necromancer instead of for example occultist as ascendansy?
The cast speed per aura stacks from necro with aura effect
Divergent Determination is completely broken for Scion Ascendant. Since we do not get any base armour, the extra armour from our evasion rating , which is scaled by our aura effectiveness makes it so we can have up to 30k armour with no investment besides using a lens on our Determination gem.
Currently playing a low life aura stacking golem

If i wanna play this build how much more do i need to invest/spend to reach the budget build

Things i have currently
- 6L Shavs
- maybe some 20/20 purity gems
- 6 passive aura cluster jewels (first among equals, replenishing)
- 4-5 ex left over
Last edited by duabijitelur on Sep 30, 2020, 7:01:30 AM
what is some good leveling gear

Imo you need play something else until level 85+. You need lot of skill points to get this working with single target dmg. Just play any scion build you want and spec this when you hit lvl 85+. Im playing atm archmage ball ligtning, it's working ok.

This ball lightning POB have leveling section


Items : Tabula, essence worm, wanderlust, goldrim, 2 x axiom, any belt, any gloves
double post..
Last edited by Hottikatti on Sep 30, 2020, 8:07:13 AM
Hey, I want to play your build for this league. Ive been out of the picture for a while and I dont fully understand the cluster jewels. I would like to run the winterorb version of your build and I see your using Voices with pretty expensive stats. Would a cheaper one also work (Adds 7 instead of 3 Small Passive Skills which grant nothing)? Or do you suggest I take another version, because its going to be a while before I have that amount of currency.

Hey, I want to play your build for this league. Ive been out of the picture for a while and I dont fully understand the cluster jewels. I would like to run the winterorb version of your build and I see your using Voices with pretty expensive stats. Would a cheaper one also work (Adds 7 instead of 3 Small Passive Skills which grant nothing)? Or do you suggest I take another version, because its going to be a while before I have that amount of currency.

Use large cluster jewels with 8 passive points. Concentrate on Vengeful Commander/ Snowstorm or Disorienting Display. You only need one Disorienting display. Ideally, you want a large cluster jewel with 3 notables and hope that it splits well so that you spend the least amount of passives possible when trying to reach the mediumc luster jewel socket.
Anyone playing Scion version in Heist and can tell how many exalts do i need to handle full delirium fractured maps?

Also how big of a difference would be going CI?
Last edited by Hejti on Oct 1, 2020, 9:42:42 AM
can we please have a version updated with the new jewels on heist league. that would be great

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