[3.11] CI CoC Ice Nova Assassin - Max Block

How does he come up with 49 effect of shock in the PoB?
Last edited by theblindsaint on Aug 4, 2020, 11:14:27 AM
Finished crafting gear for the build.

Also selling these items, if you are interested, feel free to message me in game.

Friends with this updated POB: https://pastebin.com/yQeZmfdz
I have 536k Ice Nova average hit. Ammeron have double of this.
Please help me point out which part I can improve.
Thank you very much.
How can i craft this shaper-crusader ring ?
I know I got a ways to go, but can I get some advice as to where my focus should be. I can clear T16 maps no problem, but any real boss it killing me very quickly. Thanks a lot.

Last edited by buckr49 on Aug 5, 2020, 2:09:35 AM
How do we use vortex in this build? Is there a reason why it's a bad idea to have it on left click so that it autocasts as we move?
What Pantheon's should we go for?
Can I use 2 Cluster Jewels and Both give me Vast Power and Magnifier ?

Nice build I had a lot of fun playing it. Finished my char and hit 100.

9.3k es
1.4m ice nova hit (if my config is incorrect pls let me know)
PoB: https://pastebin.com/vLkgQCi6


Helm enchant is super expensive so I bought a Hatred reservation enchant instead for 1ex, which let me save an awakener orb on my shield. Just something to think about for people that might not want to invest into an ice nova enchant plus I was able to get a massive shaper shield.

The fire damage ring craft is less dps than the typical cold damage shaper prefix but it procs my cinderswallow, which I like for mapping.

Last edited by Darkith1546 on Aug 7, 2020, 2:47:43 AM
Darkith1546 wrote:
Nice build I had a lot of fun playing it. Finished my char and hit 100.

9.3k es
1.4m ice nova hit (if my config is incorrect pls let me know)
PoB: https://pastebin.com/vLkgQCi6


Helm enchant is super expensive so I bought a Hatred reservation enchant instead for 1ex, which let me save an awakener orb on my shield. Just something to think about for people that might not want to invest into an ice nova enchant plus I was able to get a massive shaper shield.

The fire damage ring craft is less dps than the typical cold damage shaper prefix but it procs my cinderswallow, which I like for mapping.

This is a really nice version of the build. Only critique would be (a) T1 spell block on shield would allow you to skip spell block roll on watcher's eye (although a double mod watcher's eye is extremely expensive anyway so...) and (b) a Herald of Ice enchant is much better here. Your current unreserved mana with Enlighten 3 linked to HoI is 40. If you had a HoI 30% enchant, you could remove Enlighten 3 and still have 85 unreserved mana which you could use for Portal / Vaal RF

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