Harvest Challenge Rewards

why cloak again?
Excited about the cloak especially, thx GGG!
nice set

Fun incoming!
Not bad at least not always the same/similar looking back attachments.
But i suppose they wont ever bring back armor rewards like Talisman league. At least not till some major content/feature update which would warrant a destinctive reward set.

Color scheme of all 3 rewards: Blueish/silver. Would fit with harbinger set i suppose or that Fairgraves Ghostflame set.

Footprints = 4/5. Effects and shape look good, but slightly too much reflection.
Cloak = 5/5. A new approach with that style.
Portals = 5/5. Perfect size. No overlapping.

Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks
Last edited by gandhar0 on Jun 11, 2020, 8:14:39 PM
Viktranka wrote:
You don't "have to pay" for anything and in fact, you haven't. Not a single supporter pack to your name, imagine crying about a game you play completely for free and contributed a round 0$ out of your wallet.

If you can't do 12 challenges in 3 months that "hardcores" can do in 1 day, then you aren't a "casual" player, you're just not playing at all.

Do you also go to work and get a paycheck for doing nothing all day just sitting and complaining? Then we'd all wish we'd have that job too.

it's a account for posting only.

if you ever got your account locked for posting something and would have have spent more than your measily 60 bucks on it, you would have one too.

anyway, if you attack the person and not the argument, you failed.
Last edited by cronus on Jun 11, 2020, 8:17:42 PM
It would be nice to get a body armour once. That portal looks nice, so I might do 36 depending on what the challenges are.
I am pretty disappointed.

From an art perspective, they are well done. But I wished for something else that is more interesting.

What I was hoping for:
12 challenge rewards: a shield or a helmet/hat or a tiny pet or a weopon skin (which looks like gardening tools)
24 challenge rewards: a shield or wings or a small pet or a weopon skin (which is either serious and looks like cool wood weapons or which is funny and make weapons look like gardening tools)
36 challenge rewards: wings or a big bet or weapon skin (which makes all wepons looks like big/giant tree trunks)

Why never give shield mtx as reward? Awesome wooden shield would fit gardening league.

GGG is great because they listen to their communities unlike others.
Therefore feedback is important and I hope this is a constructive way to present ideas.
Last edited by CreativeExplorer on Jun 11, 2020, 8:48:50 PM
GGG does not deserves the lame community their game has, when they release a mtx people complains "its too expensive" "im not paying 20 bucks for that", when ggg offers you free mtx just for playing the game, they complain too "no creativity" "disappointed" "ggg does not want us to play their game?" "i was expecting something better". If tomorrow there was no rewards for the league im sure people will start crying, stop being babies.
Last edited by d_n_r on Jun 11, 2020, 8:31:46 PM
interesting, i love those blue light color really cool and chill

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