Preview of Rebalanced Unique Items in Path of Exile: Harvest

HazaRdReborN wrote:
SlizerFiend wrote:

"Molten Strike’s damage has been buffed to compensate for the loss of old Wildfire."

Did you not read that part? The skill finally got an interesting mechanic alteration. Its hardly a nerf. Or a buff. More of a way to make a variant on the skill. Which is always good. More ways to have interesting build choices.

You Sir did not support this game at anytime for 7 years since you are active here.Your Highest character lvl is 93.Yet here we are,you telling people to quit if they don't like it,and trying to educate us.
Everybody is entitled to an opinion!
Also,i did the math and showed how this "Buff" to Molten Strike is actually a nerf.Did you care to read that?
Also,have you ever heard of mechanics?This "buff" changes the whole mechanic of the skill.Does that create more diversity in builds?I will leave that for you to figure out!
So let's some things up,your highest character is lvl 93,you never supported this game and you cannot backup what you say mathematically?
All you can do is call other people out,and tell people who don't like something to quit?
Oh look, "reworked" items with downsides?!? That's a nope from me, dawg. I'll keep trying to get all good items and wait for the videos of people finding the loopholes to make these things work.

You tried, though?

"We want to give pyromaniac exiles all the help they can get." You nihilistic sons of Piety ]:>
░▐█▀▄▀▄▄▄▄▀▀▀▀▌░░░░░▐█▄░░ We Miss U Le Toucan
it'll be better with on hit (uul netols this is) but unless its a monster hit its still not gonna see much use, the damage is good but 0.8 aps or whatever it has is so monumentally slow it becomes hard to play with.

Really 1.2 is slow 2h speed, its 50% slower than that -_-
from 1 alch to 1 alch
Joleco wrote:
from 1 alch to 1 alch

definitely pogs.
From Alch to 6 alch shards
jrockenstein wrote:
I'm beyond confused at this point. Molten strike was something I've tinkered with in the past and was thinking about starting with a build for it, but after all of these comments now I am completely unsure if it's a viable league starter or not...

Better damage, less thingys, and I guess WC to boost the output is really the only option with perhaps creating more chains...I dunno..YIKES

Its high end niches ( ES / life gain + nebuloch or howa builds ) are probably finally dead. They always relied on its unique projectile mechanics rather than numbers on the gem. After being pretty op in Delve league, they got worse and worse with the nerfs over the years. This might be the final nail.

Its usability as a standard fire conversion melee attack will probably be better, but that was never its strong suit to begin with. Its simply outclassed in clear , damage and how the playstyle feels ( the delay until the balls hit always made it feel somewhat clunky ). The new jewel will give it some better clear, but its clear was so bad to begin with, and needed so much extra hurdles to feel somewhat ok ( ancestral call, tribal furry , extra projectiles ) , that investing into a clear MS builds seems like a waste. You also lose projectiles for the chain, so the clear might not even be better.

Overall its just a pretty aimless change. They probably should add the 2 lost projectiles into the gem AND give us the new Wildfire. So they would keep both playstyles intact. As it stands now its just another mediocre fire conversion melee attack, that will probably be on the edge of " its playable", like most elemental conversion attacks.

Thanks for your thoughts on this. Now to try and figure out which two-hand skill I could try with some of these WC buffs. Maybe EQ will be a bit smoother? I dunno, for me it's mostly about it feeling smoother and not so clunky as people say.
Last edited by jrockenstein on Jun 9, 2020, 12:02:13 PM
I get the complaint on MS a bit, but why are people complaining about changes on items "no one uses" if... no one uses them? nothing really changed then, and there may be new items that synergize with them in new ways. So why not wait and see, and if that isnt the case, oh well, you werent using it to begin with.
Uhh, no added damage on crits? Doesn't that make it kinda useless for anything aside from some sort of ailment-stacking build where the ailments are increasing your damage and make it worth it to lose a lot of damage from crit multi?
Even CoC builds wouldn't use it. since the loss of damage isn't worth it.

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