Preview of Rebalanced Unique Items in Path of Exile: Harvest

still gonna be vendor trash
Draegnarrr wrote:
WoT_Seanchan wrote:
doub1e wrote:
Rigwald's Savagery & Rigwald's Command
Thats not Varunastra, for trying to build with, you must spend points for axe+sword+dual wield+bleed work only if you have like 300 skill points but we don't.
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Broken Faith
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Ungil's Harmony
Well on level 23 probably viable.
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The Blood Dance
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Another nerf for molten strike? Nice.
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Uul-Netol's Embrace
That's still Axe and still bleed
Bone Nova - fine.
PAttack - fine.
Reduced attck speed by 25% - NOT HELP AT ALL.
25% Chance to bleed - useless. All bleed build have 100%
FOR ACTUAL WORK you need change reduced attack speed and chance to bleed to
-Damage with bleeding
-Attack damage against bleeding
-Bleeding you inflict deals damage faster
-Damage overtime multiplier
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Well for 0.5% build probably viable
Brain Rattler
BIS for lightning skills. With some streamers hype would probably cost like 10 ex.

The Dark Seer
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Well done.


THIS breakdown is a comment that should have been on the first page.

Most of these assertions are wrong though, rigwalds pair, broken faith, rattler, dark seer are all non final equipment but usable otw, broken faith might get used all the time actually.

the rest are very niche, that reads bad in most cases but I can think of a use for most of them the issue is many players view on uniques is from a starforge/disfavour perspective which a majority of uniques cannot be. All of these shown are better than moonbender and wake of destruction which they teased first lol

They have some of the highest level requirements, that's not usable "otw". You literally have better equipment before you could use them. Only because they are better than shit, doesn't make them good. They are niche and bad at the same time, the worst combination. Like Rigwald's Savagery. It is decent, probably usable, but it just hinges on perma war cry cluster jewel zerker, because else it would be super shit to build around. Both around the Rage mechanic (that is still crap without war cries) and the dual sword / axe aspect.

Well, at least the one thing that never changes is their balance team and unique reworks constantly disappointing.
Last edited by Rebekah_GGG on Jun 10, 2020, 12:25:16 PM
so i cant post "all garbage" without being edited, yet there are posts worse then mine that are still up and not edited.

why would we even bother when you can craft so much more on rare seriously need to understand the definition of a unique.....
Last edited by LBGxValor on Jun 10, 2020, 9:48:13 AM
I can't wait to see what's more to come, and to try a few of these changes out for myself. Thanks GGG.

I like the upgrades to boss uniques hoping to see a lot more fated uniques as well
As usual turning 1-2 things into broken imba and obviously nerfing droprates while other trash now even more trash.
Wait a sec, brain rattler is now a flet increase to BASE lightning damage (as it always has been) but now grants 50% chance to shock (globally, not just from that weapon) so base damage, which adds to bigger shock than the randomness of low damage items AND has 300% increased damage effect? so... Use your one strong big hit, get a super shock, then burst it with a slightly weaker skill in another 6l?
Wuffell wrote:
I like these changes! I'm much more likely to use them in a build now.

For those of you complaining about the "Wildfire nerf" ... did you read that "Molten Strike’s damage has been buffed to compensate for the loss of old Wildfire." ? You're saying it's nerfed before even trying it, before seeing the numbers, and likely before thinking about how it could work with Gloomfang etc ...

Oh my .... Someone is missing critical information on Molten Strike, Gloomfang and general game mechanics.

The only serious builds still using this skill, after the plethora of nerfs it already got, are HoWA and Lead Sprinkler builds, because the AoE overlap mechanics and Point Blank synergy are some of the easiest ways to scale the large amount of flat dmg you get. Those builds will get 0 boost out of a %inc weapon dmg or flat fire dmg they might add to the gem, but will lose ~50-80% dmg from losing those projectiles. They would have to massively inc dmg effectiveness on the gem and i bet this wont happen.

Further the other redeeming factor of MS in those builds and maybe Nebuloch tanks is its synergy with ES or Life on Hit. Reducing the number of projectiles, reduces the number of simultaneous hits and thus your ES or Life sustain.

So yes they actually killed both niches of a otherwise pretty meh skill, with frightening precision.

Also you know that Gloomfang scales its dmg per chain that already happened right? So it basically scales off distance. And you cant spawn MS balls without hitting something in melee range, so unlike magma orb you wont be able to offscreen bosses with large amount of bounces.

So yeah please have at least a basic understanding of the skills / items you talk about.

Remember to be nice to people. You don't need to make jibes at people to get your points across :)

The skill will now be less useful for life/ES gain on hit when there's a small number of monsters around. When there's a larger number of monsters around, there could potentially be more hits, not less, due to chaining, Gloomfang, (awakened) chain, potentially vaal breach if you want to get crazy etc.

Interesting things to try would be with the new Wildfire, Gloomfang, and things like awakened chain. You could potentially get a smaller number of balls bouncing many times, dealing more and more damage as they bounce around. I think that would be an interesting use, when there's enough monsters around.
Of course, I said "Gloomfang etc" previously, I wasn't discounting Ricochet. Both would work out well together, and do on some builds.

Yes, this wouldn't be off-screening like other skills, but we have other skills for that. Molten strike was never meant to off-screen.

The revamped skill could potentially deal more damage to single target ... we just don't have the facts yet.

For clear speed, using Wildfire could potentially get molten strike users more clear speed. We don't have enough facts to know this yet, but with Gloomfang, (awakened) chain, possibly Ricochet and other things, it could be a lot of fun.

GGG has previously made changes that look like nerfs, but actually turn out to be buffs in many situations, once we have enough info and test things enough. Yes, this is a nerf in some cases, but in other cases, it may be a buff. We don't have all the info, we haven't tested the skill out etc. Give it some time, is my advice :)
Nice Cast on Crit amulet!

Bone-nova cooldown? 0.15sec would be nice, and triggering off spells
And this molten strike, does it chain on impact with the ground without hitting a monster?:P would be pretty OP
Tommyvv wrote:

And this molten strike, does it chain on impact with the ground without hitting a monster?:P would be pretty OP

exactelly what i was thinking if this chain on impacting ground mean bounching like a basketball this has to be a cool buff.Chain will help the clear speed more and with tribal furry coming to the skill tree will maybe take out ancestrall call too so we can put more dps on the skill

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