New and Changed Warcries in Path of Exile: Harvest

We need Cry of Fear.
Piss your pants,losing 3 flask charges per second for 3 seconds.
Gain 60% movement speed for 3 seconds.
Cannot attack or cast spells for 3 seconds.
Last edited by PsOfOs on Jun 8, 2020, 7:42:21 PM

(by default Warcries no longer share cooldowns in order to promote builds using multiple Warcries).

I creamed my pants. Please warn me before releasing such exciting news.
Goods4188 wrote:

How do you see dominating blow working with this league mechanic? I too love dominating blow but it’s such a momentum skill and the farming doesn’t seem to meld with dominating blow at all. As a result I am not sure dom blow is a realistic league start if you want to play the league mechanic. Kind of a bummer honestly.

However, I wonder if we can now go so sort of two handed resolute technique and use the ancestral cry to better our main skill. Either way though, I just don’t see it working with the league mechanic.

Dominating Blow will not work great with the league mechanic, but I play the way I enjoy no matter what the league mechanic is. I am slower and older than most players and do not farm fast anyway.

Because I play a guardian, I am rather tanky and do decent damage myself, so it is not too hard to stand in the heat of battle and get some minions up after a couple of hits on our farm animals in Harvest.

I likely will clear most maps and then make a quick stop at my farmhouse after. I am not big on leaving a map area to go do something else even if that might be the fastest way to benefit from harvest.
Jerle wrote:

No Problem,
so.... Generals warcry, makes a clone that uses the skill linked to it? But counts as an active... which the saviour can proc, so two saviours and generals warcry = infinite clones?
nanakiinu wrote:
so.... Generals warcry, makes a clone that uses the skill linked to it? But counts as an active... which the saviour can proc, so two saviours and generals warcry = infinite clones?

it does not (yet) "trigger", too.

double saviour, generals cry - vaal DS - multistrike

i doubt this will be working though. they HAVE to think about this and make the linked attack trigger, otherwise we have a game breaker right there.
thanks for not forgetting about strikers.
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Overall, I really like this rework with the warcry mechanics. Melee builds still lag behind spellcasters in HC.

However, I noticed one thing that I didn't really like. Fire skill based builds get a warcry [Infernal] but cold and lightning based ones don't. Where is the balance in that? Let's say I have a lightning based melee build with % lightning damage buffs. Where do I benefit from fire based explosions? Whereelse, if I had a fire based melee build with % fire damage buffs, my damage will buff the explosion.

To me it makes sense, that if you create a fire explosion based warcry, you would do the same for cold and lightning.
TheExile777 wrote:
Jerle wrote:


IGN: JerleNecroDD/JerleNecroRuthless
Harvest is the BEST league EVER. Deterministic crafting ftw.
How will POE2 and POE coexist?

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