Path of Exile: Harvest Teasers

That tab improvement is nice, but give me the ability to bulk delete from RO tabs, or just delete an entire tab please!

I've got dozens of tabs filled with all sorts of rubbish like this.
Last edited by Aldora_the_Summoner on Jun 15, 2020, 1:48:48 AM
tab improvements!!!!

that's huge, thank you ggg.

now, please implement a drag'n drop feature for the dropdown list and a option to keep that list open.

So did they just lift Plaguebringer & Corpse Pact right out of Necro and slap them on the tree?

How are they going to change necro because - combine those two nodes with this cluster and some skills (DD/VD) are going to be OP as F.
Patch Notes 3.15:
Fixed a bug where players believed the game was playable. This has been corrected and made retroactive.
Patch Notes 3.19:
Fixed a bug where players adapted to 3.15. This bug cannot be corrected, so we have implemented a 90% reduction in item access as a punishment.
How are they going to change necro because - combine those two nodes with this cluster and some skills (DD/VD) are going to be OP as F.

When, WHEN will you EVER understand that changes to a SINGLE WHEEL won´t make or break builds?

Always those exaggerations like "oh damn build is rip can´t be played anymore" to "op as fuck". My god.
BlaqWolf wrote:
So did they just lift Plaguebringer & Corpse Pact right out of Necro and slap them on the tree?

How are they going to change necro because - combine those two nodes with this cluster and some skills (DD/VD) are going to be OP as F.

Corpse Pact/Spellslinger/VD nerfs, on top of slight chance for a Bone Offering too, dont worry. Guaranteed. 3 leagues straight with nerfs and people still complain.
Last edited by ArisFuser on Jun 15, 2020, 2:20:58 PM
markov chain...y'all going crazy down there
You may hit like a hammer
FINALLY melee gets the buff it needed!
i cant wait
Last edited by DarkLayle on Jun 15, 2020, 6:47:16 PM
Im too dumb to reverse that markov chain

Any 5headers that can do it?
ImrickjamesB wrote:
Im too dumb to reverse that markov chain

Any 5headers that can do it?

What we see in that markov chain contains just a fraction of the complete patch notes, no matter the amount of heads you can not solve a puzzle of which you only have ~3% of the pieces.

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