Forget about Diablo or Torchlight, Chris' real fear is Cyberpunk 2077!

Skyrim's longevity is thanks to mods. If the game didn't have its modding capabilities or community it won't have stayed for long because it is fundamentally flawed and repetitive.

You should compare Cyberpunk to Witcher 3, which is an excellent game but not something you'd play for years. The only difference between the 2 will be the supposed multiplayer.
Last edited by Johny_Snow on Jun 3, 2020, 11:36:21 PM
Johny_Snow wrote:
Skyrim's longevity is thanks to mods. If the game didn't have its modding capabilities or community it won't have stayed for long because it is fundamentally flawed and repetitive.

You should compare Cyberpunk to Witcher 3, which is an excellent game but not something you'd play for years. The only difference between the 2 will be the supposed multiplayer.

You should pay more attention to the fundamental argument. The mods (mostly) don't change what kind of game Skyrim is (yes, even the largest ones - which typically just create entire new areas and stories to explore), just expand it (and in many cases fix it) so there's even more options to play it as. It's still an expansive RPG, the same genre Cyberpunk is gunning for.

And the Witcher 3 is played to this day (and also has mods, albeit smaller) -

For comparison -

Plus Cyberpunk will likely be mod-friendly as well, albeit likely more in line with The Witcher level than Skyrim (but also likely far less broken lol).
Last edited by Exile009 on Jun 4, 2020, 3:49:25 AM
You need to prove that the same people play the Witcher for years though. Your whole argument is

Cyberpunk is also fully an RPG, which means that even if the story is similar everytime, you'll be able to make a multitude of different kinds of characters to play it. You need only look at Elder Scrolls Skyrim to see how much longevity can be had from that.

Skyrim is ultimately very repetitive and bland. Mods change it, and yes, some of them completely, to make every new playthrough a different one. This is not something common in the RPG genre, it is unique to Bethesda's games because of the way they are made.
I don't really need to prove anything tbh (the strategy of only ever asking your opponents for proof, while never feeling the need to provide any for your own assertions is lame). Did you neglect my second paragraph on purpose? -

But anyway, none of that matters. If you watch the clip, you'll see Chris himself isn't thinking PoE will be competing with Cyberpunk in the long run. He's just trying to avoid the spike period around its launch, when everyone will be rushing to try it out. How many of those people stick with it for the long haul remains to be seen.

Cyberpunk may have staying power, it may not. I don't really have any attachment to either outcome. And neither, it seems, does Chris. He just recognizes sound competition (even if short term) when he sees one, even from other genres.
Last edited by Exile009 on Jun 4, 2020, 4:22:10 AM
You made the entire threat claiming that a non-grindy single player RPG can be compared to a grindy multiplayer RPG which depends on returning players and constant engagement. You didn't convince me for a single moment that this is true.

Cyberpunk is the biggest game release of the year (and that's in a year where TLOU2 is coming) so of course you don't want to release your league at the same time. It's common sense so I'm not sure what people are arguing about here.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Johny_Snow wrote:
You made the entire threat claiming that a non-grindy single player RPG can be compared to a grindy multiplayer RPG which depends on returning players and constant engagement. You didn't convince me for a single moment that this is true.

Bruh, I've yet to see you be convinced of anything by anyone, regardless of how extensive their response is, so I'm not exactly losing sleep over that. And I wasn't the one to originally claim anything here, the creator of this very game was. Go take it up with Chris if you think PoE doesn't need to care about Cyberpunk. I'm sure he'll be open to your oh-so-convincing arguments ... err, assertions.
Last edited by Exile009 on Jun 4, 2020, 5:17:46 AM
Maybe but not for the reasons you think
^And of course you know what I'm thinking. Typical...
You straight up compared a single player RPG like Skyrim to an online ARPG. This is where you were wrong. Cyberpunk being a threat to every other game which comes out close to its release date is not news.

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