[3.15?] (Archived) Ball Lightning Miner | Facetank Sirus | Destroy All content

Froziph wrote:
I started by obtaining a base with the Xopec mod and Nirvana mod (two mana mods).

I did this by buying a base (was only one on market), harvest removing modifiers, and then a yolo split (to get rid of rarity :P). It worked out.
Otherwise to obtain the base you get a xopec mod down to blue, imprint aug until you hit the mana mod. There are also blue Xopec Nirvana pearl amulets for sale now (from me :P). In this case you imprint (just in case you get a bad regal), regal, harvest remove and you are ready to go!

I divined the prefix, did prefix cannot be changed, and divined the suffix.

Afterwards its smooth sailing. A LOT of harvest crafts.

I started by auging crit and remove add crit till i got t1 mult.

Then i did the same for chaos mod.

With suffixes full i now did it for life.

After life i crusader slammed, and did remove add lightning till i hit the penetration.

Looking back, it would have been a lot stronger to do chaos or crit last, and have crafted cannot roll attack modifiers on there, while rerolling the lightning modifier.

In the end there is randomise value (well i did it underways) for each mod type to get them perfect.

I was being stupid. You can't influence a fractured item.
Last edited by Faendris on Jul 16, 2020, 1:29:59 PM
Anyone have any upgrade ideas for me? I have hit a wall it feels like. I have about 4-5 exalts to invest. I looked at an explode mace but pob says my damage goes down (im not married to pob damage, but I use it when looking for upgrades)
Also I am trying to level to points to put into more cluser jewels

Is our damage mainly from the weapons? Just wondering if I can clear all content with pure budget weapons
Finally done with the rings (aside from chaos damage, can't seem to hit T1 on those). I'm pretty happy. Sitting at 7k mana right now and 63% chaos resistence.

I think I'm going to try to fracture a temple mod scepter next for a damage boost. Not that I really need it but why not? Balls are at 88k/hit atm. Sirus melts.

The ONLY this that I fear right now is dodge chance unlucky maps. I tried one with delirum orbs, I ripped 6 times. Last time I hit it with increased damage sextants I rip 3 times.
Any thoughts on speccing out of the "Agnostic (0 energy shield + mana heals)" ?

The main danger to dying for me is due to 1 shots now. Perhaps the 700 ES would help with that? I have 2.9K HP + 5.8K Mana (no watcher's eye).
Last edited by PieParadox on Jul 17, 2020, 3:56:09 AM
PieParadox wrote:
Any thoughts on speccing out of the "Agnostic (0 energy shield + mana heals)" ?

The main danger to dying for me is due to 1 shots now. Perhaps the 700 ES would help with that? I have 2.9K HP + 5.8K Mana (no watcher's eye).

You do have MoM right (or cloak of defiance) the 700 es will do nothing tbh. Because you technically 40% more hp because of the MoM, so you're technically at 4k hp for one shots without arcane cloak

ericchongws wrote:
Is our damage mainly from the weapons? Just wondering if I can clear all content with pure budget weapons

well not mainly from weapons, part of it is from arcane cloak (total mana), links and gem levels.
I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1
Last edited by Remicaster1 on Jul 17, 2020, 5:19:47 AM
HorribleSubs wrote:

Well there it is, I failed to craft remove fire/add fire like 6 times at 40c a pop but I got it eventually. I still need to add Spell damage + Non chaos but I'm all out of currency so it'll have to wait.

Can a big brainer explain to me how to start crafting a weapon like this ?
Last edited by __Alx on Jul 17, 2020, 7:27:29 AM
__Alx wrote:
HorribleSubs wrote:

Well there it is, I failed to craft remove fire/add fire like 6 times at 40c a pop but I got it eventually. I still need to add Spell damage + Non chaos but I'm all out of currency so it'll have to wait.

Can a big brainer explain to me how to start crafting a weapon like this ?

I did Essence spam with the spell damage until i hit T1 damage penetration. This can also be rolled with influence harvest crafts, but i think this is cheaper. Afterwards i cleared it down to 2 mods using harvest crafts.

Craft random prefix.
Aug fire
Aug fire (will be shaper explode mod)
Fire res > other res
remove other res
Craft cannot roll attack mods
Aug crit (or craft crit, then remove add crit).
Remove add crit till T1 multi.
Remove craft
Add random prefix craft
Aug chaos
Remove add chaos till T1
Craft mana

There are multiple ways to go around this, this is the order i went with.
Thanks mate, thats very informative. Appreciated.
__Alx wrote:
HorribleSubs wrote:

Well there it is, I failed to craft remove fire/add fire like 6 times at 40c a pop but I got it eventually. I still need to add Spell damage + Non chaos but I'm all out of currency so it'll have to wait.

Can a big brainer explain to me how to start crafting a weapon like this ?

I wrote a guide on page 31.

I started making the god tier weapon

Need to scour with prefixes cannot be changed then divine the mana roll.
Last edited by Yalpe on Jul 17, 2020, 11:09:05 AM

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