Atlas Changes in 3.10.0

Please bring back Cartographer's Seals.
The whole idea of endgame being gated behind rng is bad at the roots. It's like you intentionally want to discourage players from playing your game. It's constant, irritating topic every league.
Why not disable map drops and open Atlas completly. If you want to play tier 2, first you need to complete tier 1 and so on. Someone want to play only one map? Let them have it. What's wrong with that? I'm pretty sure 100% player base would be more than happy with such a system.
All i want is to complete my atlas.

As long as the map drops allow me to progress and i don't get stuck on a map, then i'm fine with it.
shadowfaxpku wrote:

I am not sure whether I am alone in this: I have one or two regions where I have one T16 map which is a blight map, and no T15, and one T14. When I finish that T14 map, nothing drops, and I am forced to farm, as a level 99 character, t7 maps which are the next available ones. So much for "being flooded with maps" and "having a huge excess cache of T14 maps".

That's not how you do it.
If you need to get high tier maps in region where you don't have any, you unsocket orbs from your other regions, so only this one remains high level.
Then you run any red map from another region. Maps will be dropped from the only high tier region left.
It would not work if you do not have ANY maps unlocked in that region, but that is unlikely, because you unlocked most of them at lower tiers.
I had a problem with reflect , having 100% reduced reflect damage taken through the adjusted unique ring and pantheon , and i still took reflect damage
thank you for everything ggg
Celadus wrote:
First, Thanks for the response GGG. That did answer a lot of questions, but a few were left out.

Standard League:

1. Will we have to regrind all of our watchstones again or will they work like shaper's orbs used to?

2. Will we have to regrind all of our awakening levels again, or will they be completed by running a map of 1 Tier higher (like the bonus objectives)?

Can someone answer this please? We are asking the same thing over and over, and noone bothers. You can at least say:
"We are discussing it", "it isnt clear yet", "we havent decided yet" etc.
if you dont have an answer.


+1 to this.
Also: What is the reasoning behind the atlas wipes in permanent leagues to begin with?
Thanks in advance
rami1337 wrote:
Nerf Selfcurse and make HH buff duration unmodifiable!


Do something about the HH, it's so stupid, looking at streamers running around with uber fast character that is twice as big as the whole screen and one can't even see crap on the screen.... the current iteration of the item is just absurd, it's broken in all aspects.

It's not just super strong, it's also broken in terms of visuals.
Thanks, more maps is extremely good!
When you do something that we can targetfarm again, everything is ok.

But atm i have hunderts of maps in Metamorph.. and most of them im not going to run because of bad layout/density
Delve cities did not feel rewarding any more (because in the past they were a great source of Maps). Similar comments were made about the Temple of Atzoatl

pls, fake news. cartographers temple room drops no maps. if you're lucky, you get white maps.

you do know the low map drop rate in temples and delve beyong depth 150 is due to the new atlas system being buggy. with awakener level 8, both mostly drop no maps at all. getting no rewards at all doesn't feel unrewarding. it simply is unrewarding.

oh well, I had wished for changes to unveiling and imporved stash tabs, but thanks for trying to improve the game in any case.
good luck on the changes.

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