You may want to avoid Wolcen

DarthSki44 wrote:
Exile009 wrote:

How do you know he hasn't said anything on the Wolcen forums as well? He came here to warn his PoE friends cos these forums are currently full of Wolcen hype threads, so it adds some balance. Why would he find his PoE friends on the Wolcen forums, assuming they haven't already bought it? Also, he isn't here simply 'complaining' about Wolcen, he's made it clear that this is a cautionary thread for those who may have been considering buying it.

Secondly, how do you know he hasn't supported the game? Not everyone who pays into this game wears a supporter badge, and in fact it's quite possible to have given the devs loads of money without having done so via a supporter pack. I'd even be an example, as I've paid more into this game than my supporter badge would indicate - as for why anyone would do that, one quite common reason is simply not having paid in all at once. All those with dozens of supporter badges show off is how much disposable income they have at any one time.

Anyway, he isn't targeting the wrong audience at all. It's just you who's choosing to read this thread as nothing but someone whining.

Meh, as per usual I dont agree with much of anything you said. I dont understand how your assumptions would be anymore valid than mine.

At least mine are based on facts.

First he did come to the PoE forums to post about Wolcen. That's a fact. I dont know if he did to the D3 forums, the Grim Dawn forums, the Wolcen forums, etc, I can only speak to what he did here.

Second he did in fact pay money for Wolcen.

Third, there is no clear evidence that he contributed to PoE at all. Maybe he did, and maybe he didn't. Badges, at the very least, confirm you did support.

Basically I have no issue with the generic premise of posting what you want in Off-Topic, but that doesnt somehow give you blanket immunity from criticism, or logical questions as to the point you are trying to make.

Again, paying for Wolcen, admittedly stating PoE is better, then posting in the PoE forums complaining about the support you gave Wolcen, and by all accounts didnt give PoE, isnt a great look for an intelligent person.

At best you leave the thread saying "Huh?"

What does it matter if he contributed to PoE or not? You know, your opinion dont magically hold more weight because you have a bunch of supporter badges.

I personally own like 50 stash pages, and every other widget stash page they make. I could care less about supporter badges, MTX, or anything else. If I want to come here on off-topic and complain about Wolcen, I fail to see how I dont have the right to do so, just because I dont have supporter badges. Maybe I just like coming here and talking from time to time, because I've had an account since 2011, played in Closed Beta, and have a certain draw/connection to this game that makes me like coming here and talking to people I've seen/conversed with for 9 years.

I dont need a support badge to do so.
The_Impeacher wrote:
Johny_Snow wrote:
The game is laggy and I don't understand why. Because of my ping? I have lower ping than I do in PoE and PoE runs smoother. Sometimes potions don't trigger even though I do have charges. Targeting is weird AF. Overall the game behaves worse than it did in December when I bought it.

I am not an expert on the subject, much less, but it seems bad coding. It seems that the game works in certain cycles making calculations and that causes delays in the reaction of the mouse and keyboard. The same thing happens when you are selling things on NPC. Sometimes even if you click twice the item is not sold...

BTW, I'm talking about offline mode.
Bethesda is known for having good ideas and terrible realization of them. GGG is a Bethesda subsidiary or what?
Last edited by Actkqk on Feb 18, 2020, 12:56:43 PM
DarthSki44 wrote:
Basically I have no issue with the generic premise of posting what you want in Off-Topic, but that doesnt somehow give you blanket immunity from criticism, or logical questions as to the point you are trying to make.

Never mind the rest of the stuff (and the other guy above has already questioned why it ought to matter whether he's contributed or not), here you're just making the fundamental mistake of assuming that just because you're afforded the freedom to criticize the OP, doesn't mean others aren't allowed to respond to or call out your criticisms. Or, in your words, you aren't somehow given "blanket immunity from criticism" either, no matter how many supporter badges you have.
Oh ffs enough with the strawman. I never said having badges makes your opinions more valid.

I was making the point that the premise from the OP was Wolcen was a RIP off and wait til it goes F2P. That PoE is the better game yet he invested in Wolcen. It's a confusing argument to make.

Unless of course he has supported PoE, which we dont know (as of now I say no), because at least then we have a comparison.

Either way, I'm not saying that Wolcen threads or criticism isnt welcome in off-topic, I dont care actually, I'm saying that the OP thought process isnt logical. (imo)

That being said I think I've made my point here. Agree or not, but I wanted to at least clear up this forum badge privilege lunacy that was developed somehow.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
DarthSki44 wrote:
Oh ffs enough with the strawman. I never said having badges makes your opinions more valid.

I was making the point that the premise from the OP was Wolcen was a RIP off and wait til it goes F2P. That PoE is the better game yet he invested in Wolcen. It's a confusing argument to make.

Unless of course he has supported PoE, which we dont know (as of now I say no), because at least then we have a comparison.

Either way, I'm not saying that Wolcen threads or criticism isnt welcome in off-topic, I dont care actually, I'm saying that the OP thought process isnt logical. (imo)

That being said I think I've made my point here. Agree or not, but I wanted to at least clear up this forum badge privilege lunacy that was developed somehow.

Exactly how is it a confusing argument to make? He invested in Wolcen because its new. And his opinion is, that its not worth it. This is an off-topic forum of an Arpg; it shouldn't be a surprise that someone would post about Wolcen here, considering they are the in the same genre.

Even if the game was F2p, I would say its not worth it, personally. Thats how big of a mess that game is. Right now, my friend's game is 100% bricked, becuase he tried to forge an item in the end-game system. Like 100% bricked. Its a huge issue. He cant even play his character or even load the game until they fix it, and they dont plan on hotfixing it until "sometime this week." The game wont even load; its just a black screen, becuase he used an item in the forge mechanic at the end of the game. Its happening to everyone. Even F2p, I wouldn't recommend that game.

The reason people are talking about your supporter bias, is you are making it about that. I actually still cannot understand the point you are trying to make. Either you arent articulating it very well, or it makes no sense.

Him criticizing Wolcen has nothign to do with whether he spent money in PoE or not. Anyone who plays either game, can make the judgement call on which one is a better use of your time/money/resources. Just because one costs and one doesnt, holds no weight in that argument. Hell, it makes it worse. Hes trying to tell other Arpg fans, which exist here on an arpg forum, to not waste their money on that game. I dont see what your deal is with this.

Its your thought process that isn't logical. Like, what does him supporting PoE, a marketed F2p game, have to do with him having an opinion on Wolcen, or it even mattering? I can say Warframe is a better game than Destiny 2, even though I can play Warframe 100% free compared to season passes and expansion packs in Destiny 2. I can make that case and tell other people who like looter shooters, and I fail to see how that factors into the discussion.

And the supporter badge thing is exactly what it sounds like. You are the one who got hung up on supporter badges and why people dont hae them and why they would spend money on PoE without getting them. That was you bringing that into the discussion. It comes off as you believe those mean more than a guy without any. I buy 20 dollar points at a time to buy pages and other little stuff. I dont want to buy whatever a supporter pack costs. I know its not 20 bucks.
Last edited by Destructodave on Feb 18, 2020, 1:38:11 PM
On the subject of "whether it's a rip off/overpriced"; I guess we all have different standards, but mine is a dollar per hour. If a game provides me with enjoyment and entertainment at a cost of a dollar per hour or less, I feel like that's a good deal.

I don't consider Wolcen to be playable/functional at the moment and won't touch it again until characters stop getting randomly deleted, but I paid $40 for it and will get 40 hours of play time out of it eventually so in that sense, I'm ok with it (and of course I could just refund it on Steam if I felt I wasn't going to get my 40 hours out of it).

For me the issue is that even if/when they fix everything in Wolcen, PoE is just a better game with better mechanics, more engaging gameplay and better fishing.
By far the best take I've seen on Wolcen so far. Short, sweet, vivid and relatable - xD
MonstaMunch wrote:
On the subject of "whether it's a rip off/overpriced"; I guess we all have different standards, but mine is a dollar per hour. If a game provides me with enjoyment and entertainment at a cost of a dollar per hour or less, I feel like that's a good deal.

I don't consider Wolcen to be playable/functional at the moment and won't touch it again until characters stop getting randomly deleted, but I paid $40 for it and will get 40 hours of play time out of it eventually so in that sense, I'm ok with it (and of course I could just refund it on Steam if I felt I wasn't going to get my 40 hours out of it).

For me the issue is that even if/when they fix everything in Wolcen, PoE is just a better game with better mechanics, more engaging gameplay and better fishing.

Steam refunds have a time limit. If they take too long to fix it, you won't be able to refund it anymore. Also, people call it a rip off cos they raised the price for launch and therefore incentivized people to buy it before they had any clue how broken it actually was i.e. you were actively penalized for choosing to wait and see.
I mean Darthski I get your point of view but I did think it was a bit excessive to come at a random so aggressively for posting something negative about Wolcen in OFF-TOPIC because they had no badges.

People who play PoE are more likely to be interested in something like Wolcen, so its not a stretch.

Also, I think the folks who write up the poe isn't f2p or we need an auctionhouse threads are far more deserving of that ire.
Yep, totally over league play.
Perhaps it was aggressive, but the OP brought up money/rip off first, and then appears to not support PoE. Which I still dont get, and where the badges sorta came in. All I was saying is the badges confirm you supported, without having to say you supported, at first glance.

It just struck me as odd, especially posting in the PoE forum. Like bro can you toss some cash at PoE instead, since you prefer it so much more?

Idk, this whole Wolcen thing has been so polarizing.

Willing to give Wolcen $40 but unwillingly to support GGG, then posting it here...accomplishes what? I mean, what is GGG supposed to think? Uhh thanks for giving Wolcen money for a game you fully admit is inferior, and then playing our game for free, and not supporting us? Great...

Seemingly people dont understand what I was trying to say and strawmaned about badge priviledge.

Think about it. If we all bought Wolcen, never gave any money to PoE, but continued to post in the PoE forums about how much better a game PoE is, wouldnt that strike you as super odd and kinda trolling GGG?
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln

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