Wolcen Hype Release!

Oh, the irony of a Tencent supporter sermonising on cash-grabs.


Deeply enjoying the tactical possibilities of Evasion. Kind of brilliant of them to make it dash in the opposite direction of the cursor. I've taken down much stronger enemies than I could merely facetank just by learning their attack patterns and using a mix of Evasion and the dodge-roll. Satisfying!

Xavderion wrote:
Pulling off a cool character name is a big part of the fun of naming characters in PoE. Sense of pride and accomplishment™.

Hardly something at which I need to prove myself more than accomplished. :) I like the idea of making a Musashi, a Thor, a Legolas, and maybe even a Geralt!
https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan on Feb 20, 2020, 4:08:17 AM
You are the only person that is so delusional about this game. I am not sure if it's funny or sad at this point.


What everybody should do before they reach this point of disappointment.

59.7k online as of this posting. So, yeah...you were saying?

Nah, you weren't saying anything. At least, nothing even close to the truth.


The number of broken/non-functioning nodes is significant, but I suppose it comes down to this: if you paid for the beta/early access, and you enjoyed that, the question becomes, is what was released better than that? Absolutely. In every single way. And you're getting it for 'nothing'. But for people who came later? Yeah, I understand their disappointment and desire to refund.

What amuses me is people calling it an alpha. It's far, far more stable, playable and complete than any alpha in my experience. But eh, what would I know about that? ;)

https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Oh, the irony of a Tencent supporter sermonising on cash-grabs.


Deeply enjoying the tactical possibilities of Evasion. Kind of brilliant of them to make it dash in the opposite direction of the cursor. I've taken down much stronger enemies than I could merely facetank just by learning their attack patterns and using a mix of Evasion and the dodge-roll. Satisfying!

I'm chiming in here after playing about 60 hours of Wolcen.

If you are indeed Charan, I remember your post from way back that spoke along the lines of PoE failing in combat because it doesn't really scratch that itch in a one vs many type combat. I may be misremembering some details of the post, but I do remember walking away with that type of understanding of it, how combat feels against many targets in PoE compared to Wolcen.

And I can say that after Wolcen, I completely understand and agree with you 100%. Combat is just amazing in this game. The absolute highlight of the game for me. I myself am an Anvil of Woe man. It's very interesting coming up with your own impromptu combos like taking Pugilistic Momentum for the stun on basics, Intravenous Neural Cord for attack speed, and the Charge talent on Anvil of Woe.

The second highlight of the game though has got to be the game structure itself and the capacity for offline play. It's a liberating feeling when I can boot it up, and not have to worry about a single thing like busted mechanics, currency/hr, if I'm going to lose a character to a stutter on a $1600 machine or ping, or the RNG^RNG^RNG based loot/progression involved. I just can't stand the RNG treadmill for PoE, I think one of my first posts on this account was about the 6L system.

I'll split my post because I doubt everyone will agree with my next points.
YourFather wrote:
You are the only person that is so delusional about this game. I am not sure if it's funny or sad at this point.


What everybody should do before they reach this point of disappointment.

The 4k gold is still a better reward than what most map bosses grant in PoE -
The game comes undoubtably with a lot of bugs, design issues, network issues and this part belong to the dev and a lack of work on their end probably followed by investors deciding to push them for release date (wich is not really uncommon these days).
Add to that the amount of players that joined the game at release (for the record it seems higher or very similar to concurent players than PoE October 2013 release).
The good news is all of that can be fixed from time to time.

What can't be fixed is delusional players expecting a smooth online game release these days, from a very little studio while even Blizzard or Bethesda can't achieve that themselves, without mentioning RIOT and numerous issues they ran trough during league of legends early days for example.
The list of releases that went wrong is as big as the grand canyon up to this day, I grant you one point sometimes this is really questionable.

Even GGG is not able to produce a smooth release when it come to leagues and this has been the case for years and years even with over 100 employees now, I will give them one point tho, they tried to explain why it was slightly harder than how peoples over idealize the whole process behind it.

So yeah, bit too soon to call that a cash grab (appropriate name when devs decide to ignore issues, and stop communication, wich wasn't the case for Wolcen at any moments).

Hf :)
Last edited by Heli0nix on Feb 20, 2020, 5:52:30 PM
I'm overall disgusted with the PoE community at this point in time, because these are most of the people writing bad reviews over the game.

I'm going to lay out some of these posts in very small digestible bits.

1)The same people I saw complaining about no Offline mode for D3 launch and lack thereof in PoE were complaining about servers not being up for Wolcen launch, which had offline mode available.

Hypocrisy abounds.

2) Ungraceful response by Chris Wilson. Instead of remaining silent as his playerbase decides to seemingly hijack the reddit page with hyperbolic complaints on launch, he posts this.


Like what is going through his mind when he posted that? He saw all the people complaining about "ETA SERVERS?" and then he just attempts to compound it instead of remaining silent.

This going off the back of the Melee rework that seemed to take the very innate combat system Wolcen has going for it and try to replicate it on the PoE engine.

I find this combination to be one of the most disrespectful things I've seen.

3) Hypocritical and hyperbolic response to bugs. Now, I'm going to go and say that while bugs are a valid complaint, the vehement hatred I've seen in some of these reviews and on the reddit calling the game a "shameful moneygrab".

I can clearly see the passion and love work put into this game just by combat, transmog, and story. They worked with what they have. And they did a pretty good job considering the resources they had, and the small size of their dev team.

But again, the hypocrisy, some of the same people decrying bugs here are the same people that will go on to say wait 2 weeks after a league launch in PoE for them to fix the bugs. It hasn't even been 1 week in Wolcen.

Right now it's the biggest case of disillusionment for me. I'm sorry to say that I'm honestly hoping PoE crashes and burns from this point forward, because this type of community is the result of the baseline RNG scarcity that comes from skinner box, gambling simulators like PoE has become.

And it'll be a sight to see because it's all fun and games when this community bares its fangs at another, but it's a different story when it's you. And it eventually will, just look at Blizzard.
Oh, the irony of a Tencent supporter sermonising on cash-grabs.



They would rather pay $25 for a reskinned HO that took no time to create cuz it was in game already or $35 armors cuz poe rocks, be a good goy and support!

but an entire game for $25? (not sure how much is wolcen sorry) nope.. that will infuriate tggg loyalists.
"Parade your victories, hide your defeats. Mortals are so insecure."

Once you break the cycle of fear no angels or demons can whisper you their sweet nothing words.

Retired since crucible.(Not a free tester anymore for a multi billion dollar company).
Last edited by Xystre on Feb 20, 2020, 9:22:18 AM
if it´s spelled Wolsen it should be written Wolsen.

/# wrong forum
You know, multiple things can be true at the same time.

Wolcen is fun. It's a mess, but I'm enjoying it. (I'm not duping gold, or abusing bleeding edge modifier, or 100% Block and Efficeny shenanigans)

There is absolutely no reason to have animosity towards other games in a genre. PoE will be fine. Wolcen most likely will, at the very least, survive a few iterations. Diablo 4 and Torchlight will have their time (we wont talk about Last Epoch)

Chris Wilson...is...well something. I love to play armchair psychologist, but I'm on thin fucking ice forum probation wise, so I will pass for now. I will say that he has "evolved" over the last few years.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
DarthSki44 wrote:
There is absolutely no reason to have animosity towards other games in a genre. PoE will be fine. Wolcen most likely will, at the very least, survive a few iterations.

It's not about "other games in a genre". PoE players themselves have frequently lamented the lack of serious competition and wished the genre had more (good) options. It's more about a trend in game development in general. In this case, yes Wolcen is yet another game that released an unfinished product - and yes, every PoE league typically feels like that too (though not to this extent) - but there's also more to it than that. You're here getting defensive about all the backlash, but what preceded that backlash?

Hype. Including here. And hype and anger are two sides of the same coin.

If games didn't sell themselves on hype and pre-purchase/day 1 purchases to begin with, they wouldn't face as much premature anger either. If game sales were a more slow and steady curve from release to a few months to years after release, you wouldn't have so many people piling onto them for good or ill.

But they aren't. And Wolcen in specific isn't innocent in this regard either. It did try to aggressively encourage early buy-ins. It had a lot of sponsored marketing and streaming. But even more egregiously, it forced you to choose between buying in early for an uncertain product or be penalized for being more patient by having to pay 50% more. If their servers couldn't handle all the traffic, they have only themselves to blame - not simply for not buying more server capacity, but also for seeking out those kind of Day 1 numbers to begin with.

They could have done this differently - let reviews and streams come out on their own, let players come to the game on their own terms. But no. They CHOSE to embrace some of the shittiest business practices the industry has today. And so if they're going to try to benefit from those practices, they should not be immune to the backlash such practices generate when things go wrong.

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