New game :)

Rip_VanWinkle wrote:
I already have two characters at level 20 (in beta). In my opinion, they still have a long way to go - but I keep my fingers crossed for them. I believe that they will develop.

Why are you giving us a play by play account of your adventures in Wolcen? Shouldn't you be spending time on the Wolcen forums? Or is this an entire thread just an intentional troll for attention?

Anyway, since you're here, can you please assist in my attempt at trolling?

*Ahem* I said - STAR CITIZEN! (psst...that's your cue)
aggromagnet wrote:
Definitely curious to see how the rest of the game turns out.

The rest of the game will turn out to be a beautiful weekend adventure. Or maybe it'll last a whole week. Maybe...

You'll enjoy it immensely, praise it effusively, and remember it ever so fondly - even as you move on to other games with many more problems, but also far greater longevity.
Well, this thread aged like fine...meat. Even the OP of the thread is back in PoE, playing Harvest. xD

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