[3.13 UPDATED] gr0bbs | Poison Blade Vortex | Budget Viable | Endgame 50Mil+ DPS | Video Guide
" I'm not sure if this is sarcastic or not. It's updated to what I know for a ilevel93 character. There is room for growth if you have extra ex for sure, but it works for me. |
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I'm trying to find a good chest but am having no luck in the 10-15ex range. Lots are astral plate ones, I was wondering if it's better to craft one?
I saw a guide on how to craft one and it said it was roughly 10ex? Anyone have their method for crafting one or did you all just buy one? Also is attacks crit chance useless for us? I'm ideally looking for a +1 curse,explode,life,resist with a few other possible mods. |
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" You don’t stop playing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop playing.
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you are saying in your build that you only have to charge VB a couple times during a map .
im not sure where im doing something wrong but i have to charge it every 2-3 packs ... i got increased duration on cluster and i do have unleash max lvl . any tips are welcome . at lvl 90 also seem to be lacking dps yet i got mostly GG gear |
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im just curious, the reason additional curse gives us huge dps because of the temporal chains' ''other affects on cursed enemies expire slower'' feature right?. So this feature makes our poison last longer?.
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I almost finished crafting my chest today, have a 30% 6l ilvl 86 garb with +1 curses and explode mod on it for my 2 prefixes.
Tomorrow I plan to craft spell crit and one resist with life on it, but was wondering how useful/good 15% to gain power charge on crit strike feels? In comparison to getting another resist on the chest since I feel the build already is starving for resists, especially if you run two unique rings. But if the damage seems worth it then I will likely give up the extra resist on chest and try to harvest craft power charge onto it. Edit: Also I plan to grab or craft a stygian belt tomorrow with high life/resists. I was wondering if instead of chaos dmg % its better to get an aspect of spider one? (Since I believe I saw in the guide it recommended that on a piece of gear). Last edited by frost21#0752 on Jul 17, 2020, 4:39:03 AM
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" It's pretty easy to explain. Having two "Surging Vitality" alone did safe my ass so damn many times on juiced up maps, that i'd gladly sacrifice 500 HP just to have two of them. Having two Wasting Affliction makes our poisons do DMG 2x10% faster - which not only gives Boss-Burst-DMG, but also helps in time-sensitive situations like legion monoliths. Having 2x Wicked Pall gives 20% increased skill effect duration (got nerved unfortunately), which means i can spare the points to go the long route down the scion cluster. Also, in addition to the Notables, you can craft insane cluster jewels, more so in Harvest than in Delirium. Especially on the small ones - take the ones with 3 skill nodes instead of 2. You can get additional life and additional resistances on them, e.g. +life, +all res, + specific res and 4% increased life. Or craft int instead of res, depending on what you need. All that for one skill point. That solves every resistance or stat problem we have, with very little investment. So instead of going to the scion cluster with 10+ useless stat-nodes, we can get a lot of useful stuff with cluster jewels. I don't say that you need them for this build. If you're just doing normal to mid-juiced maps, it works just fine. But it makes clearing 20/20 simulacrum or 100% delirious maps so much easier with them. Also, if you played a Herald-Aura-Guardian last league, you know how OP some of those cluster jewels were ;-) |
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" Power charge on crit gives ~1 million DPS increase according to PoB and increases our "effective crit chance" (with Coralitos flask up) by 11%. So if you manage to craft resistances on your cluster jewels (if you have some), i'd recommend taking the PCoC-mod. |
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" Yeah I think I will plan to do that tomorrow and finish the chest with life and one resist. I figure I will just run one unique ring until I get cluster jewels and good ones that give resist and such where I can drop my a rare ring with resists. Is aspect of spider needed in this build? I thought I remember the guide mentioning to get it on a piece, I was possibly looking at getting it on my ring. Any thoughts? Or do you suggest running two unique rings asap for the damage boost? Also what would be the best way to go about crafting a hunter stygian ilvl 86 belt? Just alteration spam to get t1 life? Then harvest craft resists and chaos damage on it? (Gauging my options if I don't see a good belt up for trade for 6-7Ex). |
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" Cluster jewels bring me from 50 million to 95 million non-boss DPS, and give me more life and resistances, so if that's not worth it I don't know what is. |
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