Development Manifesto: Balance in Path of Exile: Conquerors of the Atlas

This is why the Multimod nerf is a direct shot at casual players.

Before this, with 2-5 ex you could make a perfectly serviceable but not OP endgame weapon. This was well within the reach of many players.

Now? forget it. More RNG, more hours grinding currency, more hours spent grinding or spamming to reduce the overall impact of RNG.

GGG wants you playing PoE and only PoE.

Payne0087 wrote:
I love it. Every league, the Balance Manifesto is posted, and every league the comments are filled with the salty tears of players. Every time, people talk about how "out of touch" the devs are, and as "do you guys even play this game?"

And every league, everything turns out just fine, with new builds emerging and old ones adapting or dying.

This is the reason I love this game; constantly changing and evolving. Keep it up, love this manifesto and can't wait for the patch notes (and new leauge).

100000% agree with u, it's the mentality of hating everything, but u get in the game when league starts, and have fun, and A LOT of build is easly viable if u just think a bit for it.

True words.
Raise Spectre - 3rd Spectre at level 25 instead of level 21 gem level.

Isn't that a quite massive nerf? Gem level 25 sounds like it's very far in the end game, like player level 95 equivalent or so.

Was it really necessary to change it? I'm just quite a bit concerned..
So much salt in here ^^. I was salty for game becoming total joke. But with monster/bosses buff. Op builds nerfed, it should be better than it was.And i play in hardcore from beta, even tho i am working all the time(taking vocation often fo first wewk). PoE is huge game, patch notes, gem reveals soon and then start looking for potencial build(s), therycraft yourself or look for others if you are lazy or busy person. I am sure most of you will find some build you want to play, which is decent
Be positive! :)
3.15 was a joke. 3.19 was a disaster. Archnemesis/Ruthless/Crucible(Archnemesis 4.0?) - worst ideas. Ruthless is a joke, a waste of resources. PoE2(exilecon version) was super disappointing.
The "Can have multiple crafted modifiers" mod has been changed, now granting "Can have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers". Multi-mod crafting an item was proving too powerful for too low a cost compared with rolling an item of relative power. We'll be keeping an eye on the modifier to see if further changes are required.

i love it, i was tired of seeing nearly perfect weapon for 0 cost, thanks GGG !!
Last edited by Kayrigan on Dec 10, 2019, 1:32:16 AM
This was pretty much the first balance manifesto ever that felt reasonable on almost all levels, people are just salty because the game got a little harder (finally). I guess the fortify nerf is a shame for HC but apart from that no problems really.

Multimod nerf is a good thing, was way to easy to make endgame weapons (still will be, just need 2 mods instead of 1 before crafting multimod).

Considering that a lot or bow things will be buffed I'm not even sure if mirage archer nerf will be felt to much and lets be honest having a mirage archer that powerful was way to easy. The power level of a mirage archer should be to be able to clean up monsters on semi-low life, not 1 shotting map monsters from full life.

This will be a real fun league to play, lets go boss killing!
and how exactly phys minions builds will get some compensation because of mob's new armour buffs? generally, this armour part of manifesto is kind of bullshit.
dead game
bring back 3.13
Last edited by Tainted_Fate on Dec 10, 2019, 1:34:08 AM
FramFramson wrote:
Before this, with 2-5 ex you could make a perfectly serviceable but not OP endgame weapon. This was well within the reach of many players.

Now? forget it. More RNG, more hours grinding currency, more hours spent grinding or spamming to reduce the overall impact of RNG.

Here's hoping that the drop rate of the new exalts offsets this completely.

Remembers gold oil drop rate and cries.
Last edited by Cpt_Slippyfist on Dec 10, 2019, 1:34:57 AM
FramFramson wrote:
This is why the Multimod nerf is a direct shot at casual players.

Before this, with 2-5 ex you could make a perfectly serviceable but not OP endgame weapon. This was well within the reach of many players.

Now? forget it. More RNG, more hours grinding currency, more hours spent grinding or spamming to reduce the overall impact of RNG.

GGG wants you playing PoE and only PoE.

no, the casuals want to access the end of the endgame cheaply and easily, and GGG only wants the most dedicated players who play only PoE to get there
I am gonna cut it short here, overall sounds great BUT, there is always a but.

I am concerned about the levelling experience through the campaign with regards to the underperforming skills.

You have upped the defensives of everything it seems, but it does not sound like you have given much thought to the under performing skills while levelling.

I fear that this will shoehorn players even further into using more "meta" levelling skills, for the sole reason of avoiding the additional pain that this might bring to already painful levelling skills.

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