[3.17] Wallach's Hierophant Freezing Pulse Totems (No Further Updates)

faytte wrote:
Yeah I would expect the cost of these helmets to crash, but them even being this high is a little odd.

The start of last league, 0.4% of builds took FP. This league, it's 3%. And we didn't realise the Veil existed until a couple of days in, so there were already a load of them on the market.


Last edited by NoImagination on Apr 19, 2021, 12:38:15 AM
NoImagination wrote:
faytte wrote:
Yeah I would expect the cost of these helmets to crash, but them even being this high is a little odd.

The start of last league, 0.4% of builds took FP. This league, it's 3%. And we didn't realise the Veil existed until a couple of days in, so there were already a load of them on the market.


Woof. I was hoping to a discount option. Actually a big reason I league started FP was the notion at a cheap alternative to mirror. I guess 4ex is still well cheaper than a mirror, but was eager for the bargain option.
Daemonion wrote:
I am not surviving ultimatums..feels bad that when my limit is alched T5 with current gear I cannot do all waves in ultimatum in that map..3-4 waves at most, and if indoor map, then 1-2 waves..im sad as I bet on totems to be cookie cutter in the mechanic. Takes too long for totems to kill, and running around in monster-dense circle defenseless only with regen is..stressful.

Are you guys feeling the same? What am I doing wrong? Got 120C but gambling it on fusing the 6 link..not sure if its enough.

Please help me https://pastebin.com/G6niN1KA

If i'm looking at this POB right, you didn't have sanctum of thought, which means you aren't curse immune.


Cluster for blanketed snow is not worth all those points compared to base tree. You had 97 points in your pastebin, so I made a 97 point one.

Besides what I switched on the tree, its your wands, amulet, annoints. Need a diamond, silver, and quicksilver flasks. Besides that, pull up wallach pastebins from the front page of his guide and go down to the bottom of the pob to switch trees and follow his level 95 no clusters guide.

Really though, unless your POB doesn't match in game, not having sanctum of thought is your biggest problem.

faytte wrote:
Woof. I was hoping to a discount option. Actually a big reason I league started FP was the notion at a cheap alternative to mirror. I guess 4ex is still well cheaper than a mirror, but was eager for the bargain option.

I imagine we'll be 1ex in 2 days - the Maven fight is already profitable, and this will boost its popularity.
Last edited by NoImagination on Apr 19, 2021, 12:58:58 AM
faytte wrote:
Woof. I was hoping to a discount option. Actually a big reason I league started FP was the notion at a cheap alternative to mirror. I guess 4ex is still well cheaper than a mirror, but was eager for the bargain option.

It'll drop a fair amount over the next few days. The supply will overwhelm the demand as more people start getting to Maven. It's just basically only day 2 of the league because everyone's day 1 was a blow up.
I really enjoy leveling and farming but oh boy... i am one-shot in nearly every Ultimatum encounter I start :O I have no chance to even move sometimes... 3 rares next to me - dead :( Also an issue that Totems die faster then I can recast them...
Last edited by Edimasta on Apr 19, 2021, 3:53:34 AM
Edimasta wrote:
I really enjoy leveling and farming but oh boy... i am one-shot in nearly every Ultimatum encounter I start :O I have no chance to even move sometimes... 3 rares next to me - dead :( Also an issue that Totems die faster then I can recast them...

Try the following:
Replace Bonechill with inc. crit. (+Diamond Flask) and get more castspeed on the wands. Don't get to greedy, just do 2-3 waves before you have higher level of FP.
NoImagination wrote:
Yeh, 34k was fine for me in ~T11. T13 is too hard though, particularly with elemental resist etc. On the plus side, this is less than 10% the DPS of what should be possible.

I figured I'd keep a record to help people gauge their required DPS per map tier.

69k hideout DPS is fine in T14, though it's not trivial.

Asides from the usual, I'm using phase run, vaal grace, and vaal cold snap.
Last edited by NoImagination on Apr 19, 2021, 4:22:09 AM
I am facing the same problems some others here are having, my totems keep dying in Ultimatum events and so do I if I don't keep constantly moving, like 2-3 shotting me in Round 2-3 in T1-T2 maps. My totems seem to do 0 damage as well...

I am unable to get a proper Soul Mantle as well, Harvest doesn't want to spawn and I am out of Chromes.

capritus wrote:
Daemonion wrote:
I am not surviving ultimatums..feels bad that when my limit is alched T5 with current gear I cannot do all waves in ultimatum in that map..3-4 waves at most, and if indoor map, then 1-2 waves..im sad as I bet on totems to be cookie cutter in the mechanic. Takes too long for totems to kill, and running around in monster-dense circle defenseless only with regen is..stressful.

Are you guys feeling the same? What am I doing wrong? Got 120C but gambling it on fusing the 6 link..not sure if its enough.

Please help me https://pastebin.com/G6niN1KA

If i'm looking at this POB right, you didn't have sanctum of thought, which means you aren't curse immune.


Cluster for blanketed snow is not worth all those points compared to base tree. You had 97 points in your pastebin, so I made a 97 point one.

Besides what I switched on the tree, its your wands, amulet, annoints. Need a diamond, silver, and quicksilver flasks. Besides that, pull up wallach pastebins from the front page of his guide and go down to the bottom of the pob to switch trees and follow his level 95 no clusters guide.

Really though, unless your POB doesn't match in game, not having sanctum of thought is your biggest problem.

Thank you very much, I don't understand how I missread sanctum note, thought its just some minor dmg mitigation node. Also thank you for pob, I fixed my tree accordingly, got cca 50% more tooltip dmg.

Not sure how important is 20% cast/move from silver flask, I am running phasing for more qol and defense during dense ultimatum circle running.

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