[3.17] Wallach's Hierophant Freezing Pulse Totems (No Further Updates)

is it better if I take +3 power charges on tree and use a void bettery wand over a rare wand?
LightLoom wrote:
fryderyknicze wrote:
Same shit, as all bosses, but with totem.

No idea what to say, just... kill him lol.

If you have killed him with this build, then maybe you can provide some better pointers then just a lol... Doesn't really help, you know?

If it were exactly the same as with other builds, I would not have asked.

Problem is all the ice pods gets opened for me with this build for some reason. That makes the fight much harder. Probably I'm doing something wrong, but I use the same strategy as with other builds, make his charges not hit the pods etc.

Hi, I haven't been around much this league, so I can't say if anything in particular has changed with Aul. I also am not much of a fan of Delve and have only ever found and killed Aul once personally.

That said, I can't recall anything seeming out of place when I did kill him; it took me a couple tries since he had a damage buff in that zone, but the phase where you dodge his charges seemed normal. Can you elaborate on why all the pods are opening? Like is he charging towards totems instead of your position, or are you having to do too many phases or something?

is it better if I take +3 power charges on tree and use a void bettery wand over a rare wand?

No, I don't think the power charge investment is ever really worthwhile.
If I have a lv 4 empower, which suppport gem do I take off? Like controlled destruction or somthing else?
Emp 4 - obviously, armor with +1.

Not so obvious? Well, I use it with inc duration+steelskin+empower+Arcane Surge (1 lvl.). Its on my ''move'' click. Since amount of my armor is joke - Ive got perma 3,3k armor extra, and free arcane surge. Quality of life.
Before harvest i decided to go again with this build, this is my second league and learned again a lot.

I killed A8 Sirus, Uber Elder, Uber Atziri the first time by myself. Cleaned Simulacrum (last league i just get to wave 19 and had not enough damage and was overrun by the masses). You can see the improvement of my Hieros from last league and now and still i could improve many things this league.

What should i say i enjoyed and definitely recommend this build. :)
Should I focus on pure dmg or crits for gear? My crit chance is only 55% with 3 power charges and flasks and crafting crit gear seems expensive.
How much of this build carries over if I'm trying to use Frost Bolt instead of Freezing Pulse? Obviously the Unique Gems change but not sure if there is anything else. Thanks.
Another successful league end with this amazing build that can do every content. Great job Wallach and everyone else that suggested improvements! Can hardly wait for the next league :)
First of all, thanks for the great build. I just did a test run from lvl 1 to maps with Holy Flame totem and Wave of conviction totem. All well, but in the maps, even in T1, mobs kill my totems very easily. Like my totems live for 2-3 seconds, while during Acts I never had such a problem.
Any idea how to solve it?
This is the build which I got my first 90 lvl in HC with.

Playing this build feels like PoE in easy mode.

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